
Most likely

Anna is an ace detective. She has helped everyone from Scotland yard to the secret service. One day she got the burn notice and was left at the curb. A former criminal turns up at her home with a proposal. She can find criminals again but she will be working for an autonomous company that might occasionally have shady deals she must look the other way. Putting aside one of the morals her now-deceased mentor had drummed into her. She was delighted at the prospect of finding the monster who killed her best friend and the reason she has no recollection of the past beyond Boston General eight years ago. Five years into the deal she hasn't lost sleep over her decision. Now she meets men she has helped since she rolled up her sleeve. She is nowhere near her answers but she is content knowing that the worst are behind bars where they belong.

Ghaadha · สมัยใหม่
12 Chs

Meeting The Exs

I tettered towards Ben and asked him if I could go. I had other obligations but he insisted I stay for a few minutes. I sat down in the small office he showed me and read the classified section of the article looking for Alex's message. If she is involved with anything she will give me a heads up so we won't cross paths. I have in the past thrown her in the Slammer. Now she is my associate. Yes you heard right I will explain it as we go along.

For now I am in this dingy office waiting for 37 to show up. He murdered Alex's uncle who happens to be the man that offered me this position.

Milosh called to tell me that he will meet me at the black site when I have confirmed 37's arrival. Ertugul (An associate) will show up to exact revenge. I searched the classified top to bottom and found nothing so I threw it away. A woman walked in with my breakfast order along with five ex-husbands. I saw Emmett purse his lips in annoyance. I can already that he is already calorie counting and see the carbohydrates, trans fats and gluten. I rolled my eyes, "Go lay an egg Em." He laughed, "Anna I am just concerned about your health" I shrugged, "Did you know that Rabbits jump up and down and their life expectancy is 2 years while a turtle does no exercise and lives to be 400 years. So just save your words." Emmett tilted his head for a witty come back. The next to speak was Malcolm, "Annie you never told me you were a detective. I never knew you are this good." I shrugged as I sank my teeth into the Double-decker Cheese Burger. I sipped the thickest chocolate milkshake I have ever tasted. It was perfect. I looked at him, "I never told anyone what I do for a living. And need I remind you what type of a person you were. The unfaithful and verbally abusive. I felt no need to tell you." He backed against the wall. I continued, "You made me hate marriage so much that I rather die in a ditch than be married. I had to go through a lot of therapy before I began trusting anyone." He walked away without another word. Marcus was next, "You left me as I recall. I would remarry you all over again if you give me a chance." I lowered my head, "I lost a dear friend of mine and I was in pain that you will bear the brunt of what I was about to do. I threw one of the worst men ever in a black site prison and his associates killed my friend in front of me. I wouldn't bear watching you die. Your death was a constant nightmare that I saw every night so I kept my distance so you would continue breathing. Your next breath meant more to me than the pleasures of the earth." His eyes welled with tears. Jacob moved forward and plucked a waffle fry. He looked at me like he trying to decipher a code. I laughed, "Looking to get the Navy's Code cracking award again?" He blushed, "I am sorry I divorced you. But I had PTSD and I hated myself for trying to strangle you in my sleep." I brushed him off, "You were not in control over yourself when those awful memories come flooding." Max was next, "You divorced me because of my mother and how she made you feel like you were unworthy. I am sorry but she has learned her lesson." I finished my breakfast and wiped my mouth, "Found a better man that made me feel like a queen so pass"

I got out and looked at their evidence wall and found their evidence doesn't correlate. I found the man that would convince 37 to come willingly. As predicted he came out of nowhere. I let slip that he has placed a running price on my head and will be here in a few hours. He moved me to a secret location and placed me in a metal box. I was allowed to leave to use the bathroom but that was it. I waited bored to tears when finally there was the deafening bang that shook the wall. I watched as men in tactical gear wearing special helmets walk in and cut the cage to let me out. They dragged the assistant director of the FBI and he was shot at point-blank range. I got on my knees with my hands on my head waiting to be shot executor style. One of them obliged me and I shot in the abdomen. They got what they wanted so they left without a word. Marcus ran to save and I was given a sedative and everything went black. I woke up in the hospital with a splitting headache and equally painful stomach ache.

This idea has been a dream. A good detective that has fallen through the cracks.

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