
CH 19: (Tommy and Debs)



Deb smiled as she was cleaning the dishes from last night's dinner.

The life she held was a normal and happy one...most of the time.

She frowned as she had been thinking about filing for divorce.

Shocking, right? But actually she had some reasons for that.

She had gotten tired of her husband constantly favoring their older child Donnie for years and couldn't see that their second child Tommy preferred robotics over what he called 'man' stuff.

Not only that, but she was the one that did most of the job in the house while her husband just lazed out at his work.

She smiled though at seeing her son Tommy run by the front of the house to show he came back from school.

'Ahhh~! He's back!' She thought happily.

She put the dishes down to greet her son, but as she made her way to the front door, she saw Donnie keep Tommy out and block the entrance.

She couldn't help but feel annoyed at that because while he was her son and she loved him, not as much like she did with Tommy, she was getting fed up with his rebellious personality.

"Donnie, let me through." demanded Tommy.

"Not happening buttmonkey. Not until you pay the toll." grinned the older brother with a cocky grin.

"What toll?" Asked their mother behind him, making the older brother panic.

"Donnie said I can't come in unless I pay him." spoke Tommy with a frown.

That made her glare at the now panicking Donnie.

"Donnie, either you stop messing with your brother, I'm going to sell your weights and make sure YOU are the girliest boy in the neighborhood." promised Deb.

Donnie actually went pale and quickly ran to his room while crying like a girl.

"Thanks mom." smiled Tommy hugging Deb's legs.

Deb smiled before hugging her son back.

"No problem sweetie." Deb kissed Tommy's forehead as he ran past her to go up to his room.

She then sighed as she went to finish her chores. But before she could go a foot, the upstairs rattled for a moment.

"Hmmm...what was that?" She thought outloud.

She walked upstairs to make sure Tommy wasn't hurt and saw his door was slightly opened.

Curiously she decided to watch through the crack. Her eyes widened as she saw her son, and his toy seemingly fly in the air above him with jets coming out of its feet.

'What's going on?!' She thought.

"Robotboy, you need to be more careful with your new upgrades." spoke Tommy.

"Sorry, Tommy." The robot apologized.

"It's okay, but we need to be careful. We can't let my family know you exist." spoke Tommy.

"Indeed...but why?" Asked at the end Robot Boy.

"Well, because Dad and Donnie would probably try to turn you into a punching bag or something." replied Tommy.

Deb, who was hearing them, agreed as well.

"What about, mother?" asked Robotboy.

"While I trust her, I'm worried that she may take you away from me or even get involved with Dr. Kamikaze whose that's after you..." Tommy explained.

Deb gasped at hearing about an evil doctor and grew serious.

'Is someone trying to hurt MY baby boy? They better pray I don't find them.' thought Deb who pushed the door open as Tommy and Robotboy were stunned to see her.

"MOTHER!" Both boys yelled in shock.

"Tommy, I want you to tell me everything." demanded Deb crossing her arms.

Tommy froze up, trying to find a way out before eventually sighing and accepting to tell her everything.

Tommy went on to explain how he got Robotboy, and about Dr. Kamikaze who has been trying to steal said robot to take over the world.

Deb was very surprised by the end of the story.

"Aw, my little boy is growing up." smiled Deb pulling Tommy into a hug.

Tommy blushed a bit from the compliment as he hugged his mother.

"But, it's not going to be easy to keep quiet." started Deb, knowing this could work to her advantage.

"Please mom! I'll do anything, just please don't tell anyone about Robotboy!" Tommy said worried.

Deb smiled at seeing her son fall for her ruse.

"Okay, then here's what I want you to do." smiled Deb in a whispered tone. "Come to my room later after letting robotboy rest..." She said.

Tommy nodded with Robotboy looking confused as Deb left the room.

"What happened?" Robotboy asked.

"I don't know Ro, but if this keeps mom from saying anything, it can't be all that bad." replied Tommy deactivating Robotboy and hiding him before heading out to his mom's room.

Tommy then knocked on the door, and got a "Come in" from his mom.

He walked in to see his mother sitting there on her bed with a smile at seeing him come in.

"I'm glad you came." She told him.

"So, what do you want me to do?" asked Tommy.

Deb just smiled as she went near him.

"I want you to give your mother something mature kids do." replied Deb holding Tommy's shoulders.

"And what is that?" Tommy asked.

"A special kiss." smiled Deb.

"W-what kind of kiss?" Tommy asked with a blush.

"Close your eyes and let mommy do the rest." smiled Deb.

Tommy did as told, unaware of what would happen.

Deb smiled and held Tommy's cheeks as she moved her face towards his.

The next thing Tommy felt was a warm sensation on his lips.

He opened his eyes as he and Deb were sharing a kiss, but he began to feel something against his lips.

'W-what?!' He thought in disbelief before he felt heat on his face.

He reluctantly opened his mouth and really gasped in shock as Deb's tongue was moving around in his mouth and going against his own tongue.

'Why...is this...feeling so good~?' He thought as he let himself be taken by the kiss.

Deb was satisfied to feel Tommy let her take over as she held his face there and ravaged his mouth with her tongue as it wrapped around his own.

Eventually they separated from lack of air.

"There. That wasn't so bad, now was it?"

Tommy could only blush and nod.

"Don't worry. I trust you and Robotboy, just be careful, okay?"

Tommy nodded, feeling happy.

"Now you go play with him. I'll get dinner ready." smiled Deb standing up and walking out of the room.

Tommy nodded before he turned around and left the room.

Deb smiled as she reached the kitchen and shivered at feeling her son's saliva in her mouth.

'So...good' She thought happily.