
The test

The wind blows though the room and the curtains rise and the sunlight flashes before my eyes. That is when l realised that l slept till morning.

Samantha:Alec wake up Alec, Alec l slept till morning.

Alec:(with a sleeping tone)what?what do u mean?

Samantha:(with anger and fear)it's morning.

Alec:oh on, wait but you told her that you are going to Ava's place right?

Samantha:yes but I don't think she will believe me I have never stayed at Ava's place overnight before.

Alec:Hey relax, let me drop you off.

Samantha:No don't worry I will go by myself.ok bye.

Alec:yh love you bye.

Samantha: love you too.

l got home as fast as I could and opened the door slowly and tried to run to my room. That is where the light turned on.

Mrs mcbrown: Good morning Samantha.

Samantha: sorry I was so tired so l slept off.

Mrs.mcbrowm:where are you coming from ?

Samantha: what do you mean I said...

Mrs . mcbrown:(cutting through massively)l mean where are you really coming from Samantha.

Samantha:mmmmm l'm sorry but I was at Ava's place l really mean it.

Mrs.mcbrown:(with a loud voice)Do you oh ... because I called your friend and she said you are not around Samantha I called your phone about ten times and u did not pick up.so now the who is the lair me or your friend,let me tell you something if it a guy who is keeping you from home books and family , he doesn't love you he just going get u pregnant and live you just like your dad did and I swear if that happens....get upstairs now.

As I walked upstairs I saw anger in my mum's eyes.I was thinking about my dad and asked myself "is this what Alec is going to do to me or should I put him on a test.That is when my phone started ringing.

Samantha: she has no shame how can she call me.

Ava: I'm so sorry Sam,I didn't know you were going to visit Alec , so tell girl did you get in trouble?

Samantha:I don't know she stopped talking as soon as she mentioned my dad's name and just told me to go upstairs.She also said something about my dad and how he left when she was pregnant.Do you think that what Alec is going to do to me?

Ava:Hell no Alec loves you okay so please stop thinking about it.okay so I know you are upset, let me you to rest.bye Sam.

Sam: bye.

I kept on thinking non stop about my dad and Alec so I really decided to test him.I pick up my phone and called Alec.

Samantha:Hey Alec I want to come over don't sleep.

Alec:Are you okay, because you know you have never stayed overnight before.wait did you .....

Samantha:(cutting through) okay bye see you later.

I waited till the middle of the night and sneak out. I was determined to move out my mother's house without divorcing her if necessary I will. I applied for a job which I'm going to receive response at the end of the week.I got to Alec's house and one of his servant open the door.I made my way upstairs and saw Alec on his phone waiting for me.

Samantha:(with a jealous look and Tone)I wonder who is so lucky to have such a wonderful night with you.

Alec: You are here ready and about that is just jeo, no need to be serious. Hey doll face tell me what happened at home.

Samantha: Don't worry, nothing serious.

Alec:oh really, Sam I know you very well besides you are not a very good liar.

Samantha:(with teary eyes) sometimes I wonder if she is my real mom.Her words hurt it like....mmmm. she said something about my dad, it was the worst moment ever.

Alec:wow great news why this long face then, tell me did she you about his whereabouts.

Samantha:It was not great and no she didn't tell me about his whereabouts bit warther told me that she was pregnant and my dad left her Tell me is it that my father did want us or it my mom's fault? but still you can't just have abundant your kids.

Alec: hmmm I think it's about time you told your mom about us.

Samantha: what?? Are you insane?Do you have an idea about she said even though I she doesn't know I am dating.....you know what I'm not in the mood for this, I'm going to have my bath, can I borrow any of your clothes.

Alec:Ok I will leave them on the table in the dressing room.

I went to have my bath for about 10 minutes and by the time I return Alec has already fallen asleep,he look so charming when he is asleep his lips looks so juicy I wanted to kiss it so bad but I can't give in just like that, I was too sacred to let any intercourse happen.The next morning I was awaking by Alec's voice.

Alec: Good morning sleeping beauty, c'mon babe wake up.

Samantha:(with a silly voice) what?? just give me 5 minutes.(Alec tickles me) ha ha ha ha stop it I'm awake stop.

Alec:Ha common wake up and give daddy a kiss.

Samantha: shut up you naught boy there is no way I'm kissing you, remember you promised me till marriage.

Alec:yes till marriage (sigh) Sam I know I promise you but it been one year don't you trust me.

Samantha:Alec, I trust you but I am not ready and I have actually lost trust for human and boys.

Alec: you know what, let stop talking about this ,we don't want miss breakfast,mom believe it brings the family together.

Sam: Alec,are you sure you are fine? can talk about this.

Alec:Hey I'm fine I promise you,it just that I was thinking..... you know what I am sorry for being such a jerk I love you now go and have your bath and meet is downstairs.

Sam: okay if you say so, I love you too.

Alec: I will go to the factory after that so I will tell fantana to get you some clothes.

I had my bath and went downstairs.

Miss Smith: Hi Samantha, come and sit down. I heard what happened but don't worry u can stay here as long as you want if your mother allows it.

Samantha: About that I have decided to move out of my moms house. I applied for a job and very soon I will get a response.

Alec: How come you didn't tell me anything.

Sam: mmmmm I decided to tell you this morning. I promise that I will move out as soon as get a job.

Miss Smith:No problem but what about your mother u know you can't move out till you are 18 right.

Sam:I know but she doesn't know that I'm dating but I think she suspects any I want to divorce her.

Miss Smith:wow, that is big move....

Alec: Jack let's get going, mother, fantana, don't be late.

Miss Smith: Boys I was thinking since Samantha wants a job she can be working at the factory or hotel what do you think.

Jack:fine with me_______Alec: me too I'm fine with it.

Fantana:first of all let me complement your clothes.i never knew my brother's clothes would fit you so nicely.and I am fine with you working in any of the company.

Miss Smith: so what do you say sam.

Samantha: First off all thanks for the offer but I can't accept it.

Alec: seriously Sam you are going to wait for a job which is only God knows when you are going to get responses.

Sam:Hey guys I'm totally fine, I will just wait.

Miss Smith: okay then if you say so.

Jack: okay we are running late bye.


Samantha:I'm overreacting or Alec doesn't support my idea?

Miss Smith: Hey It your decision I think he is only upset you didn't inform him first.

Fantana:yh I think mom is right anyway I would love if you accepted it so please think about it.

Samantha:I hope you are right because I don't want to believe what I'm thinking.

Miss Smith: okay we should go and get ready,see you later Sam. Dante we are done can you take care of everything and tell the driver to get ready.

Everyone dismissed to their rooms and soon after miss Smith and fantana left the house. I was thinking about how Alec behaviour this morning.That is when I had an Idea how to execute my first plan.I called Ava to check on her.

Samantha: hey Ava I just wanted to check on you. Are you fine?

Ava:No I'm not, Sam where are you, don't tell me you are at Alec's place if you are anyway you better go home because your mother is tormenting my life.

Samantha:what?what do you mean don't tell me you told her about my whereabouts and I'm not going anywhere,it not my home anymore.