


“ Dear Miss Maya Allen, this is to inform you that you have been selected and we would love to employ you as the personal assistant to Mr. Liam Taylor. An email has been sent to you, if you still wish to work for our company please sign and report to work by 8 am, where you would be given the hard copy of your employment letter which you would sign and it'll be kept by the company for record purpose “ The message that Cleared all the sleepiness from my eyes read.

Was this a prank? Because of everything that transpired yesterday, I could have sworn that I wouldn't be given this job. Well, it's a win-win for me then even though the boss is very hard and cold towards me I’ll be just fine if I do as he says and mind my business.

I quickly checked my email and saw it was indeed from their company. I signed and jumped out of bed to check my wardrobe for what I can wear.

I felt frustrated when I couldn't get anything palatable to wear. I settled on the dress that the person who helped me at the bar gifted me, but was sad because that was what I wore yesterday for the interview.

I decided to wear the dress and took my bath after which I sat eagerly on my bed waiting for daybreak. When it was 7 am I hurriedly walked out of my apartment locking my door. Today too I'll have to walk to the company since I don't have money.


I got to the company at exactly 8 am and went straight to Liam's office floor since I knew the floor it was, with time I'll explore the rest of the building but for now, his floor is where I should focus on.

“ Good morning Maya, “ Henry said with a broad smile as he saw me come out of the elevator. I smiled back warmly at him, I had a feeling we were gonna be good friends.

“ Good morning Mr. Henry “ I greeted back when I was standing in front of him. His office was directly opposite Liam's office.

“ Oh enough with the formalities Maya, just call me Henry, “ He said still smiling, I looked at him wondering if there is a time he doesn't smile.

“ Alright Henry please show me to my office, I'll like to settle in before the boss gets here, “ I said.

“ Okay that'll be great because you have to put everything in place before he gets here every day, “ Henry said taking out a key having a key holder with the company’s logo on it from the laptop bag he was holding and handing it over to me.

“ That’ll be your office, “ Henry said pointing at Liam’s office and I turned to look at him confused.

God, please let it not be what I am thinking, I inwardly said to myself before I asked Henry.

“ Huh? But that’s the boss's office “ I said already dreading the fact to share an office with Liam who hated my guts.

“ I can't share an office with him!! “ I exclaimed facepalming and when I raised my head I saw Henry standing frozen.

“ Behind you “ Henry mouthed and instantly had a feeling that something was amiss. My fears were confirmed when I slowly turned and saw Liam Taylor my boss standing behind me with his briefcase glaring at me.

“ Why? do I bite? “ was the only thing he said before walking to open his office and entering the office banging the door behind him which made me squint my eyes. Argh, I'm done for! I thought and sighed. Henry just stood there looking sorry for me.

“ You better go in or the next thing we'll hear is… “ before Henry could complete what he wanted saying he was interrupted by a call.

“ Just what I was about to say, Look he is the one calling, “ Henry said as he showed me and truly the caller was Liam. He picked up the call and put it on speaker.

“ Tell Miss Allen to get in here now, “ Liam said and ended the call without waiting for a response from Henry.

“ Thanks Henry, we'll talk later, “ I said smiling sadly before I scurried away heading into my new office which is also my boss's office.


I entered and saw Liam seated on his chair with his hands placed on his desk clasped together. He had an unreadable facial expression making it difficult for me to at least ascertain what he was feeling.

A desk and an office chair with a laptop was situated at the right corner of the office but just arm's length from Liam's desk. I guess they had it brought yesterday or early this morning, but that means the formal assistant didn't stay in the same office here with him so why am I being asked to stay now when the formal didn't?

“ So Miss Allen I ask again, do I bite? “ He asked but I didn't dare answer because I felt it was a rhetorical question. After some seconds which looked like he was using it to calm down, he brought out a file from his briefcase, placed it on his desk and he pushed it towards me.

“ Sign it, “ he said and placed a pen on the paper. I carefully walked towards his table and signed it.

“ Welcome to my company “ Liam said as he stretched his hands for a handshake and I shook it smiling which of course he didn't reciprocate the smile not like I was expecting him to anyway.

When he put the documents away he gestured for me to go to my desk, which I obediently did.

“ Miss Allen I’d appreciate it if you do as I always instruct and try not to get on my nerves, understood? “ he said with a neutral facial expression.

“ Ye…Yes, Sir “ I said, stuttering, and for a moment he rolled his eyes at me. I struggled not to laugh because he looked really funny when he did that.

“ Well, a briefing on your duties and job description is on your laptop. Hope you are computer literate? “ He asked.

Yes, idiot!! I wanted to scream at him, did he think I didn't go to school at all? I struggled not to roll my eyes at him.

“ Yes sir, “ I said and he nodded, which gave me my cue to start going through the briefing of my job description. I was going through everything after forty-five minutes and I must confess this was one hell of a job I just got myself but I found it reasonable because the salary that they would be paying me is quite high and I’ll be an ingrate if I complain.

“ I'm done sir, “ I said after I finished going through the briefing, eager to get busy with work.

“ Good now follow me, “ He said as he stood up taking his phone and car keys. I was confused because the job description firmly stated that no matter what I should ensure the boss goes through work or applied contracts for models from the previous day for 3 hours minimum a day during working hours. Work hour just began and he's asking me to follow him? To where?.

“ Follow you to where sir? “ I asked him, confused, as to where he wanted us to go.