
Mr handsome and miss feisty P.S I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU

Everything was great for Kim na-ra , well at least good, that was until Justin lee showed up,the heir to lee corp's,and also her best friend kid brother. "don't look at me like that , what if someone comes in" Kim na-ra says with her tumbling voice giving her away "but I thought you where not affected at all,it was just one night right?", Justin replied with his face not leaving any expression,his hands in pockets,even though he was not touching her he made his eyes take all over her body not leaving a part out then he took slow and deliberate steps toward her "Justin, Justin what are you doing, Justin I am telling you now, you know my parents hate yours and there will be here anytime soon, so for your safety" but before Kim na-ra could finish her words a voice of a child interrupted them "mommy, mommy,see what I drew at school today",it was her son's voice ,running with his small legs with Justin half sister hyun-a trying to catch up to him then the door opened "Justin what are you doing here". hyun-a asked in surprised with no response from him she turns to look at what caught his attention. Justin wasn't looking at her,he was looking at the innocent boy looking at him,it was as if he was looking at his younger self "oh, no, no ,no, this can't be happening"Kim na-ra thought ___________________________________ The novel cover does not belongs to me

Cassandra_George_0312 · สมัยใหม่
51 Chs


"If I wanted to I would have asked security to throw you out,that's when you can say I am all formal"

Justin replies relaxing confidently on his seat

"Okay,I can understand ,but I will like to know why you asked b&b cosmetics to remove me from the project "

sung ju asked trying not to look furious

"How sure are you that I am the one "

Sung ju could see that Justin was obviously teasing him as he watches a brief smile play on his face,from the man who he has never seen smile

"Who could have done it if not for you,look mr lee let's put all that in the past,how about you help me change there minds ,we really need this project "

The teasing look on Justin face suddenly becomes cold

"Look here mr sung ju,as you said it's in the past ,if you ever try to come looking for me without making an appointment ,I will not hesitate to throw you out

Of this building "

But mr lee,

Sung ju was cut off before he could speak further

"Will you leave now or should I call security to throw you out "

"Maybe I will come back later mr lee when you are more calm"

With that sung ju left the office

Kim Nara had just finished making cereal for insu when the door bell rang

"I am coming"

she says to no one in particular then went to open the door ,though she knew very soon the lee beauty cosmetics and fashion line worker will be coming soon with dresses for tonight ,but what she saw was beyond her expectations,not one but more than 12 workers if not more walking into the house,with with cloth lines like they were on a runway show,the makeup artist also coming in with two assistant,the quite home becoming crowded ,with the latest shoes and dresses

"What is going on here?"

The look of surprise not hidden from her face

The head of lee fashion store replies,as she busied herself from walking around Nara to turning her around thinking of the best suitable dress for her

Mr lee said you have already been informed of our visit,

At last standing infront of Nara to introduce herself,her hand stretched out for an handshake

"I am the head manager of lee stores and I will be the one attending to mrs lee today "

which Nara didn't hesitate to accept ,thinking the lady had to be corrected on the mrs lee part

"I think you are mistaken,I am not mrs lee lee but miss Kim "

"I don't think so ma'am ,mr lee strictly informed us to address you as mrs lee"

Insu had already walked over to his mom

"Mama,she is right daddy says you will soon be mrs lee just like daddy and I,you will bear the lee name "

"Insu you are not helping "

Nara says to giggling insu as she was pushed to sit down while they showed her the clothes on display

With the clap of the head manager's hand one of the workers who walked once to were Nara stood putting a laptop on the table,

Not waiting for Nara to ask what it is for ,she explained,mr lee requested for a FaceTime with you when we get here,in his words to you,

"You are beautiful enough to stand beside me,so whatever you are uncomfortable with, you don't go beyond that"

finishing awkwardly the lady continues

"I love you "

This brought giggles from the other workers even when trying to hide it professionally,

"I never knew mr lee was such a poet",

the make up artist says,which nara guessed must be gay

Nara face became so red hearing the words feeling so shy,but insu had already say down comfortably watching the show ,and like on cue Justin appears on the laptop screen,

"Justin must you go through so much ceremony just for a party "

"No,I am going through all this ceremony just for you,I want you to have the best of everything",

Justin says,closing all he was doing to focus on Nara,his assistant which was Just leaving Justin office froze at the cheesy words that left his boss mouth,turning back to look at his boss who gave his a killer stare making him leave the office

Nara couldn't wait for all the fuse to end,as she passed through it all

this fit you perfectly,this goes well with you skin color,that need to be added to it,you should relax let's do the work and so on

Have I told you how beautiful you look,

Justin says again

Justin,you have said so a million times this night and we haven't even gotten to the party yet,

Nara says still feeling anxious using her hands to play with the chain which was gifted to her earlier that night by Justin on seeing her and since then even as the sat at the back seat while the chauffeur drove Justin had looked no where but at her ,

That is because you do,

Nara caught the chauffeur staring at them through the review mirror

Making her hit Justin playfully in his arm and a fake pain sound was made by him,this made them both smile,then Justin took nara's left palm in his,putting them on his laps

"Noona,you know my mom might look strict and all having all her faults but once you get to know her,you will realize that she has got more good to her than bad,if you think fora minute I will let the love of my life be bullied you have got it wrong ,besides I know my woman is not one to seat down to get bullied ,I love you Kim Nara,I will always love you "

With that he brought her hand which he was holding to his lips kissing it,this brought tears to nara's eyes watching the man she loved love her so much

I love you Justin lee,now and forever

Finally arriving at their destination,the press where everywhere,this was the party of the century,Justin stepping out,looking dashing as always in his suit,looking like a male god,everyone knew Justin never fails to disappoint when it comes to fashion,making all female heads turn wherever he went,sometimes making Nara wish she could be the only one who could look at him,the paparazzi rushing to take pictures of him when they noticed the woman who came out after him,Nara was really a breath taking,looking dazzling in her half shoulder nude color dress,with the gold chain gifted to her by Justin,the makeup looking natural on her face ,nara looked beautiful and classy,the flash lights everywhere as they took pictures of the Justin lee,heir to the lee empire and his mysterious plus one.