
Mother Of All Systems!!

So basically our MC is an unlucky fellow his whole life is a mess. Orphan at the age of 3 when his parents got involve in some accidents. Growing up with no friends. Grades are so-so Don't even mention a girlfriend Well basically everything he does nothing comes good. And then he start watching animes reading novels and Mangas he really got addicted and decided to commit suicide in letting himself got rekt by truck-kun. After he saw a truck in the distance he started walking slowly to the center of the road but little did he know there's an open manhole near just infront of him. The last second he remember is the feeling of falling. Follow the disastrous life of Clay's adventure on obtaining different SYSTEMS!!! ________________ Cover not mine.... CTTO

Crixzivion · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

Race evolved and a new race

For about 2 hours Clay just started to have consciousness, when he open his eyes, he saw merlin still sleeping. then he heard the system.

[ Ding... Persona creation complete!!]

Then 2 cards shows up in front of Clay the first one has an image of Reptilian beastkin but it's scales is not green but black, completely black, his scales is a like a shining black jewel, although not all of his body has scales its still has a domineering aura, it has a black tail, the only part of him that has no scales are the chest,abdomen neck and face, then his eyes are light green with spilt pupils.

2nd card is a human that has a really big muscles, and just looking at his body, you can already feel the explosiveness of his every being, he have the skin of a lion in his head, well this is Hercules.

[ Ding... Final application... Do you want to continue? (Y/N)]

"Uhmm? Yes!"After Clay said these words, the 2 cards starts to shine in white color then the cards slowly move at Clay's chest until it dissappear.

"What now?"Clay ask, the next moment his body starts to restructured, clay can feel his blood boiling, then his body slowly turned into a well built and well toned body his height increases a bit, after that his scarlet hair grows and stops at his waist. His eyes change into bluish green, his body starts to grow some black scales and finally the black reptilian tail, in short he looks bad ass now.

Meanwhile when clay saw this all, 'Shit... Shit.... Shit... Shit...'Clay thought.

[ Ding... The process is done...]

[ Ding... I will now list all the changes from the transformation!]

[ Human race has been upgraded into <High Human>]

[ High Human is the main specie of humans having extraordinary strength and large amounts of mana, and makes them to be on par on other races in ancient times!]

[ High human race effects are - +20 for Strength, +5 for Agility, +20 for Intelligence and a special ability called <Lesser telekinesis(A)> and +300 years of lifespan, lastly you have learnt <High human language>]

[ You have now a new race called <Ancient Beastkin> they are the main specie of Beastkins in ancient times, they are known for there strength, defense and large amount of mana!]

[ Ancient Beastkin effects are - +20 for Strength, +20 for defense, +5 for Agility, +10 for intelligence and a special ability called <Reptilian aura(C)> which makes all of the beast that has a reptilian bloodline worship you, and all of the reptilian beastkins feel intimidated in front of you, +300 years of lifespan and lastly you have learnt <Ancient Beastkin languages>]

[ A new form called <Reptilian form> has been created which is your form now! Every time your in this form you will have an increase for your defense and the special ability called <Reptilian aura> will automatically be on! When you turned off this form, your stats will go back to its original and the special ability will also be off!]

[ Hercules persona is already in the state of <Beyond Origin> which means you've already surpass the true strength of Hercules! Since Hercules is has a Strength count of 80 then you've long surpass him!]

[ Last change in your body! Your limiters has been move into the MAX of 400!]

Everytime Clay's read the next and next sentences his eyes and mouth is also continously to go wide, after absorbing it all clay had a sigh of relief."Thank God this form is not permanent!"

"Can you turned off the form?"Clay said

[ Affirmative!]

Then Clay back to his original form, well actually the scales just been remove and his eyes goes to blue reptilian eyes, other than that he still have a long scarlet hair running down till his waist, the wind is blowing his beautiful hair paired with his well toned body, it's like a painting that represents the child of a God.

Clay also noticed that his body is now good looking and his hair is long, which he likes.

Finally after a few moments merlin woke up. Saying that he already recovered his mana, actually I can just buy mana potion in the shop or just create them myself, but since I'm not really in a hurry, I tweak things in my system instead, well now that his awake he said that he can only teleport us to the nearest town somewhere around the evergreens territory, but even though it will take weeks to arrive in our castle in foot. but I have a good idea.

"Magi Chan? How much is that skill merlin is using?"Clay ask.

[ You mean Gate? It cost 100,000 store points it's a C rank spell which is also equivalent to a 9th tier spell!]

"Can I use it?"Clay ask.

[ Yes since skills from system has no restrictions, as long as host have the necessary amount of mana then you can use it.]

"Okay then buy me that!"


"Hey brat let's go now!"Merlin said to Clay who is staring blankly in front of him. He notice his hair that are very long now and also his body is fit and a noticeable growth spurt, but merlin didn't take it seriously. He thought his master do something to him. Merlin also notice that Clay's master is not really such a talkative person.

"Hey kid? You okay?"Merlin shakes Clay's shoulder, which makes Clay back to himself.

"U-uh right?"Clay said then continued."So you said that you can't go directly there right?"Merlin nodded.

"Then do you need some help?"Clay ask merlin.

"What do you mean?"Merlin ask seems to be curious.

"I'll teleport us there!"Clay nonchalantly said.

"Pft! Hahahahahahaha! Good joke!"Merlin nearly puke blood on what Clay said, 'I mean I who is already a 9th class wizard can't go directly there then you will say that you can do it? Aren't you belittling me.' Merlin clearly did not believe it.

"Geez.. I think I should prove it by actions then?."Clay whispered.

"Great Grandfather!!"Clay shouted to attract his attention.

"Hmm?"Merlin look at him. He saw Clay raise his hands then say.

"Gate!"Clay said then thought,'Hmmp! Just a measly C rank skill, Let's make a hundred of them!'

Then hundred of magic circles show at the same time. And slowly opening a portal, Clay put the portals into different pats in the house.

Merlin thought he is dreaming, but when he tried to clean his eyes the gates is still there, in the end he faints, it's just that his heart can't take this kind of things.

"So what now?"Clay look at merlin, but he notice he is not there anymore, then Clay looks down he saw merlin laying unconscious.

"Oh my God! I got a bit overboard!"Clay anxiously said. Then have a final look at his status. Before entering the portal.


Name : ( Clay Evergreen ) ( Clay Elfwood )

Level : 85 ( 7th class wizard ) Sub class: (Assassin)

<Title> - ( Master of skills )2x faster in mastering any skills under S rank.( Master of Schemes )No Special Buff.

<Experience points> - ( 8,000,000 /12,000,000)

<Age> ( 4 years and 8 months)

<Race> - (NEW)High Human,(NEW)Ancient Beastkin


- STR:143-->183AGI:126-->136 LUCK: 1

DEF:103-->123 INT:101-->130

Attribute Points:(0)

<Bloodline> - Reptilian Bloodline(D) (100%)

Greek Mythology's Bloodlines

(Transcendant) (100%)

(NEW) <Personas> - Ancestral Reptilian(C)(Form 1: Reptilian form) ,Hercules(A)(Beyond Origin)

<Professions> - Grandmaster Alchemist ( Expert Level Mastery ) Grandmaster Blacksmith ( Expert Level Mastery ) Grandmaster Forger ( Expert Mastery ) Grandmaster Chef ( Mid Level Mastery )

<Affinity> - Air affinity (C) Water affinity (C) Earth Affinity (C) Fire affinity (C) Void affinity (D) Special Affinity (D) Light affinity (D) Dark affinity (D)

<Combat Power> - (56,800>>61,800)

<Skills> - Heavenly Wind Slice(A) Water Summon(SS) Nuclear flame explosion(A)Pure wind barrier(C) Torch(F) Boulder blast(B) Superior multi-water bullet(A) Air Dash(C) Perfect Disguise Magic(F) Mastered Mana Sense(B) Mastered Magic Manipulation(B) Cemetery Hellfire(A) Perfect Corpse Control(B) Exuberance Void(SS) (NEW)Gate magic(C)

<Weapon masteries> - Staff ( Early mastery )

<Special abilities> - Superior Comprehension(C) Mystic Body(A)

Incorporeal Eyes(A), (NEW)Reptilian Aura(C),(New)Lesser Telekinesis(A)

System points:( 170 )

Store points:( 2,422,690)

Clay is just getting stronger every single time..... Btw I don't know if you notice it but I change the Dex into Def instead I figure out that Agility will be Dex also..

Crixzivioncreators' thoughts