
CHAPTER 19 A Gold Digger


  New York

  I could see the fear in Mia's eyes, and her nod confirmed that the situation was indeed grave. "Is it that bad?" I asked, looking at her with concern.

  Mia whispered, "It is." Her trembling hand in mine only intensified my determination to protect her. The people who were supposed to provide her with safety and support were causing her such distress, and it enraged me.

  I squeezed her hand reassuringly and said, "I will be right behind you." Mia took a deep breath and opened the car door. I stepped out after her, keeping close to her side. As long as I was with her, she wouldn't have to face this alone.

  We were greeted with a chilling voice as we approached. "If it isn't the whore," a man sneered. He stood next to a woman who appeared equally terrified. My eyes fell on Mia's father and mother, and I couldn't help but wonder how a daughter could be treated so poorly by her own parents.