

"Rule one. Look at me when i talk to you. Rule two. Don't bite your lip around me or else..." he paused. I stared at him waiting for him to continue. I strangely enjoy what his touch is doing to me and and i wanted more. " else?" I asked and his grip on my tigh tightened causing me to unintentionally gasp. Before i could comprehend, his lips crashed into mine. I let out a low moan as his tongue slipped into my mouth and began exploring every coner of my mouth. He lowered me so as our crotch are on the same level. He pressed his body against mine, and my legs rapped around his back. His warm lips found their ways to my neck and to my colar bone. He gently kissed and nibbled on my skin as he gently let me go. I stood on my feet but leaned on him for support as my knees were still weak. He let go of me after i gained my stance and made his way out of my office.. "Now you know" he said before closing the door shut.

D_anonymous · สมัยใหม่
34 Chs

chapter 17

Killian's pov

I sat back on the couch, watching evita sleep. There were bruises and cuts on her head, ankles, knees, wrists and palms. She also suffered a concussion. She must have been hit on the head. The doctor also said the weakness and fainting was mainly due to the fact that she had not eaten and partly due to fear. She's not in any danger now but we don't know when she might wake up. This is all my fault. If i had just told her the truth from the start, she won't be in this condition. I need to know who did this. Whoever did this must pay. I picked up my phone to call jonas to ask if they found anything. Before i could dial his number, i got a call from a private number. Who could it be? I answered and brought the phone to my ear.

"Killian lockewood speaking" I said

"I'm very well aware of that killian" the person said

"Who are you? I don't have time for game's right now"

"Who would have know you care so much about your Secretary? If i had known, i wouldn't have released her"

"Zachary" he did this

"Finally.... took you long enough. Its Been a while killian. A little birdie of mine informed me you are in spain. Business I assume? Or are you here to finish off what you started? I doubt that tho, you are way too busy for that. But guess what, I'm not. I have all the time there is. Make sure you keep one thing in mind, i will come for you, and I'll finish what you started. Now that is enough chatting for a day, i have to go back to plotting against you. See you soon killian". He said and hung up. I'd always known my past will come back for me, but I never knew someone else will have to bare the consequences of my actions with me.


10 years ago

"Please sir, we will repay you. Please give us more time..Please". The pleas of these peasants served as nutrition to my ego. It makes me feel powerful and i love it. I chuckled as i made my way back to him.

"Do you remember what you said when you came to ask for the money?"

"I said I'll pay back in a year" he murmured.

"Louder!" I yelled

"I said I'll pay back in a year, please dont kill me" he yelled back, crying and begging for his life. Of course i won't kill him, how then will I get my money back? But he doesn't know that. He's so overshadowed with fear to think properly.

"You said in a year, i have given you a year and 2 extra weeks, and you still ask for more?" I asked squeezing his face with my hands.

"Pleasee" he fell on his knees and begged. Begging is not what i want to see, i want to see 5 million dollars.

"Alright, I'll give you 24 hours. If you don't bring it by then....."

"Yes yes, i will, thank you very much sir. Thank you" he cried at my feet and he slowly went outside.



Evita's pov

"Beep beep beep beep" was all i could hear and its killing me. I slowly opened my eyes and almost got blinded by the lights of where ever I am. What happened? Where am I? I thought within me. I shut my eyes tightly and tried to remember what happened, all i got was a headache. After a while i opened my eyes to take in my environment. I blinked rapidly so my eyes can adjust to the light. When it did, i was faced with a white wall with lights around. I turned to my side and there were different machines and equipment beside me. It didnt take much thinking for me to figure out i was in the hospital. But why? I slowly adjusted myself so i was sitting on the bed, the ward was very huge and had 3 couches in it. It could easily contain 20 people. The double doors opened to reveal mr lockewood. This is the first time, i see him looking worried.

"Miss valkov" he said and rushed towards me.

"You are awake" he held my hand.

"Obviously,i am" i chuckled and he did too. Well, it seems the world is ending.

"Are you okay?" He asked still holding my hand.

"Yeah just a slight headache, what happened? Why am I in the hospital?" I asked him.

"One minute I was waiting for you to get back home, the next minute Im waking up in the hospital" I continued seeing the confused look on his face.

"Oh uhh Yeahh I-i will be right back,just one minute okay?" He stuttered and dashed out of the room. He came back in with 3 doctors and they started examining me..

"What is going on, sir?" I asked the worried looking lockewood who stood beside me.

"Calm down miss valkov, it's fine" he said.

"Wha- how can I calm down? There are random people examining me and you are asking me to calm down?" I yelled and snatched my arm from them.

"Please ma'am, we'll explain everything to you once we are done, you just woke up Please don't stress yourself, you have to calm down" the doctor said.

"Yes miss valkov, I'll explain to you once they are done" mr lockewood said nodding his head slowly. I decided to let them do what they want to do.. they started asking me different questions like where was the last place i was, do I know where I am , and all sort of questions. I am the one who is to ask them because i have zero idea how i got here.

They all went out of the room again. After a while, mr lockewood came back in and sat on the couch next to me.

"So?" I urged.

"Well when i got back home, i found you laying on the ground. I called you but you weren't responding so i rushed you to the hospital. The doctor said you must have slipped and fell and hit your head seeing as you suffered a concussion and you lost consciousness also because you havent eaten" he explained. Well that makes sense. I sighed and moved my hair from my face when i noticed the mark on my wrist and the bruises on my palm

"What about these then?" I asked him. I have a very strong feeling he isn't telling me something.

"I don't know, maybe you hurt yourself while i was away, you can't remember any of it now be cause of the concussion

but you will once you get some rest" he answered me. I eyed him suspiciously and reluctantly nodded. He's hiding something from me again but this time I will find out what it is.

"Let's go home, Jonas is getting your discharge papers ready" he said with hands stretches forth towards me. I took it and slowly got off the bed.

"Gently" he said and held my waist. I leaned on him for Support as we made our way out of the room.


Killian's pov

I walked in to the room to see miss valkov staring at me already.

"Miss valkov" i said and rushed towards her. I can't believe this

"You are awake" I yelled holding her hand.

"Obviously,i am"she said chuckling and i chuckled to. She still has her sassiness, that's a good sign.

"Are you okay?" I asked still holding her hand. I just feel like,if I leave her alone,She might just disappeare.

"Yeah just a slight headache, what happened? Why am I in the hospital?" She asked. Doesn't she remember what happened? How's that possible.

"One minute I was waiting for you to get back home, the next minute Im waking up in the hospital" she continued. I need to get the doctor. Something is definitely not right.

"Oh uhh Yeahh I-i will be right back,just one minute okay?" I said and ran out of the room. I kept looking for the doctor everywhere but still no where to be found.

"Mr lockewood sir?" A strange voice called out to me and i turned to see who it was. It was the doctor.

"Doctor, something is wrong with miss valkov. She doesnt seem to remember anything about what happened." I said as we both ran to her ward. On the way there, two other doctors joined us. We got to the ward she was in and they started examining her. I could tell she was confused and worried, and what she asked next proved me right.

"What is going on, sir?" She said. I can't tell her anything yet. I don't know what condition her brain is in.

"Calm down miss valkov, it's fine" i said trying to reassure her.

" how can I call down? There are random people examining me and you are asking me to calm down?" She yelled. I was taken aback for a second by her sudden outburst.

"Please ma'am, we'll explain everything to you once we are done, you just woke up Please don't stress yourself, you have to calm down" the doctor said to her calmly.

"Yes miss valkov, I'll explain to you once they are done" I said it so she could calm down and she did. I'm not telling her anything until I know she's mentally prepared.

The doctors examined her and asked her all sort of questions. After a while, they were done and he signaled to me to meet outside.

"She seems to have suffered a minor amnesia due to her concussion,because she wasn't brought in on time. Her memories might come back in time. Make sure she take her meds on time and get a lot of rest. No physical or mental stress for now. I'll send a nurse every week to check up on her" he said all at once.

"Thank you doc"

"And are you sure we shouldn't call the police? It seems she was kidnapped and.."

"THANK YOU doc" I said cutting him off and emphasizing on the thank you, which means he has done his job already and should leave the rest alone, and i think he got the message.

"Okay. Her discharge papers. You can come get them" he said and left.

I turned towards Jonas and signaled at him to go get the papers and he understood immediately.

I sighed as i walked in the room to miss valkov. With the look in her eyes, i knew she was waiting for answers.

"So?" She asked breaking the silence and the stare.

"Well when i got back home, i found you laying on the ground. I called you but you weren't responding so i rushed you to the hospital. The doctor said you must have slipped and fell and hit your head seeing as you suffered a concussion and you lost consciousness also because you havent eaten" I said. It's half true and half lie. Im doing this for you miss valkov. If it were any other person, i will not have gone this far. I looked back at her and it seemed like she believed me.

"What about these then?" I looked up to see her pointing at the fresh bruises on her palm and wrist. I had hoped she wouldn't notice them but she did.

"I don't know, maybe you hurt yourself while i was away, you can't remember any of it now be cause of the concussion but you will once you get some rest" i shrugged. She looked at me for a while and i knew she was doubting me.

"Let's go home, Jonas is getting your discharge papers ready" I broke the silence. She held my hand and got out of the bed.


Evita's pov

"We are not telling her anything, do you understand? " i could hear mr lockewood talking hushly outside my room door. It wouldn't take a genius to figure out the "her" is me. But what exactly are they hiding?. I am supposed to rest but it's very difficult when i know there's something going on in this house. And its about me.

"Okay I'll call you back" immediately i heard those words, i dashed back to my bed and pretended to be asleep. If Mr lockewood finds out i was awake, I'll get a earful. The creaking sound of the doors were the next thing I heard, followed by footsteps.

"I know you are awake miss valkov" he said but i stayed still.

"Your eyelids. They are moving. You are still blinking even with your eyes closed" he added but I remained frozen.

" So stupid" he said and sat on the bed.

"You're stupid" I said with my eyes still closed.

"What?"He asked with a high pitched voice." Hehehehehehe, were you shocked? " I thought

"You heard me right" I snickered.

"Miss valkov you....." he yelled but i cut him off.

"I'm not in a good state of mind sir. And don't you know you shouldn't yell at a sick person? You should let them rest have some peace and quiet, you know" i said and opened my eyes to see him already staring at me.

"And you know it's kind of your fault that I'm in this condition" I said smiling.

"Yes i know, i shouldnt have left you alone. I...."

"Am sorry? I am sorry? Is that what you were about to say? If thats the case then you don't need to....I have a very generous heart. So you are forgiven" I said to him, dragging the blanket up to cover myself with.

"I was not going to say that. I was going to say i need to go. And its good to see you are already doing okay. You won't mind working tomorrow now would you?" He stood up and slid his hands into his pockets.

"But I am...."

"See you tomorrow miss valkov" he said and walked out, majestically.

"You son of a bitch" I yelled hushly after he shut the door. Ughhhh I hate him so much. I huffed and closed my eyes to actually sleep." I should take a shower, it might help me fall asleep". I thought after a while. "But im too tired to stand up and i had one like an hour ago. I should just stare into the dark until I sleep" I thought but it failed too. Because all i could think of was mr lockewood. His perfect body, hair and lips, his bright blue eyes and how much I hate that being because he's always in my head,. all the damn time. time.

I sighed and reached under my pillow for my phone. I dialed Mr lockewood's number and he answered after two rings.

"Is something the matter miss valkov? You should be resting" he said immediately.

"Come to my room, it's urgent" I said and hung up. He should be here in five, four, three... my room door bursted open to reveal a very worried looking lockewood.

"Well that was quick"

"What's wrong?" He asked as he rushed over to me.

"Calm your horses cowboy, I'm fine. I just can't sleep." I said chuckling.


"I said calm your horses cowboy, I'm fine. I just can't sleep" I repeated.

"Do you think its funny? I thought something happened to you, you said it was urgent" he yelled throwing his hands in the air.

"It is urgent. What if its insomnia? What then huhn?" I asked eying him from up to down.

"You are right, i should call the doctor" he said
