


I walked in the corridor with Peyton and Emma by my side. I yawned. I was still tired as yesterday, after the day at the beach, everybody came home and we spend the night talking. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and I bumped into someone's back. /"careful there/" I heard Ben said as he held on to my waist. I opened my eyes and met his gray ones.

/"Thank you/" I told him with a smile. His hands were still on my waist when Peyton cleared her throat.

/"Okay, you can let her go now, we'll be late/" Peyton said eyeing Ben's hands on my waist. By the way he was looking at me, I knew that he liked me. I smiled as he took his hands off and smiled back.

/"I'll walk you to class/" Ben said rather to me than to the others. I simply nodded as we walked to the class. As I entered the class, Jake was already seated with some of his jock friends. Ben bent to kiss my cheek which made my eyes go wide in surprise.