
Mortal child (HPXTw)

Harry Potter spent most of his childhood with the Cullen family, not his uncles. "Harry was tired. No, tired is an understatement, he was exhausted. You may now wonder why the greatest hero and saviour of the wizarding world, who just after the war was elevated to a level almost equal to that of a god, felt this way. Well, the answer is simple, he didn't want to be a hero."

Kimimiela · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
5 Chs

Chapter 4

Edward stood in the entrance to the kitchen staring at his brother who he hadn't seen in so long, since Harry came back they lived in the same house and yet this was the first time they had seen each other. Not that any of the boys would admit they avoided each other on purpose. They hadn't seen each other for four years, Edward sometimes wondered what was going on with his brother, but whenever he pictured him in his mind a picture of a fourteen year old boy painted itself. Something in his mind refused to allow the information that the boy would grow up and he wouldn't witness it, meanwhile the image of a fourteen year old Harry would disappear from his mind once and for all as soon as he stepped into the kitchen. His brother was taller, not tall, but taller than he used to be, instead of being not much bigger than Alice Harry seemed a few inches taller than Bella. He had grown mature in face as well, and the joy in his eyes was replaced by sadness and emptiness, at this sight something squeezed the vampire's heart that hadn't been beating for so long. Edward stood still for only a few seconds, each second taking an eternity when the kitchen was silent. Harry got up from the table with a look on his face as if he wanted to speak. Edward took a step forward when Harry's scent hit him, so many thoughts were running through his mind now that he had completely forgotten about it, everyone could smell the boy now. The vampire blinked rapidly a few times restoring his full control.

"I... I," Harry took a step forward so that they stood at such a distance that if they stretched out their hands in front of them their fingers would touch

"I'm sorry" Harry quickly covered the distance separating them by hugging the vampire and without even knowing why his breathing sped up

The boy didn't mind the coldness or hardness of Edward's body, in fact it had a soothing effect like a pleasant memory from a time when everything was carefree. The vampire twitched slightly as if in surprise and when he began to slowly raise his hands Harry was frightened that he would move away from him, nothing could be further from the truth. Edward rested his hands on the boy's back and began to draw reassuring circles on his back.

"No, I'm sorry," said Edward

With a smile on her lips Esme quietly left the room, she knew her boys would reconcile quickly, Edward always had a soft spot for Harry.

The boys stood there until Harry's breathing evened out and he moved away from the vampire, this time looking him in the eye

"You don't even know how much I missed you all" Harry said trying to hold back tears, he was aware that he had been doing this far too often lately

" We missed you too, maybe not everyone will admit it to you but it's true" Edward replied warmly

" Maybe we should sit down" he added pointing to the stole Harry had just gotten up from

When they sat down neither of the boys was sure who should be the first to break the silence, finally the older one decided

" Tell Harry how you are feeling today, dad said that wounds are healing good"

"Actually, it's not too bad, the painkillers are a brilliant invention, as far as I know all the stitches should be gone within the next three days" Harry replied with a slight smile

" How about you" asked the wizard this time

"I heard from my mom that you're seeing someone" he elaborated

Edward rolled his eyes but replied

" Yes, I'm dating Bella and I honestly don't know which of us is more abnormal"

Harry turned his head to the side looking like a puzzled dog

" Well, you know she's human, her blood sings to me, at the same time I can't imagine ever being able to hurt her. She has something to do with you too, she's thoughts are a mystery to me too. Meeting her makes me feel like a masochist, but I can't imagine life without her. I don't think she realizes how much I love her if something were to happen to her..." he didn't finish

"I'm sorry I'm rambling" he finished his story quickly, lowering his gaze

Harry didn't speak for a long moment after that. Edward raised his eyes to see the intensity with which the boy was looking at him

" Did something happened" asked the vampire wrinkling his brow

" No... I just..." Harry wiped his face with a tired hand

" I haven't told anyone about this yet, I mean here at home. You might not mention it to anyone anytime soon."

" Of course," Edward assured him

" In the wizarding world hasn't been very good lately, but... but it's just a little bit about that. Before my fourth year at Hogwarts, you know I was supposed to go with the Weasleys to the quiddich world cup, so there was a boy going with us and his father. He also went to school with us but he was older than us, he was seventeen at the time and in a different house than me, so I don't think I ever saw him at school or at least never paid attention to him. It was... was Cedric, Cedric Diggory," his name stood in Harry's throat, and he had trouble pronouncing it

Harry took a deep breath and gathered himself to continue his statement

"Cedric looked like your twin brother, at first I found it hard to believe that one person could be so similar to another, if it wasn't for the fact that he was a little more tanned than you and had a different eye color I would have thought the person trying to tell me that the boy standing in front of me wasn't you was crazy. My friends thought it strange that I stared at him the whole time but it was beyond my comprehension, even in the magic world, you know it's kind of funny, I managed to address him by your name a few times. It would sound strange to explain " I'm sorry you look identical to my brother, a vampire, are you sure you're not one""

This comment made Edward laugh quietly

"Soo when school started, the principal announced that there was going to be a tournament that year, it hadn't been held for a long time because it was considered too dangerous, but that year they decided it was time to bring it back. Precisely because of the danger that the tournament would pose, a rule was made that only students over the age of seventeen could participate. The Hogwarts representative was your clone but that wasn't too bad, after drawing the cards with the names of the representatives the principal started to summarize everything and then unexpectedly another card appeared"

Edward looked up. At Harry with a look as if he knew what was about to come out of his brother's mouth

" You know how lucky I am, I didn't apply but my name was drawn anyway and I became the fourth participant in the tournament despite the rules and with no choice. I got a hint from a friend for the first of the three tournament tasks and shared it with Cedric, then he helped me out before the second one. And during the third..."

Edward took Harry's hand in his own to give him encouragement, Harry took a deep breath wiping away a tear with his other hand, he really needed to finally stop crying

" I said at the beginning that things weren't going too well in the magical world, the dark wizards were showing more activity. During the third task we reached the win together with Cedric at the same time, it was a cup that had to be touched to win, we agreed that we would both catch it at the same time so not to be unfair.

"Unfortunately, the cup wasn't what we expected, it took us to that graveyard I dreamed of before I left, it also featured the man who betrayed my biological parents leading to their deaths, along with the wizard who was responsible for their deaths."

Edward's eyes widened and Harry on the contrary tightened his grip

" The first thing the first one did was killing Cedric, he did it in front of me and I couldn't do anything about it. My brain stopped working in that moment, in truth you were identical, in front of me lay my dead brother and his death was my fault. I didn't see Cedric then I saw only you" Harry's voice trembled at the end

This time it was Edward who sucked in a deep breath, though as a vampire he didn't even need to breathe

" it's not over, that dark wizard who killed my parents, you know he was presumed dead, but he wasn't, he was just so weak he couldn't even have a body for the first few years. That night in the cemetery I was to be the only one to show up, and it was so they could use me to create a new body for him"

Harry took his hand from Edward's and rolled his sleeve up to his elbow showing a thick scar running across his entire forearm

" He arose again that night, regained his body, they used my blood that had been flowing since then in his veins too. Then he wanted to fight me and then the ghosts appeared. I saw my parents then, they spoke to me, they helped me. Cedric's ghost also appeared he asked me not to leave him in this place, he wanted me to return his body to his father. I ran away. I don't quite remember what happened next but I'm sure in my crying more than once I said Edward instead of Cerdic"

Harry will slide his sleeve back into place

"Harry it's not your fault," said Edward

Harry shook his head negatively

"Edward, I mean Cedric wanted me to win, I was the one who insisted we should win together, it was because of me that he even showed up there"

" You had no idea what was going to happen when you touched that cup, you can't blame yourself, you had no right to know what was going to happen" again the vampire tried to bring the boy out of his guilt

An awkward silence followed this statement, this time broken by the wizard

" I think I'm going to go lie down for a while"

Harry starts to get up but Edward grabs his arm quickly

"Harry, do you feel good enough to climbing the stairs" asked vampire

"I think so."

" Well then follow me" Edward got up from the table leading the younger boy behind him

"Moving here was supposed to be a surprise for you, Mom and Dad wanted to give you something more than the tiny guest room you occupied in your previous home"

Harry raised an eyebrow but didn't speak continuing to follow his brother

"Since you were staying here you slept in the guest room because it was on the ground floor, but now that you are able to climb the stairs I don't see any objection to you taking the bedroom prepared for you, we have already agreed on that"

Edward finished speaking when they reached the last door in the hallway

" Open it" Edward encouraged, pointing to the door

Harry walked closer to the door and gently opened it, the first thing he saw was that two of the walls were glass and behind them was a beautiful view of the forest

"Oh..." Harry let out a sigh walking closer to the window

" I will leave you now, you wanted to rest" said the vampire walking out and closing the door behind him

It took Harry a moment to tear himself away from the window but when he did, he finally got around to looking at the rest of the room, how big was his surprise only he knows when all his stuff from the old house was in front of him. His posters hung on the walls along with his photos, his books stood on the shelves even the silliest papers were arranged as he remembered they were in the old house. Of course, in the wardrobe all the clothes were new, his mother had already informed him that while he was sleeping, she had provided him with clothes in the right size for him because she didn't think he would fit into the same clothes he wore when he was fourteen and he didn't have any of his own things with him. He walked over to the bed and sat down gently on it and then lay down on the bed covering himself with a soft blanket, staring into the forest not even knowing when he managed to fall asleep.


Over the next few days all the stitches were removed and the wounds almost healed, Harry spent less and less time resting and slowly began to return to normal daytime activity hours. The pain from the injuries had disappeared almost completely and only this strange inner ache remained. His interactions with his family had also improved apart from Esme and Edward, every day conversations witch Carlisle were good. Emmet and Rosalie came back home soon, girl tried not to show how much she missed him. Emmett took him aside, hugged him and told him what she was really felling even if she told him not to. Alice, even though she wasn't even present at the house, called so she and Jasper could talk together and to assured him that they were glad he had come home. Harry was glad to be back with his family too.

Edward would occasionally catch Harry staring at him, he just didn't know if he was Edward or Cedric to him at that moment, they didn't talk about it again, he didn't need to read the boy's mind to know that he would rather forget the events.