
Mr. Fu's Wife Reincarnated

International negotiator, Evelyn Cobb, was framed and killed. After waking up, she found herself in the body of a newly engaged female college student. When she first confronted her fiance, Christopher Robinson, his tone was cold and aggressive. "If you're obedient, you can stay. If you're not, I'll leave you." When she next confronted him, it was on stage during the International Collegiate Debate Competition at Capital University. She looked at Christopher Robinson, the judge below the stage, and asked in a firm voice, "Mr. Fu, what is marriage to you?" "It is all about mutual benefits," Christopher Robinson answered. Rumor had it that Christopher Robinson, the prince of the business world, married a beautiful wife. Little did he expect his wife to hold a knife to his throat on their wedding night. "In 2009, Evelyn Cobb, an international negotiator, went to Emarica for negotiations with her team. Their plane crashed on the way back. Did you have anything to do with it?" Christopher Robinson's heart shuddered. His suspicions had been confirmed. He looked helplessly at Evelyn Cobb. "I was behind it." Before getting married, she was a pawn on his chessboard. After getting married, she became a medicine he couldn't stop taking. There were rumors that the Jiang family's youngest daughter had no talent. Huh? How should I act? Evelyn Cobb thought. [From being indifferent to being absolutely obsessed with you. The female lead is smart and talented. Step by step, she's getting closer to the truth behind her death.] Conception: Loving yourself is the prerequisite for being loved by someone else.

Li Buyan · สมัยใหม่
776 Chs

011: Is Miss Cobb planning to run away from home?_1

นักแปล: 549690339

Amelia Cobb sat in the chair of the bus station, her thoughts had long since flown far away.

She seemed not to see the vehicles and people coming and going.

As she came out of the Job Defense Courtyard, it was as if her soul had been hooked away by something.

It wasn't until a black sky pressed down upon her that she blinked and slowly looked up.

She saw Christopher Robinson in his suit and polished shoes standing before her.

The man's hairstyle was meticulous, his black suit revealing his elite status without a doubt.

Amelia looked up at him, then slowly lowered her head again, like an elderly person who had lost interest in the world.

"Amelia Cobb," Christopher Robinson began in a low voice.

Amelia squinted slightly and looked up at him.

Christopher Robinson blocked Amelia's view, so she raised her hand to block the dimly lit lamppost's shadow.

"What is it?"

"What are you doing sitting here?" Christopher Robinson wasn't one to meddle in other people's affairs, but at this moment, he felt like he was looking at his own child when he saw Amelia.

"Just sitting," her tone was very light, as if she didn't want to say much.

Christopher Robinson was silent for a while: "Are you alone?"

"Is Mr. Robinson not busy?" Amelia didn't even include a word of urging, but her punctuation was all telling him to stay away.

Juliet Walker, of course, also saw Amelia.

Wondering how on this late night, and with the weather about to rain, this young girl was sitting in the bus station like a stray dog.

Logically, the Cobb family was quite well-off and would always have a driver when they went out.

As Juliet Walker contemplated this, her phone rang.

She listened to what was being said on the other end, then her face darkened.

She got out of the car and whispered into Christopher Robinson's ear, "The Cobb family called the police, saying Miss Cobb is missing."

Upon hearing this, Christopher Robinson's eyes widened in astonishment.

So, the person squatting before him was a missing person.

Christopher Robinson sighed, picked up Amelia, who was curled up at the bus station, while Juliet Walker swiftly snatched up Amelia's backpack from the ground and jogged over to open the car door.

"What are you doing?"

"Your father called the police."

The former – was Amelia's anger.

The latter – was Christopher Robinson's voice, steady as water, informing her.

Amelia went silent.

"Not going home late at night and wasting society's resources?"

"If I didn't know better, I'd think I'm wasting resources from your family," Amelia retorted lazily.

Upon hearing Amelia's words, Juliet Walker's foot, which was lightly pressing the accelerator, became surprised and without control, stepped harder on the accelerator.

With a crisp sound, the car shot out.

Amelia wasn't sitting securely and her body lunged forward, nearly crashing into the passenger seat's backrest, but it was thanks to Christopher Robinson's quick action that she was pulled back in time.

Christopher Robinson stared at Amelia and spoke softly, "It seems you have a considerable prejudice against me."

"Anyone would have prejudice against someone they dislike getting married to, Mr. Robinson. Whether it was the first time at the bar or the second time at the old Cobb house, you never concealed the killing intent in your eyes."

"Sir…" Juliet hesitated, seemingly asking Christopher Robinson where they were going.

Without a thought, Christopher said, "Orchard Garden."

Juliet was surprised for a moment but drove straight to Orchard Garden.

Orchard Garden in the capital, one of a kind.

An ancient mountainside villa, bought by Mr. Robinson and turned into a private residence after spending a fortune on construction.

Now, it had become a landmark building in the capital.

In this city where every inch of land was valuable, a villa built on a park was a symbol of status.

Inside the car, silence reigned.

Amelia smelled the faint scent of tobacco and alcohol on the man's body; undoubtedly, he had just come from a social engagement.

The effects of alcohol hadn't yet subsided, and he didn't want to argue with a young girl.

The car stopped in front of Orchard Garden.

Amelia wasn't surprised seeing the lavishly constructed mountainside villa.

Not long ago, she was Christopher Robinson's guest, and he had taken her around the entire place, talking about international affairs, industry turmoil, and various international relations with her, all the while calling her Edward Cobb.

A week later, she stepped into this place again as Christopher Robinson's fiancée.

Standing in the courtyard, Amelia felt as if she was in a different world.

The luxury of Orchard Garden couldn't be described with mere words.

Not long ago, Christopher Robinson had personally introduced her to the garden, saying it wasn't originally named Orchard Garden but was renamed because his mother liked listening to Central Plains opera. How could he not be a filial son for catering to his mother's interests?

Yet, it was this seemingly filial son who later revealed his true nature to Amelia.

"Miss Cobb, please," Juliet's words brought Amelia back to her senses.

Amelia stepped onto the stairs, her expression calm, unstartled by the luxurious garden, which left Juliet taken aback.

As soon as Amelia entered, she saw Christopher Robinson take a cup of water from a servant and take a sip.

One hand holding his phone, taking a call.

"Yes, Amelia is with me, I'll have someone send her back later."

"Don't worry, Mr. Cobb."

Christopher Robinson's words were brief, and after exchanging a few pleasantries, he hung up the phone.

He picked up his cup and took a sip of water, handing it to the servant. Then he unbuttoned his tie and tossed it carelessly onto the sofa.

Only then did he remember Amelia: "Have you eaten?"

Amelia didn't make a sound.

Christopher Robinson understood.

"Get some food for Miss Cobb."

"Is there anything you'd like to eat, Miss Cobb?"


Christopher Robinson: ...

The person who was about to go upstairs retracted his foot, looking at Amelia in disbelief: "What do you want to eat?"

Amelia remained silent.

Both Juliet and the housekeeper were stunned.

Christopher Robinson glared at her, his expression suggesting that this matter wouldn't end unless she spoke.

Amelia opened her mouth again: "Elixir."

She was prepared to say something like a soul-recovery pill.

With a sneer, the man scoffed, "Elixir is nothing. Miss Cobb, why not broaden your horizons? I can have someone send you to a temple to eat Monk Tang's flesh. Isn't that better?"

After saying this, Christopher Robinson turned and went upstairs.

As the man went to the upper floor to splash cold water on his face, Juliet, who was standing by the bathroom door, handed him a towel: "I think… Miss Cobb seems very strange?"

"How strange?" Christopher Robinson took the towel and wiped his hands.

"She seems very familiar with Orchard Garden when she looks around; there's a sense of familiarity in her eyes."

Christopher Robinson paused his hand-wiping motion: "Keep an eye on her."

Juliet nodded.

"Has she been here before?"

Juliet shook her head: "No."

When Christopher Robinson came downstairs in his loungewear, he saw Amelia holding a cup of hot water, squatting in front of the sofa, and sipping it carefully.

"Is Miss Cobb planning to run away from home today?" Christopher Robinson sat on the sofa and looked at the person squatting on the ground.

Amelia didn't look up, her eyes staring at an unknown creature under the coffee table: "So, Mr. Robinson thinks I'm going to run away, and that's why he brought me here without asking any questions?"