
CHAPTER 39 We are All Here to Protect You

  Mia POV

  New York

  The moment I saw the intruder, and he saw me, our screams pierced the silence of the night, creating a discord of terror and surprise. My heart raced as I prepared to strike the intruder with the object in my hand, a seemingly harmless hairbrush. But when the dim light revealed his face, my heart plummeted. It was Kieran.

  Wide-eyed and startled, Kieran stood before me, an expression of disbelief etched across his face. My hand, once poised to strike, now trembled with the realization of my mistaken attack. "What are you doing here at this hour?!" I exclaimed, a mixture of relief and frustration in my voice.

  Kieran blinked, clearly taken aback. "Why are you holding a hairbrush?" he inquired, his voice tinged with confusion.