
Chapter 9 No


  New York

  With the relentless paparazzi swarming around us and the scandal spiraling out of control, it became clear that the only sensible thing to do was to call Sebastian. 

  Kieran returned from his food run, visibly frustrated as he recounted the ordeal he had faced with the paparazzi. He had to call in extra security just to ensure our safety. "It's brutal out there," he reported, placing the food he had brought on the table.

  Bella had already started digging into the meal while I paced nervously in the living room. The weight of the media scrutiny and public judgment was suffocating, and I felt the need to reach out to Sebastian for guidance.

  "I should call Sebastian," I finally declared. "Maybe he will know what to do."

  Kieran nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you should. He is the father after all."