

"Rule one. Look at me when i talk to you. Rule two. Don't bite your lip around me or else..." he paused. I stared at him waiting for him to continue. I strangely enjoy what his touch is doing to me and and i wanted more. " else?" I asked and his grip on my tigh tightened causing me to unintentionally gasp. Before i could comprehend, his lips crashed into mine. I let out a low moan as his tongue slipped into my mouth and began exploring every coner of my mouth. He lowered me so as our crotch are on the same level. He pressed his body against mine, and my legs rapped around his back. His warm lips found their ways to my neck and to my colar bone. He gently kissed and nibbled on my skin as he gently let me go. I stood on my feet but leaned on him for support as my knees were still weak. He let go of me after i gained my stance and made his way out of my office.. "Now you know" he said before closing the door shut.

D_anonymous · สมัยใหม่
34 Chs

chapter 11

Chapter 11

Rolland's pov

"It was all killian's plan, I promise" I yelled running around my room, evita chasing me around.

"But you were in on it" she yelled as she removed her slipper and threw it at me. Thanks to my spider sense, I dodged it in time.

"He threatened me" I sighed and sat on the bed, already exhausted. I looked over to evita , she had her hands crossed on her chest and her face was all puffed up.

"Awwwwn, aren't you cute" I said with both my hands on my cheeks.

"It's not funny, you deceived rosie" she said with a stern face.

"I did not, I honestly found her art intriguing" I said with a smile. " We discussed somethings and I bought her it". I added.

" So you are a famous artists? Wow i didn't realise" she said looking shocked.

"Yeah it wouldn't take a genius to figure out that you know nothing concerning art." I murmured and before she could say Anything, I continued

"Oh and she'll be working for me from now on" I said with a smile, but the reaction I got wasn't what I expected, she looked rather disappointed.

"What happened evita, aren't you happy for your friend?" I asked confused.

"No, I am happy for her,its just that, she didn't inform me about any of this. Its been a while since we spoke but I expected her to call me and tell me this wonderful news" she said a she walked towards the open window.

"Listen evita, she doesn't know about it yet. I was planning on informing her later tonight. Im sure she'll give you a call immediately" I said and walked over to her.

"I do hope so" she said and smiled, looking up to the moon.

"its beautiful isn't it?" I asked.

"hmm" she nodded yes. I looked over at her and the peaceful expression caused me to smile.

"just like you" those words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them.

"what?" evita asked with a chuckle.

"what?" I asked

"why are you shocked? This isn't the first time Im complimenting you, so why are you so shocked?" I added.

"I know but…." I interrupted her before she finished her sentence

"but nothing. Come on, you need to rest now. You have to wake up early tomorrow remember?"

"okay, okay, im going. Good night Rolland" she said and shut the door, without waiting for me to respond.

"good night" I called out anyways.


Author's pov

"am i?" evita asked lilly but Kayden answered instead

"yes vy, you are very beautiful" Kayden said

"yes and we are not the only ones who thinks so, jayden, Rolland and even daddy thinks so" he added.

"did killian say that?" she asked in utmost shock

"no, he didn't but we know it, right guys?" Kayden said wiggling his eyebrows

"yes" lilly answered quickly but jayden only responded with a shrug.

"I see, so this is what you all have been talking about?" evitw asked with a smile. "They are so lovely. If I had the time on my hands, I would spend the whole day with them" She thought .

"miss valkov" mr lockewood's voice echoed through the room.

"daddy, I promise we were asleep, vy woke us up when she came in" kayden said hastily

Evita turned around and glared at them, but they just giggled and went to bed.

" How could they throw me under the bus like that?"said vy

"lilly are you coming?" she asked still glaring playfully at them.

"um,vy, I'd like to stay with them tonight" lilly replied quickly. "good night vy"

"Ok baby,good night" she said and left the room. Immediately she closed the door, Mr lockewood gripped her hand and dragged her with him

"What are you doing mr lockewood? Leave me alone" she said trying to free herself from him.

"Keep quiet" he said in the coldest and deepest voice she has ever heard. Evita did as he asked and followed him. It didn't take long before they arrived at his bedroom. He swung her inside then shut the door. Before she could regain her stance he was already in front of her.

"Where were you?" Killian asked and when he saw the confused look on her face he continued.

"I've been looking for you everywhere,where were you?"

"Why were you looking for me? And you dragged me all the way here to ask me that? " she asked,anger gradually building up in her

"You still haven't answered my question"

"Why don't own me so why are you questioning my movement?"

"Don't forget,I'm your boss, I can question you anytime I like"

"No, I work for you only from 5am to 11pm and its almost 12am, so no, I'm not accountable to you"

"Really?" He asked with burning gaze.

"Why didn't you pick up when I called?" He added.

"I wasn't with my phone " she crossed her hand in front of her chest and rolled her eyes.

"It's called a mobile phone for a reason,you are supposed to carry it around with you. Where was it?" He said calmly.

"I very well know why it's called a mobile phone Mr lockewood and the last time I saw my phone was in Rolland's room"

"So that's where you were, why didn't you say so when I asked? Is there something going on between you two?" Evita glared at him as those words came out of his mouth.

"What?" She asked.

"You like him... you like Rolland, don't you?"

"What are you talking about?" She asked him.

"You know fully well what I'm talking about,I know you like him" killian shouted already angered.

" there's no need to lie about it" he added "okay and so what if I like him? what is your business anyway" evita ask

"What is my business? you're asking me what is my business? I own you!" He half yelled, gradually closing up the gap between them.

"No you don't" she yelled.

"Really?" He scoffed and took two steps towards her.

"Say that again " he said.

"You don't own me" evita sternly said.

Killian moved closer to her with a smirk on his face.

"Say that again" he repeated. He was now very close that if he took another step,their noses would touch.

" what are you doing killian? stay away from me" evita half-whispered

"why?does my presence bother you? Killian asked but evita diverted her attention to the floor.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you Evita" he said raising her head slightly so their eyes meet.

" you don't mind when Roland is close to you, do you?do you hate me that much? Or you just love Roland that much? answer me" he said his hands place firmly on her chin.

"Neither" she whispered and gulped loudly.

" then why do you look so uncomfortable with me? why are you so anxious?why can't you look me in the eye like you do with him?" He asked. At this point, there noses were already touching therefore evita chose to stay quite because if she moves a muscle, there lips would touch. Killian tilted his head to the side, as her kept staring into her eyes. His hot breath fanning her hair off her face. The door swung open and Rolland burst in.

"Can't you knock?" Killian yelled as he swiftly moved away from evita.

"Uh I didn't know you guys were together" he answered. Killian then turned back to evita and said

" see you tomorrow". She nodded and ran out of the room with her face in her hands.

"What do you want?" Killian asked immediately evita shut the door.

"You asked me to come see you"

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