
The Last Day II [NSFW]

"Xiao... what are you doing?" Ky didn't know what to say. One minute he was asleep in his dorm, and the next moment he was hiding with Xiao inside some random maintenance closet.

"Hey... I don't know." Xiao acted off of impulse mostly. This whole idea was stupid, insane really, but she didn't care.

Ky laughed, which then compelled Xiao to laugh with him. They both knew this could get them killed, but it didn't matter. For both mutants, dying together would be better than watching the other die in front of them in the morning.

"So..." Xiao spoke sort of awkwardly before once again giggling like a schoolgirl, which wouldn't be too far off. They were high schoolers, basically sneaking out together. They would have been just a few months away from graduating at that point, but still, they could barely call themselves adults.

"So?" Ky repeated back to her. He wasn't as nervous with this type of thing. He never had anything serious with a girl and was never really alone with one, but he at least had some experience when it came to talking with them. "Maintenance room, huh?" Ky teased, looking around the cramped, dark room.

"Apologies. Next time I'll get the residential suite." for the first time, Xiao gave an attempt at sarcasm, compelling Ky to laugh. However, he wasn't laughing at the sarcasm itself, but at the mistake on Xiao's part.

"You mean presidential suite?" Ky asked her, still laughing without a worry in the world as if they couldn't be caught and killed at any moment.

Xiao puffed her cheeks as Ky laughed at her mistake before pushing him playfully with her hand. "Ow!" Ky whispered, rubbing his arm as if she actually did damage to him.

As Ky rubbed his arm, the two of them looked at each other, really taking in the fact that it was just them at this moment, alone, with no one else watching them. He always admired her face from afar, but this was his chance to really, truly take a look at her. Those amber eyes that darted from the ground and toward his eyes awkwardly, her fair skin that was likely a result of her sheltered nature, though the heat of the moment brought a pink hue to her cheeks.

Ky's gaze would not falter, admiring every last inch of her face as if he was looking at a portrait created by a world-class artist. For Ky, the Mona Lisa had nothing on Xiao and it wasn't even close. With one swift motion, Ky's eyes shifted down to her soft, pink lips as he thought about tasting them once more. Ever since their first kiss, the two never interlocked lips ever again, though they longed to do so, to metaphorically take a sip from that love oasis once more.

As Ky's eyes stared at Xiao's lips and his mind raced, Xiao could feel an intense tingling sensation going through her entire body. It was overwhelming, feeling the heat coming from within Ky mixing with the fire inside her. "W-what?" Xiao asked him as if she didn't already know exactly what he was thinking; she was just too shy to say it out loud.

Ky exhaled, smiling faintly before speaking gently to her. "What?" he repeated back. He was nervous too, despite not really showing it. If Xiao wasn't so overwhelmed, she'd be able to sense his heart pounding harder than it ever had before, despite his confident gaze that would tell a different story. Ky himself was convinced his heart could be heard by her, rather than sensed because it was pumping so passionately.

"I- I don't-" Xiao covered her blushing face, averting her eyes once more and looking down to the ground. 'She's a mess.' Ky thought to himself. It was true, Xiao was a complete wreck at this very moment, a far cry from the cold, machine-like girl he once knew two months prior. Even for Xiao, these feelings were unrecognizable, unfathomable, and unexplainable. In the past, she often studied dictionaries and thesauruses in an attempt to understand human emotion, but they did little to help.

All she knew at this point was that she was embarrassed and flustered to the point where she couldn't take it anymore. "You don't?" Ky was enjoying teasing her, it made him feel far less flustered than her. If it wasn't for his rather clear, brown skin, he too would be blushing.

Xiao could no longer speak, she just exhaled and giggled awkwardly as Ky tilted his head with a smile. "So, what do you want to..." Ky laughed himself, exhaling and looking to the side to ease his nerves. "We can, you know. Or we could just... you know?"

"No, I don't know." Seeing Ky acting so nervously actually helped calm Xiao down. In fact, she thought it was ridiculously cute seeing him stumbling over his own words, too afraid to say the very thoughts that were in his own head. "Why not just say it?"

Ky was looking at the ground, trying to find the words to say as she spoke to him. However, her words were almost like a dare to him and he didn't back down from any dare. Without turning his head from the ground, Ky's eyes darted back up to her still-blushing face. "Yeah?"

"Mhm. Go ahead. Tell me, Ky." Despite her confident words, her entire body was on fire on the inside. She was feeling sensations in ways that she didn't even know were possible. These flames only intensified when Ky spoke once more. "How about I just show you."

Ky's words hit her similarly to a bolt of lightning, jolting her and nearly stopping her heart completely. With her back against the wall of the maintenance closet, Xiao watched as Ky took just a few steps forward, placing his arm on the wall above her. "Only... if that's okay with you."

"Yes. It's okay." Xiao whispered, looking up at Ky submissively with those reddish eyes of hers. She'd never done anything like this before, for obvious reasons, but she was ready. Despite her readiness, she was still incredibly nervous, compelling her to want to look away from Ky's intense gaze. However, as soon as her eyes started for the ground, Ky used a single finger to lift her chin back up toward his face. "Hey. I'm nervous too." Ky then grabbed her hand and placed it on his chest.

Xiao's eyes widened upon feeling his heart pounding for her, beating against his chest as if it were trying to break free. "It's okay." Ky whispered as he bent over to her eye level, looking into them for just a moment before delicately locking lips with her. Almost instantly, both of them felt cleansed from any sort of nervousness as they once again felt as if they'd reached the metaphorical oasis within each other.

Ky's hands gently caressed Xiao's face, slowly sliding down past her neck and onto the armor on her body. After feeling around for a bit, Ky stopped kissing her and laughed. "How do you take this off?"

Xiao tittered as she began removing the militaristic gear from her body, leaving the striped, prisoner's uniform beneath it so Ky could do the rest himself. "How this?" she asked him, grabbing his hand and placing it on her chest, though this wasn't to feel her heartbeat.

"Much better." The instant those words left Ky's mouth, his lips were already latched onto Xiao's once more. As they swapped tongues in the dimly lit closet, Ky gently squeezed Xiao's breast, compelling her to moan softly inside his mouth. As Ky held onto her chest, Xiao could feel a new tingling sensation on the most sensitive parts of her body. "Mm~!" her cute soughs were nearly completely muted by Ky's lips covering hers. With each passing second of their makeout session, Xiao felt herself craving him more than she ever did before.

Once again, Xiao used her hands as a guide, dragging both of Ky's hands to the top button of her uniform. Ky understood her speechless message clearly and started unbuttoning her shirt from top to bottom. With each button being removed, Xiao's heart would pound fiercely, sending a ripple effect of heat throughout every last inch of her body until the final button was undone, revealing her B-cup breasts.

"Hah~!?" Xiao was taken aback, moaning with a sort of confused undertone as she was lifted off the ground by Ky and pressed against the wall. Almost at the exact same time as her back hitting the wall, Ky started licking and suckling on the nipple closest to Xiao's heart, compelling her to wrap her arms and legs around him and sough gently. "Mm~."

Once again, her breast being stimulated sent a surge of pleasure down her entire body, with emphasis on her nipples and womanhood. Ky turned around while still holding Xiao tightly in his arms before gently setting her down on the ground. "It's cold," Xiao whispered upon feeling the chilling, concrete floor hitting her back. Ky chuckled, "Didn't you tell me something along the lines of 'Temperature changes do not impact my performance, unlike you, 1226.'?" he teased as he began removing his shirt.

"That was different. We were fighting!" as Xiao spoke, Ky lifted her up and placed his shirt beneath her back, hoping it'd be enough to keep her warm. This gesture made Xiao blush once more before Ky locked lips with her once again, this time allowing them both to feel each other's chests, skin to skin.

After getting a taste of her lips once again, Ky began making his way lower, kissing her chin and then her neck softly. "Mm~." Feeling Ky's lips on her neck was surprisingly euphoric for her, sending a bursting, hot sensation down her body. She had no clue that so many spots on her body were so sensitive, or perhaps feeling Ky's touch felt amazing regardless of where it was placed.

Ky went lower and lower, fondling, kissing, and suckling on her breasts before moving past them and down to her waist. Ky was ready to ask permission, but Xiao was already a step ahead of him. "Yes." she told him, bringing a smile to his face. "Human rights violation." he told her, referencing what he told her long ago about the lacking of privacy he has when he's near her.

Pulling the drawstring on her pants, Ky loosened them and began to slowly slide them off, revealing her panties beneath. As Ky started eyeing the lower regions of her body, Xiao started to feel a sort of sense of embarrassment overwhelming her. No one had seen her in such a private, vulnerable, or intimate state before. As her panties were gently pulled off of her body, she could feel her entire body heating up.

She wondered what he would think of it.

She wondered if it was pretty enough for him.

She wondered if he'd somehow be disappointed by it.

However, as she covered her face due to her own embarrassment and negative thoughts, she suddenly felt Ky's hot tongue softly touching her womanhood. "Hah~!" she exhaled in surprise upon feeling her most intimate of places being tasted by him, instinctively grabbing him by the head to pull him in closer. Unlike before, that scorching tingling sensation inside her body went from bottom to top, being the most potent in her toes, fingers, and obviously, her love bud that was being gently suckled on.

"Hmm~!" Xiao could then feel something starting from the center of her body, a sizzling tingle at her core that was slowly building up with every passing moment. Ky's hot tongue continued to play with her clit as that tingling continued on, building up and up until it was no longer at her core, but going throughout her entire body until there was one intense release.

"Ah~ Ah~ Ahghn~ Augh~!" Xiao stuttered and quivered as she experienced a new sensation she didn't even know was possible, reaching her climax. As she came, she pulled Ky's head in even closer while squishing him with her thighs with her back arched. Ky continued pleasing her until the shaking stopped, giving Xiao a moment to recollect herself.

"Do it. I want it." Xiao once again read Ky's mind, knowing exactly what he was thinking. Hearing him thinking about just how badly he wanted to fuck her was so hot for her, giving her butterflies and tickling sensations all over her body.

Having her permission, Ky undid his own pants before pulling them down along with his boxers at the same time, revealing his manhood that was already prepared to be inside her. Xiao could feel a jolt going down her body upon seeing one for the first time, though the size of it was worrying. "I- is that going to fit?" she asked him nervously, making Ky chuckle a little bit before giving his answer. "Probably." he teased before getting closer to her and sliding the tip from the top of her wet pussy down to the opening

Ky made one small thrust inside her, compelling both of them to moan at the same time. Feeling the warmth of her insides caused Ky to exhale softly, meanwhile, Xiao was biting her lips, feeling herself being filled up by Ky. "Are you okay?" Ky asked her, wanting to be sure before proceeding any further. The last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt her.

"Yes~!" though Ky wasn't moving, Xiao moaned her answer, loving having almost every single inch of him inside her, craving for all of it. "Keep going~!"

Ky repositioned himself, grabbing Xiao's hands and interlocking fingers with her as his own face hovered over hers. At this moment, Xiao felt as if she were lost in time, looking into her lover's eyes that beamed down at her passionately. "I'm going to start moving now." Ky's expression was pensive as he whispered those words to her, getting a nod in response and nothing else before he did just as he said.

"Huph~!" Xiao inhaled upon feeling Ky nearly enter her fully, his tip pressing against her womb gently. He wasn't rough with her, again, he had no interest in hurting her. He watched her face intensively as he moved back and forth, waiting for any signs of him needing to slow down. Xiao thought it was so cute and thoughtful that he was so worried and focused on making her feel good, once again giving her butterflies.

"You don't have to stare at me like that. I'll tell you, I promise." she told him, smiling before biting her lips in an attempt to stifle her incoming pleasure-filled sighs. Ky's gaze shifted from intense to gentle, staring straight into her soul with his brown eyes through her amber ones. His thoughts changed, thinking about how beautiful she was, how different her beauty was when she was just like this.



Overrun by pleasure.

He was no mind reader but he could see it written all over her face. Ky's thoughts weren't helping when it came to Xiao's feelings of embarrassment and Ky could tell. Already, Ky was learning her body, mannerisms, and expressions, which prompted him to lock lips with her as he stroked inside her.

As soon as their lips locked, it was as if the pleasure for both of them skyrocketed, once again encouraging them both to moan in each other's mouths. Their lips remained interlocked as Xiao could feel that same feeling in her core that was beginning to branch out to the rest of her body, she was nearly there once again.

Ky continued with slow, long strokes as he could feel Xiao's womanhood clenching onto him, followed by her body shuddering, along with her moans that were being muted by his mouth.

"Mm~ Mm~ Mmmm~!" her stifled moans were motivating for Ky, he wanted to keep going, he wanted to keep making her feel good so he continued, going a bit deeper while continuing to be gentle for her.

Ky then sat up, placing his hands on her waist as he started putting everything inside her. He could tell by the lost look in Xiao's eyes that she was loving it, looking up at him devotedly. Xiao grabbed his wrists, and for a moment, Ky thought this was a signal to stop, though Xiao was quick to set the record straight. "Don't stop~!" Xiao was so overwhelmed by everything she was feeling, she thought she was seeing stars for a moment.

Not only was she feeling her own body's pleasure, but Ky's as well due to her empath abilities. All of that passion, adoration, lust, and intensity that Ky felt inside of himself was being reflected inside Xiao. And though she was feeling what he was feeling directly, just knowing the intense feelings inside him was enough to really make her hot and bothered.

"Huph~ ah~ aghn~!" Xiao let out more passionate sighs as she climaxed once again, not even letting a minute pass since the last time. Ky felt like the man of course, though he failed to remember that pleasure for her was amplified due to her abilities.

She could sense that Ky was beginning to slow down, so she took matters into her own hands, pulling Ky in closely with her legs before using some of her martial arts skills to flip him on his back. "Woah!" Ky was shocked, unable to even mutter another word before Xiao was on top of him, grabbing his shaft with her hand. "I want to... try." she told him shyly. All of that intensity she had was wearing off due to most of it being Ky's that she was taking in due to her ability.

Xiao raised herself up and pointed Ky's tip toward herself before gently sitting on it. "MM~!" she let out a loud moan as she once again felt Ky filling her up, though it didn't stop her from moving herself up and down, placing both hands on his chest. "Fuck!" Ky whispered, grabbing Xiao's ass as she continued to ride him.

Xiao's back was arched as she took Ky's entire length inside her, only stopping when it slipped out for a moment. Without even a moment's hesitation, she grabbed his shaft with her hand and put it back inside her, shuddering and moaning before moving up and down once again.

Suddenly, that feeling in her core was back, though it was faint. Xiao realized that it wasn't her body reacting this way, but Ky's. This fact turned her on even more, and before long, that feeling of herself beginning to climax began to build up inside her too, it then being doubly so due to Ky being close to finishing himself.

"I'm going to cum." Ky told her, expecting her to get off and finish with her mouth, but she didn't stop. "I don't care. I'm dying tomorrow anyway." she confessed, looking directly into Ky's soul through his eyes as she continued riding him. "Do it inside me Ky." she whispered. "Okay?"

"Okay." Ky told her. Despite his better judgment, he grabbed her ass tightly before moving his hips to match her pace. Xiao wasn't expecting this, feeling that tingle begin branching out, as did Ky before the two of them came at the same time.

"Ahgn~!" Xiao arched her back even further, feeling Ky's fluid filling her up from the inside.

"Hagh! Hagh! Hagh!" with each spurt, Ky let out a grunt until every last drop of him was inside his lover.

Xiao exhaled passionately before bending over to lock lips with Ky once more, sealing it all with one last kiss.




Just moments later, Ky and Xiao were seen cuddling against the wall with their clothes haphazardly back on, enjoying the one and only night they'd get to spend together. "Ky?" Xiao whispered.

"Yeah? What's up?"

"I meant what I said. I plan on dying tomorrow. I want you to live." she told him quietly and nonchalantly as if this wasn't a big deal.

"Yeah... me too. I also plan on dying." Ky smiled solemnly as he said this, finding it funny that their first argument as 'a thing', for lack of better words, would be something like his.

"What about your brother?" she asked him, looking up at him with tears in her eyes. She didn't find the irony of it funny at all.

Ky looked at the ground and shook his head, deciding to finally be honest with himself. "Ken is dead. I watched his car flip a dozen times down the street and crash. The car was completely destroyed. He's gone."

"But you don't know for sure."

Ky shook his head. "Then what about your dad? I think his odds are a bit higher."

"Do you know what a human gets for harboring a mutant? Death penalty. That's not even including raising one as your daughter... besides, Waller was lying about him being alive, I know it." Xiao grabbed Ky's hand and squeezed it gently. "Without him and without you, I'd have nothing else to live for. I can't even function in society on my own. Say I serve as a Dark Angel and I'm actually free to walk, then what? Where do I go? Do I go live in a hole somewhere?"

There was a brief silence that consumed them both, though Xiao would be the one to break it. "Please, Ky. Live for me."

Ky wanted to lie. He wanted to tell her that he'd let her die and continue on, but he was done lying to himself. He was done pretending with her. "Tomorrow, I will not live if it means taking your place in this world. Either we live together... or we die together. Those are the only two options. Right now, I choose to live together, but tomorrow... well, I guess we might have to pick the other option."

Xiao knew that Ky was completely set on this and there was nothing she could do to change his mind. "Okay. Then this is our last day."

"This is our last day." Ky repeated back to her. The two lovers then continued to hold each other tightly, neither saying a word for a few minutes.

"Ky?" once again, Xiao spoke only his name to get his attention. "Yeah?" he answered.

"If you could do one thing, what would it be?"

This question stumped Ky since it was something he never really thought about. He knew she meant something realistic, so he ruled out saving his parents somehow. He couldn't really come up with anything special, so he gave a rather simple answer. "I want to become a metaphysicist." he told her. It was lame to him, but it sounded cool to her.

"Woah... what is that?"

"Well, basically, you study the way the world works and you try to find all the answers to the world. It's mostly about studying abstract concepts like time, space, cause, identity, or if God is real. You know? Since my family are all time warpers, I figured, maybe if I study it, I could get a better understanding of how it all works."

"Oh, that sounds interesting. I never really thought about becoming anything... like going to college and stuff..."

"So what do you want to do then?" Ky asked her. "What's the one thing in the world you'd do."

Xiao blushed, thinking her answer was silly in comparison to his. "I want to go to an amusement park. I want to ride a rollercoaster, a really scary one. Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to be scared, so I wanted to see... but of course, I can't do that thanks to my powers. Besides, there are no mutants allowed. They scan for us like we're some sort of terrorist group at the entrance..."

Xiao's one desire was a simple one, one that showed just how much mutants were robbed of basic experiences such as riding a roller coaster. Her answer inspired Ky, giving him a new thing he wished he could do.

"I have a new answer. I'd want to free every last mutant in the world. I'd want us to all be equal with humans, to be able to live with them like we were all the same so people like you could get your wish. So places like this wouldn't exist...

So our people wouldn't die."

"Do you think that's possible?" Xiao asked him.

"I don't know. Humans are... afraid of change. They fear what they don't understand. I mean, they barely got around to accepting humans who look like I do or people who choose to date the same gender...

Even then, it's not like everything's all buddy-buddy for them. Once we're all wiped out, I'm sure things will all go back to being how they were before mutants showed up. That's the thing about humans, they always need a villain. They always need someone they can blame...

They always need a scapegoat."

"You know, where I'm from, they straight up killed mutant babies?" Xiao told him, sending a chill through his heart. In America, they weren't straight-up killing babies, though perhaps killing them was better than sending them to camps or mutant nurseries. "If you gave birth to a mutant, they'd kill them on the spot. My parents weren't mutants, my birth ones, I mean. My mother just knew she was giving birth to a mutant and she was right. They knew that once they gave birth to me, I'd be taken away and killed. My father, the one that adopted me, was their good friend. He promised to take me, move here, and raise me like his own daughter." This was the first time Xiao ever told anyone about her back story, something she'd learned herself after asking her father where her mother was and sensing he was lying about it.

Ky wondered if her parents were still alive, but Xiao answered it for him. "They were publically executed for treason."

"I'm sorry." Ky told her, but Xiao was quick to shrug it off.

"It's okay. I didn't know them. It just goes to show how evil humans can be. They'd kill babies..." Xiao began to cry silently, thinking about what it must have been like to watch as your child is murdered in front of your face, all because they were born with a rare gene. She wondered if, hypothetically, she and Ky were to have a child, would it suffer the same fate as well considering the fact that laws formed against their kind have only increased in the last two decades.

"Ky?" once again, she spoke only Ky's name.

"Yes, Xiao?"

"Can you hold me just like this until tomorrow comes?"

"Yeah, of course. I won't let go, even after they find us."

"Good." Xiao leaned even more onto Ky's chest, getting comfortable since they were going to stay like this, perhaps even dying like this depending on what would happen the next day.

"I love you, Xiao." Ky confessed, placing his chin on her head. This was no secret, she could read his mind.

"I love you too, Ky." Xiao closed her eyes and smiled softly as the two of them continued to embrace each other. "Oh, I have another one. If you could have any other power outside of your own, what would it be?"

Xiao asked countless questions just like that one for the next few hours until both she and Ky fell asleep, holding onto each other tightly, just as Ky promised.

I think this is my favorite chapter I have ever written for anything ever. However, usually when I feel like this people hate it. I hope at least one person enjoyed it. Thanks for reading.

LordOrpheuscreators' thoughts