
CHAPTER 48 Divorce

  Mia POV

  New York

  We made our way back downstairs to the lively scene by the barbecue. Sebastian headed over to his brother, engrossed in a conversation that seemed to be a mix of sibling camaraderie and catching up on life's events. I, on the other hand, found myself assisting Sophia in setting the table, placing plates, and bringing out the drinks.

  Sophia's excitement was palpable as she carefully arranged the plates, a wide grin adorning her face. "This is my first barbecue in this house, and I am so excited!" She squealed, her enthusiasm infectious.

  As I was helping Sophia, Sebastian's mom, Elena, approached us with a warm smile. "Hello, Mia," she greeted, her eyes drifting to my midsection. "I can see the beautiful bump showing."