
Mr. and Miss Popular

Brittany, tall, blonde, blue-eyed, every guy's dream. She's the most popular girl in the Disnee High School and of course, all the boys want to date her...the problem is, she likes nerds and she believes that girls like her always falls in love with the nerds. Seth, total bad boy, sleeps around, fell in love once and never made the mistake again. But then he sits on the Brittany Copper's car. That's where everything went south. They hated each other and got on each other's nerves a lot. But after an awful prank, they realize they have to literally work together and who knows? Sparks might just fly

Yumi_Youko_21 · วัยรุ่น
26 Chs

Chapter 19

"Gamma rays have a more penetrating power than alpha and beta particles. So you..." Brittany had zoned out. The only thing on her mind was what had happened yesterday. Why did he follow me if he wasn't jealous?

"Bri!" Damian said as he tapped her and she snapped out of her zone. "Yeah?" "You didn't hear anything I said did you?" Damian asked and Brittany rubbed her neck embarrassedly, "Sorry" "It's okay! You must be tired" Damian said and she nodded, "I want to go home" she said as she stood up but Damian held her hand, "You've been ditching too much. Your grades are really slipping" he said and she snatched her hand away from him.

Damian looked at his hand and closed it. Brittany had never removed her hand from his. "I'm sorry...I just..." "It's okay. I'll drive you" he offered as he stood up. "I'm okay Damian. I just want to be alone" she said and grabbed her bag and left the library.


Brittany was about opening the door of her car when her eyes caught Seth standing in between a girl's legs while she sat on a black truck. He whispered something in her ear and she giggled.

Seth raised his head and saw Brittany staring at him. He remembered her holding Damian's hand so he bent down to the girl's neck and kissed it. It made Brittany remember the neck kiss he had given her on the cliff.

She blinked the tears which were about falling, back in and opened her car but then a hand closed it. "What the hell?! You could've hurt my hand!" she yelled at the person. It was a tall guy with kinda orange hair. He looked really familiar but she could not remember his name.

She racked her brain for his name but it wasn't coming to her. "Zed!" he said, on seeing her confusion. "Zed...why did you suddenly close the door, you could have broken my nail" "Fuck! I thought you would be sad" "If you would have broken my nail, I wouldn't have been sad. I would have run you over...with my car" "Bluebell, I don't mean sad about your car, I mean sad about Seth".

Brittany's face fell. She was sad alright but she had to put on a brave face because she hated crying in public. She was about to enter her car and cry but Zed had stopped her.

Brittany was about to say that she wasn't sad but she realized that he had called her bluebell. "What did you just call me?" she asked and Zed looked at her, "Bluebell". She was about to explode with anger but then..."Hmmm...I kinda like it!"

"Works for me" Zed shrugged "I think I'll call you carrot top!" she suggested. "Not cute but I'll manage" "So it's settled then, Carrot top" she smiled "Bluebell" he grinned then they laughed.

Seth looked at them. What's so funny? he thought, and why is Zed laughing with her? He looked back at the girl in front of him and pulled her closer then he smashed his lips on hers.

"Bluebell, Seth likes you" Zed said and Brittany rolled her eyes and caught a glimpse of what Seth and the girl were doing. "Well Carrot top, if he did like me, why is he making out with that girl?" she asked bitterly and Zed looked back and saw Seth's hands on the girl's waist, her hands in his hair and their mouths intertwined.

"Son of a bitch!" he cussed out and Brittany looked at him, "Language Carrot top" "Regardless of whatever he does, Seth really likes you" "How do you know?" she asked as she folded her arms. "C'mon Bluebell, Seth and I have been best buds since middle school. He'll obviously tell me when he likes a girl" "Did he tell you about his ex-girlfriend?" she asked and he froze, "How do you know about Sam?" "C'mon Carrot top, Seth and I have known each other for some time now. Of course I know about his ex-girlfriend" she mimicked him.

Zed rolled his eyes, "Whatever! Don't let whatever he does get to you. He likes you". But I love him, she thought. "Carrot top, I have feelings you know? Whatever he does will obviously get to me" "Why don't you make him jealous?" "You were there yesterday. He wasn't jealous!" she pouted and he smirked, "You sure? Cos I remember him looking at you and that guy in glasses, with a binoculars". "You kidding, right?" she said unbelievably "Bluebell, you just have to continue until he admits his feelings".

"Why are you helping me Carrot top?" she asked and he shrugged, "I just want my best bud not to have STDs" he said and Brittany glanced at Seth again. This time he was sucking on her neck, "I guess he doesn't want that help!" she said and got into her car then she drove off.

Zed felt a hand on his shoulder, "What were you discussing with Britt---" "Arrgghh!" Zed screamed and turned and saw Seth. "How did you get here so fast? Were you not shoving your tongue down that girl's throat just now?" "I got bored and tired. I also hated the way her tongue rolled on mine" Seth said and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, "Gross!" he said.

"Hey! Don't try to change the topic. What were you and Brittany talking about?" "Nothing that concerns" Zed smirked. "Zeddddd!" someone screamed and Zed and Seth turned and saw Taylor running towards them.

"Oh shit!" Zed and Seth said together but before they could run, Taylor kicked Zed in the gut. "Ah!" Zed grunted in pain as he held his stomach. "Jesus Taylor, what the hell was that for?" Seth asked "He was talking and laughing with Brittany, so I thought he was asking her out". "Then in that case, he deserves more!" Seth laughed.

"I wasn't fucking asking her out!" Zed said angrily and started walking away. Zed looked so serious. "Oh my God he's angry!" Taylor said and followed him, "Babe I was just playing" she whined.


Brittany dropped her bag on her bed and fell on the bed. She remembered Seth making out with that girl and tears stung her eyes. "Don't let it get to you, huh?" she said and the tears started falling.

"Brittany Hope Copper!" Lisa yelled and Brittany quickly stood up and wiped the tears off her face and quickly applied her moisturizer under her eyes. She did not want Lisa to know she had boy problems.

"Yes, Lisa... What the heck is your middle and last name" "That's for me to know and not you, young lady. Why are you home so early?" "How did you know I was home?" "Your car is in the driveway and you walked through the front door and said; 'hey Lisa!'" "Oh yeah! I normally do that when I come back from school".

"You're lucky your dad isn't home. He would have driven you back to school" Lisa said as she left the room. "Where is he?" Brittany asked as she followed Lisa "I don't know, he said something about lunch with Phormeus" Lisa said and Brittany gasped, "That snake!"

"Anyways it's good you're home early" Lisa said and Brittany rested her hand on her forehead, "I feel feverish" "It's not housework" Lisa rolled her eyes and Brittany removed her hand, "It's not?" "Nope!" "Then what is it?" "We're having a dinner..." "With Phormeus?" Brittany asked excitedly. "With your father's business associates" Lisa said and Brittany scrunched up her face, "Ew! So it's gonna be boring".

"Apparently. I'd rather watch Friends" "With me?" Brittany smiled as she held Lisa's chubby arm. "By myself. Anyway, we need to go shopping. I need to buy groceries and you need a dress for---" Lisa saw Brittany wearing sunglasses and her hair was even bouncier. "You don't have to tell me twice!"

"How did your hair get so bouncy and where did the glasses from?" Lisa asked and Brittany flipped her hair up, "Never ask a queen questions" she said and Lisa rolled her eyes.


Seth sat in Zed's room with Zed and Taylor. "I understand the fact that we had an emergency meeting but why the fuck does it have to be your bedroom where there's probably semen and Taylor's juice around?" Seth yelled and Taylor smacked his head, "Shut your mouth!"

"Enough with the sex talk! We're here to talk about Seny" Zed said and Taylor looked at him in confusion, "What's that?" "Seth and Brittany's ship name. Thought about it all night" Zed said proudly "I think Sethany is better than Seny" Taylor said.

"Seny!" Zed argued.

"Sethany!" Taylor snapped.


"None of them!" Seth yelled and they looked at him, "Why not?" Zed asked. "Yeah dude, it's so obvious you like Brittany" Taylor said. Seth looked at the both of them. Hell yeah he liked Brittany but last night he had fucked Sam. A huge mistake. After they had broken up, he had promised himself never to have sex with Sam. But last night, he was angry.

"I slept with Sam!" he dropped the bomb. Taylor and Zed were quiet for sometime. The silence was killing Seth. "Say something guys!" Taylor and Zed looked at each other.

"Hold on, sleep as in, you went to visit her and then you just fell asleep on her bed and she slept beside you or sleep as in, you took off your pants and she took off her panties and you guys tried the baby-making process?" Zed asked.

"We tried the baby-making process" Seth said and Taylor got up then she walked around the room while Zed just stared at his hands.

Zed and Taylor looked at each other then they looked at Seth then back at each other. Seth couldn't take it anymore, "If you have something to say, say it!" he yelled.

"You are a fucking idiot!" Taylor yelled and Zed pinched the bridge of his nose. Taylor could not control her anger. "How can you fuck Sam when you like Brittany?" Zed asked calmly "Why the fuck are you calm Zed? Why the fuck are you calm?!" Taylor yelled and ran her fingers through her long dark hair. She had not gotten a haircut since.

"I was angry okay? Brittany was with that nerd and what was I supposed to do? I had to get it off my chest!" Seth shouted. "Well you were at fault. When she fucking confessed, you could have told her you liked her back!" Zed shouted and Taylor looked at him. Zed hardly lost his temper.

"Do you even know what you have done? Sam kissed Mark, you broke up with her and after some time, you go back and fuck her!" Zed yelled and took a deep breath. "Just get out" he said but Seth didn't move.

"Get out!" Zed shouted as he stood up and Seth got up and left. He knew Zed's anger. Zed had once broken a kid's ribs in middle school, when he was angry.

"Baby, calm down" Seth heard Taylor say. She was probably trying to kiss him. "You don't deserve Brittany" Zed said and Seth didn't hear anything else.

Seth sighed. God he was a fool. But he knew how to make it right.


Brittany removed the curling iron from her hair and flipped it up. "I look good!" she smirked. We look good, her conscience said and Brittany rolled her eyes, "Where have you been? I haven't heard from you since Yogi decided to pull the trigger". I was busy collecting myself together, her conscience said.

Lisa opened the door, "Brittany the guests are arriving and who are you talking to?" "Myself" "Girl you going crazy" Lisa said and left. Brittany straightened her knee-length, black, boob top, ruffled evening gown and adjusted her pearl necklace then she went downstairs.

Classical music played from the speaker softly. There were many rich and poised people everywhere and they were drinking champagne while boys in black and white moved around with trays containing champagne flutes.

"I'm going back" Brittany said and turned to go but Scott held her hand, "Where do you think you're going? The party just started" he said and dragged her down while she put on a fake smile.

As usual, Scott took her around introducing her to rich old people. As usual, some of the old men commented on how she had grown and how her body was mature. Most of the old women told her off about her cleavage showing and that made her realize that people would always be people, regardless of her age.

Boys would always be horny whether they were old or teenagers and girls would always be jealous whether they were old or teenagers.

"By the way dad, I don't see Maddie and Archer" Brittany said and Scott smiled, "Archer called and said he couldn't make it. He said he was taking Ruby out on a date" "Aww...so they're getting back together?" "Hope so! I'm so glad he's finally over Josie". "You were just jealous dad" she rolled her eyes as Scott dragged her to a set of people.

"This is Mr. David Thompson" Scott introduced a huge man wearing a black suit, he had black hair sleeked back and he looked like Damian without the glasses. And that was hot. Really hot. Like pussy-drop hot.

"It's a pleasure to meet the Miss Copper Damian has always talked about" David smiled and Brittany smiled back, "It's a pleasure to meet the Mr. Thompson Damian has never talked about" she mimicked him and he laughed.

"I like you already" David smiled "Sweetheart come" he said and a lady came towards him. She was really pretty. She had long dark hair with streaks of green and a very nice figure. She was wearing a long, black, off-shoulder evening gown with a high slit. She was even showing off more cleavage than Brittany.

Wow! You go girl! Brittany thought. "This is my wife Myra" David said as he held the small of her back. "Hi! Damian talks about you a lot!" Myra said with a toothy grin then she dragged a girl who looked like she wanted to be anywhere but here. "Come and meet your brother's girlfriend, Lizzie" Myra said and Damian blushed from wherever he was, "No! We're just good friends" Brittany said.

"Not for long" Scott smirked and Myra and David laughed. "I'm going to the kitchen to see if there's something better than spinach and lettuce with more leaves" Lizzie said and left. Brittany quietly tiptoed away from her dad and saw Damian taking champagne from a waiter.

"There you are!" Brittany said as she ran and held his arm, "Hey!" he smiled at her. "Why didn't you tell me your parents look like Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively?" "What?" "Your dad is a fine piece of ass and your mom is hotter than hot sauce. God I love her smile so much" Brittany gushed and elbowed him in the ribs, "I can see where you got your smile" she said and he smiled. "Don't smile at me like that! I might just fall in love with you" she joked and he blushed, looking away.

"By the way you look very good" Brittany smirked at Damian's grey tuxedo. His hair was not gelled back and he was not wearing his glasses. "I thought you couldn't see without your glasses". Damian could see very well without his glasses. He just needed them for reading, watching TV, using his phone and using any electronic device that emits blue rays. But he wore them everytime cos according to him, they were comfortable.

"I---" he was saying but Brittany slipped her hand from his arm to his hand and she squeezed it a little. "Since you can't see, I'll lead you around". Damian wanted to tell Brittany that he could see her looking so beautiful in her dress but he kept it to himself and squeezed her hand back. At least she was touching him. So warm, he thought.

He shoved his other hand in his pocket and let her lead him, "By the way I'm not blind. My vision is just blurry" "Oh yeah? Can you see this?" then she started behaving like a worm that salt was sprinkler on. Damian burst out in laughter.

"The heck? You can actually see. Guess you don't need..." she was removing her hand from his but he held her hand back, "I can't see. I was just...thinking you were doing something pretty hilarious". "If you say so. But I got my eyes on you!" she said as she used two of her fingers to point her eyes and then his eyes.


"I'm exhausted!" Brittany said as she collapsed on her bed. Damian collapsed beside her, "Me too" he said and they looked at each other and laughed.

Brittany reached out to Damian's hair and started running her fingers through it. "I don't want this to end" she said softly "What?" he asked as he turned his full body towards her, "Everything about us. Our friendship, the way we're so free with each other".

Damian sighed. He wanted their friendship to grow into something more. Something wherein he could hold her hand in public, kiss her till their lips were swollen, push her against a wall and mark her just like the way Seth had marked her, tell everyone that she was his, get jealous whenever she was too friendly to another guy, take her out on dates and then take her back home and give her a goodnight kiss.

"What's wrong?" she asked and he held her hand and took it away from his hair, "But I want our friendship to end". "What do you mean?" "Come on Bri, isn't it obvious already?" "What is?" "I'm in love with you" he said as he looked directly into her eyes. Damian had always been shy yo look her in the eyes but a man gotta do what a man gotta do when confessing his feelings.

Brittany sat up. How could she have missed it? She always knew when a guy was crushing on her so how could she not know that Damian liked, no, loved her?

I mean that was her original plan. Find a nerd, get him to fall in love with her and then she too would fall in love in him and they would live happily ever after. So what went wrong? Seth Michael Williams. He had come into her life and had messed up her plan and her brain. She thought about him everyday and even now that Damian had told her about his feelings for her, she was thinking about Seth.

"You're thinking about him, aren't you?" Damian said dully and she looked at him. "Seth" he said and she opened her mouth to say something but he chuckled, "I knew it. God I knew it. I fucking knew it but I wanted to believe I had a chance since you liked nerds and I was the only nerd close to you...but I guess the bad boy always gets the girl".

"Damian..." "But it's okay. Forget this ever happened, we're friends for life!" he said with a painful smile. "Damian!" Brittany whisper-shouted as she cupped his face then she rested her forehead on his, "Don't ever smile like that again! I said I liked your smile so don't you dare give me a painful smile" she warned.

Everywhere was quiet and the only thing that could be heard was their soft breathing. "I'm sorry I didn't notice that you loved me, I'm sorry I was thinking about Seth when you told me how you felt, I'm sorry for making you harbor all these feelings towards me and I'm sorry for making you fall in love with me" she sobbed.

Damian cupped her face in his hands, "Hey! It was my decision to fall in love with you. You did nothing wrong. I'm the one that's sorry for telling you when I knew you liked Seth" he said and she shook her head, "Don't be" she said and he smiled, "I just wished I could have gotten...a chance...to show you how much you meant to me" he said and his eyes flicked to her lips.

"And I'm also sorry for this" he said and smashed his lips against hers. His first kiss.

Brittany pulled back out of shock and just stared at Damian. Brittany did not know what happened to her but whatever it was, it made her pull him closer and kiss him. Damian's hands went to her waist and she deepened the kiss. She was leading him on. She had to stop but she kept on kissing him.

"What the fuck?" she froze.