
CHAPTER 29 An Impromptu Wedding

  Sebastian POV

  Los Angeles

  I noticed that something was off from the moment my mother offered to help Mia with her clothes. My mother was notorious for her protectiveness over her possessions and her aversion to anyone touching or trying on her things. It was a peculiar gesture, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt, assuming she wanted to bond with Mia, especially with the presence of unwanted guests like Gavin Bonehead Campbell, who sat across from me in the living room, wearing a sour expression.

  I couldn't deny feeling a mix of sympathy and frustration toward my cousin, Calypso, who had chosen to be with Gavin. She had seen his interview, which should have been a glaring red flag, but she seemed to have overlooked it. Everyone had their own problems to deal with, and it was clear that Calypso and Gavin were caught up in their own drama.