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Story about a guy from our Earth suddenly got Reincarnated or Transmigrated into Douluo World/Soul Land, he got a system and mission to get Harem full of Goddess of many man from world to world. Start with Douluo World/Soul Land, let's see the Future Harem God to save all goddess from the MC of every world of Manga, Manhua, Manhwa, Movies and Anime Creation is Hard and this is my First Novel so forgive me if there some mistakes cause English not my first language, Hope you Guys enjoy it

Daoist_Longran23 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Chapter 1 - Transmigrated

"Aghh.... Where am i? this is not my room even more this isn't even in a House... WHY AM I IN MIDDLE OF FOREST?!!" ???




"What whose there!?" ???

[Dont Worry Host i am your system]

"Wait a minute... System? like those Novel i Reading?" ??

[Yes like those Novel you Read Host]

"... Did i just Crossover and where the hell am i?" ???

[Host in the World of Douluo Dalu more specific in Douluo Dalu 1]

"Oh shit fuck hell yes.... by the way what System are you?" ???

[I am Goddess Harem System Host]

"HELL YEAH, then i can take all Goddess in this world fuck Tang san, Tang Hao, Yu Xiaogang, Dai Mubai all those are trash scumbag i Gotta save those Goddess from them" ???

[All right host maybe you already know how the System work but i will get you know my Function

1. Status

2. Mission

3. Harem Parameter

4. Maps

5. Shop

6. Inventory

7. Lottery]

"Okay i already know those Function, but did i have Novice pack?" ???

[Yes you have

{Novice Giftpack} Open : Y/N]

??? click the Yes button without Hesitation and Row of Word from System was see by ???

[Congratulations Host you got :

1. Harem Poin : 10.000

2. Bag of Money : 1 M Gold Coin, 2 M Silver Coin, 5 M Copper Coin

3. Martial Soul : Halberd of Destruction (Innate Full)

4. Martial Soul : Primordial Dragon Emperor (Innate Full)

5. 2 God Bestowed Ring 100.000 (Evolvable)

6. Sky Splitter Halberd (Divine)

7. Dragon Emperor Armor (Divine)]

"Wtf, is this seriously Novice Giftpack? did you give something wrong System?" ???

[No this is for your Safety Host and with just that you will not became Instant OP

The Weapon and Armor not what you think, they will Correspondent with your strenght and their Weight will Automatically got to be how strong you are and make you sure gift your strongest power at your level

And your Martial Soul need your own work to became Strong but yeah they are able make you fight 3 whole major Realm above you not just 2 major realm as you think]

"Did you read my mind? well... i think you right this world is just full of danger and what i got just right, by the way can you fuse my Martial Soul System"

[Recommended the host search for a Cave first before fuse it, later System will Protect the Cave and Hide your Aura]

"Yeah you right" ???

And then ??? search for a Cave first not long he find it and when he enter the cave some Formation got laid in front of the cave

"then what?" ???

[Host go sit Cross legged then close your eyes and brace for the pain and do not faint if not the host will die]

??? sit Cross legged and Close his eyes after a Minute the most Strongest Pain was got Feel by ???


The Roar and Wailing of pain will make anyone will feel scared and pity when hear the sound ??? making but ??? fight the pain straight for 3 Hours before warm feeling surround him

2 Hours later ??? open his eyes and get up, he feel the power he got and got sastified with that and his effort got paid

"System open status"

[Status :

Name : Qin Han

Age : 6

Body : Spirit Grand Master

Martial Soul :

1. Halberd of Destruction

Ring : -

Rank : 10

2. Primordial Dragon Emperor

Ring : -

Rank : 10

HP : 10.000

Coin :

Gold : 1 M

Silver : 2 M

Copper : 5 M]

"system what timeline is it? and where am i?" Qin Han

[The same as Tang san and he is still have 2 week before Awakening, Host in Douluo Continent, Star Dou Great Forest]

"Okay thank you System, can you fuse the Spirit Ring to martial Souls evenly" Qin Han

[Yes but host brace for the pain again because the Soul Impact of One Hundren Thousand years old Spirit Ring]

"Yeah i know" Qin Han

Later the pain attack Qin Han but Qin han just frowned because he already survive from more Painful than this, and after 30 Minutes he already done, his Rank got up to Rank 16

"All right done lets check my gains" Qin Han

[Halberd Strike :

Give +100% power to the Host attack

Give +100% Fire Element Attack

Give +100% Destruction Element Attack

Dragon Claw :

Give x5 power of the Host Attack

Give 200% Fire Element Attack]

"Oh shit how strong i was then? one of my attack was 2x than my base attack and this is just one spirit Ring and with my body power then i can fight Spirit Elder and not losing in just Rank 16" Qin Han

[Host i Recommended you rest here before going to Nuoding Academy]

"You right System" Qin Han

That how one day gone with Qin Han in the World of Douluo Dalu End



In the morning Qin Han get up and he get out of the cave and he see the Sun was up in the sky if he was right then the time was 10 in the morning from his memory of the earth but its in Douluo Dalu so we dont know

"System what time is it?" Qin Han

[The same as the Earth host, the world of Douluo Dalu was Bigger than Earth maybe about 20.000 Bigger that was the lesser estimate and the sun too bigger than Earth sun]

"so its like that then thats helpful, System i wanna change your name because its awkard to call you system can i?" Qin Han

[Please do host you can change my personality too if you want]

"Okay that what i want too, then your name wil be Lisa and your Personality will be Caring Wife, the best Mother, Smart and Helpful wife" Qin Han

[System Update... Success

Thank you My love for the name, you Complete Hidden Mission

Hidden Mission :

Get the System a Name

-A Name

-Personality (Optional)

Reward : Diamond Lottery Ticket]

"Ah i know it thank you Lisa my lovely wife, can you use the Lottery Ticket" Qin Han

[Roger My love... Use Diamond Lottery Ticket

- Primordial Chaos Body Cultivation Manual (Mythical)

Congratulation my love you got 0.0001% chance one of Mythical Reward]


[Did you wanna learn in my love?]


Then many Knowledge about the Primordial Chaos Body Cultivation Manual pouring into Qin Han's Brain and he got to know how to practice the body manual

The Body manual have 5 level in there :

1. Body of God

2. Body of Dragon

3. Body of Supreme

4. Body of Law

5. Body of Chaos

And the Practice of this manual was considered Easy and Hard at the same time, the user of this manual will must understand to get Energy of the star till the Chaos to cultivate it

but its already done it when Qin Han Learn it, and by then everytime Qin Han Cultivate Spirit power at the same time Qin Han Will Cultivate it too without making it hard for cultivate spirit power because it was different power type

Rather make it hard but it make the Spirit power to be more Pure and Perfect and what make it hard is how much Energy what they need for cultivate it if not got enlightment someone will not got into Lvl 3 till Lvl 5

"Good manual with these and my Martial Soul i on the road to be Invicible" Qin Han

[Yes My love will be the most strongest in Universe with my love talent and my help]

"thank you Lisa oh yeah Lisa can you give me direction too Nuoding Academy" Qin Han

[Okay my love... follow those Arrow direction my love]

Qin Han see an Arrow in front of him that go to Right Direction, and the Journey to the Nuoding Academy was going on



Qin Han arrive at Nuoding Academy after weeks, he see in entrance many New Student Joining in Recruitment Hall where they test their Martial Soul with price of course not

Qin Han go Queque in those lines and after about ten minutes he got his turn after some child not getting to get accepted in the Academy

"Next!" said the Examineer

Qin Han got in front of the Examineer and after the Examiner see his he said

"Introduce yourself" he said

"Name : Qin Han

Age : 6"

"Okay, where are you from?" he ask

"I was Traveler with my Grandpa never stay in one place but a weeks ago my Grandpa dead got attacked by Spirit Beast and before his dead he said to go east to the Nuoding Academy and Registered in here" Qin Han

"Oh im sorry for your lose, then touch those balls and pour your spirit Power" he said

Qin Han pour his Spirit power when touch the ball and the ball full of Glow that means Qin Han has Full Innate power

"INNATE! You go in fast and check your Martial Soul" he said

"okay" Qin Han

Qin Han got in and after that he see Middle aged man and his eyes was full of expectation maybe after he hear that some Innate word, or because he see me already Spirit Master

"I am Mo Hen teacher of this Nuoding Academy Show your Martial Soul please and your ring please" said Mo Hen

Qin Han show Martial Soul Halberd of Destruction and he Show his Spirit Ring with Purple Color

'Fortunately i bought this skill when in the Journey and its take half of my HP'

Yes Qin Han bough a Skill in the Shop when in the Journey and that skill was

'Martial Soul Control'

This skill make the user can control the colour of the spirit ring in his martial soul and how the shape, look and Quality of his Martial soul

"WHAT! this pressure is 9.999 Years old Spirit Ring what a lucky boy your are, how did you get this?!" ask Mo Hen

"My Grandpa risk his life fighting Hell Tiger that almost Breakthrough 10.000 Years old and give me the last strike, and because my Grandpa not yet in the peak of Spirit Saint so he give it to me" Qin Han


"Why?" Qin Han

"... let me tell you, for Spirit master the Best for their spirit ring was 500 and some genius maybe 1200 years old but not like yours if they exceed it then your will blow up and dead, did you understand" said Mo Hen

"Oh... ahh so that's why, dont worry my grandpa got some Body Cultivation manual and he got to know as long your body strong enough you can break the limit of number of years of spirit ring and my Grandpa already teach me from 3 years old" Qin Han

Mo Hen dumbstruck when hear the word of Qin Han but he hear of those rumour too so when he hear it being true he feel stupid, but society dont believe it and if he said it being true they just see him as someone with wrong mind was the least he got to be

"... Alright then because of you already Spirit Master then you will be Working student here, you already know the information right" said Mo Hen

"Yes" Qin Han

"Okay you can go and before that please said your Rank after that go to Registration hall and take your " said Mo Hen

"i was Rank 19 Spirit Master, and thank you Teacher Mo Hen" Qin Han

After that Qin han do what he got told and after that he go to his assigned room in Commoner Dormitory when he got in he see some child beating up another child

"Oh another new student, okay you're next. Noob im the boss of this dorm how about it we fight?" ask the boy

"Okay" Qin Han

"Okay then take this" said the boy

He sneak attack Qin Han but Qin han easily caught it and the boy got shock, before the boy know it he got punched in the stomach and fainted on the spot with foam in his mouth

Qin Han action make other student fear and worship him but another student got in. with Blue hair commoner cloth and big bagpack he know this is the MC Tang San

"Oh.. is he okay" ask blue hair boy

"Well... he is okay maybe don't misunderstand me he challenge me even after i just got in this dorm like you so i accept it and defeat him and then i became the boss he said it" Qin Han

"Oh okay then" said Blue Haired boy

"Well nice to meet you i am Qin Han age 6, who are you?" Qin Han

Qin Han give his hand to the boy for a Handshake

"My name is Tang san age 6, nice to meet you too" said Tang San

"okay then Tang San you choose your bed as for me is the Bed with more space in there" Qin Han said while choose the bed in the middle with larger space

"Okay then, you win from him so you're the boss and im don't wanna compete with you" said Tang san while dont care


"Hmm?" Qin Han and Others

Qin Han and others see who got in so recklessly and they see a Girl with one Braid hair to the back and yellow ribbon.

The girl have Brown hair with Pink eyes, skin colour White like a Jade without defect, small lips and pink colour lips, white teeth. and we can see this girl will became Goddess figure after grown up

"The Winner is the boss?, then lets fight!" said the girl excitedly

"Mm... Nice to meet you my name is Qin-" Before Qin han finish talking he already got attacked

But the attack easily got block by Qin Han and come after that was many kick after him while Qin Han just Dodge or block it and Qin Han got tired of it

Qin Han got behind the girl with fast speed that nobody can see even Tang San, and he knock the girl in the neck with spirit power and make her Fainted then he got her to the bed right to him and Tang san was in his Left

"Okay atleast some peace so i can Cultivate" Qin Han

"Hahahaa... Good work" said Tang San with Awkard laugh

Qin Han just nod to him then go to his bed and Cultivating and two hour after it he hear some Scream in his Right


Qin Han open his eyes because of that and see that Girl got up with sweat in his head and just he and her in the room so he got close to her

"What happen? are you okay" Qin Han

"Ah.. Im okay just a Nightmare" said the Girl

"Okay then... oh right nice to meet you my name is Qin Han age 6" Qin Han

"Nice to meet you too.. my name is Xiao Wu age 6 too" said Xiao Wu said with forced smile

"... May i Hug you? my Grandpa always Hug me when i having Nightmare so maybe it can help you too" Qin Han

"... then please Hug me Qin Han" Said Xiao Wu

Qin Han without many word just Hug her and he see her Expression got better they doing it till they hear some footstep closing in to the dorm, so Qin Han separate himself with Xiao Wu

Xiao Wu was blushing but Qin Han just got normal Expression and got into his bed and close his eyes again to cultivate, but what Xiao Wu didnt know was Qin Han was speaking with Lisa

'Lisa is that true'

[Yeah You Got 200 HP from Hug Xiao Wu and Got Gold Lottery Ticket from 70 Affection - Crush]

'Can you give me all info about got HP and Affection'

[Okay My Love...

{Goddess - Charm 95-100

Hand Holding the Goddess - 100 HP

Hug the Goddess - 200 HP

Kiss the Goddess - 500 HP

French Kiss the Goddess - 1.000 HP

Sex with Goddess - 2.500

Got Goddess First time - 5.000

Max 3x Repetition a day}

{Affection -100 - 100

-100 : Mortal Enemy

-70 Heart to Kill

-50 Hate to the Bone

-30 Hate

-10 Disgusted

0 - Stranger

30 - Acquitance

50 - Friend

70 - Crush/Best Friend

80 - Lovers

100 - Love till Death}]

'oh so this is not just for Goddess, other people too right Lisa'

[You right My Love]

'Okay then thank you Lisa, then i gotta go Cultivate again i think im gonna breakthrough Tonight'

[Fight on My Love]

Qin Han just smiled and continue his Cultivation not care for anything

(Xiao Wu Pov)

My name is Xiao Wu i was Spirit Beast who turn into Human after Hundred thousand years, i am doing this even though the risk to get Revenge for my mother who get killed by someone we help in the past

After turn into human and got comfortable with it, i go into Nuoding Academy from the info i hear that was the best for learn about Cultivating

After got accepted i got the dorm and there to be the boss you must win a fight from the boss, so i challenged the boss who look the same age as me (Pyshical body)

I got lost to him and fainted, after i got fainted i dreaming... Dream about those day where i see my mother Died to protect me and my brothers, then i wake up with cold sweat from head to my back

Then the boss ask me what happened i just say i got nightmare and then the boss ask me can he hug me to comfort me because it was the teaching of his Grandfather

I think about it that can be tried so i accept it and then the boss whose name is Qin Han Hug me and it work

When he Hug me at first it just warm but not long after that my Heart Beat was got faster and louder i don't know why this is, but we hug long enough before he free the hug when we hear Footstep in the front door

Now i see it Qin Han was Handsome Boy, with Black Hair like the Night, Golden Eyes, Body taller than his age maybe like 9 years old, sword like eyebrow, perfect nose, thin lips and pink almost red color lips and i can see his body full of nice muscle

Short it he was Peerless Male God like how my mom said, after he freeing his hug he got into his bed and Cultivating and others boys got in

in the Dorm with silence and comfortable became Noisy and Fun, but Qin Han just silent there like the Noise got nothing to him. Then Night come when others wanna go sleep he open his eyes

Then he take out his bed that make puzzled with his action so i ask him

"What are you doing?"

(Xiao Wu Pov End)

Qin Han open his eyes and see that time was Night time for sleep so he got up and then take the Bed to his Inventory and want to take out the bed he buy in the Shop but a voice interrupted him when he see whose voice is that he see Xiao Wu look at him puzzled

"What are you doing?" ask Xiao wu

"Hm? oh Xiao Wu, i wanna change my bed to more Comfortable bed the bed big and comfortable did you want to sleep together?" Qin Han

"Can i!" ask Xiao Wu

"Yes You can, but i gotta take your bed so we can have more space and in the middle of the space" Qin Han

"Okay i agree" Said Xiao Wu

Qin Han take Xiao Wu bed and got out his own bed that he buy with 50 HP and after Xiao Wu see it he just jump into the bed with happiness

Qin Han just chuckled with her action then he got into the bed and tuck the blanket that have function make the user Comfortable and got sleep faster, And Qin Han got into sleep not long after he tuck the blanket to him



Morning came Qin Han get up from his bed see someone just hug him like the life depend of him, when he see who is that he not shock because its Xiao Wu so Qin Han carefully get out of the bed and her hug

Qin Han successfully get out then he walk out and go to the Notan City because its the city where Nuoding Academy is, he searching for a Hotel or if can some Manor that sastifying him to he rent because he not gonna stay too long in here

After an Hour he found Good Manor that can be Renting with 500 Gold Coin a Month he just did Rent that and after that he going back to the Academy after bathing in the Manor

When he go back all Student in the Dorm just gone and because he was Work Student so he go to his class that different than others in his dorm

The classes was just boring because what he already know and he just go in the morning got introduced then go all the way till Class done in the time of lunch and after that you can go to the class you want or not gonna attend any class and be Independent

He gone to Cafeteria and he see someone was fighting and got to see that was Xiao Wu and Tang San

He see Tang San and Xiao Wu gonna win so he just let it go and go closer to them and when he got closer he hear the cliche of Useless Young Master with blond hair

"You dare to hit me!? i think the school need to expel some poor loser!" said Blond boy

"Hooh pretty disgusting to hear from a loser trash who even lost to the poor loser he ridicule" Qin Han

"WHO!" said Blond Boy

"Its me" Qin Han

The blond boy got to see who insult him and wanna fight back the insult

"You Piece o-" before he said it he feel Terrifying Aura from Qin Han and that's make him all in the Cafetaria feel scared

They all feel what in front of them was not Human but a Mythical Beast that see them just the same ant that was the best condition maybe

The Blond Boy feel scared and he piss in his pant like to others boy that beside him that fighting Tang san with his Rod

"GET OUT OF HERE!!" Qin Han said it with his Aura

"HIII!" The Blond Boy and his followers get out of the cafetaria running like his life depend on it

The Cafetaria became silent after that but there a voice that break the silence after some minute and that was the sound of Clapping

*Clap* *Clap"

The sound make they see who that brave enough and they got to see Middle Aged man with with hair and look hagard and then all other student shouting

"TEACHER!" all the student who already know

"What an Monster boy, let me Introduce myself i am The Grandmaster Yu Xiaogang" he said

-To be Continued-