
Pride; Angelic Council Convenes I

"Lucifer, you speak of judgment and choices, of consequences and freedom. But do we truly have free will, or are we merely following a path that's been laid out for us?

"Ah, you seek to understand what freedom means in the face of destiny. Free will is neither a single path nor the absence of one. It is the essence of choice itself, not its outcome."

"But if we are bound by laws of nature, by circumstances, by forces beyond us, how can our choices be truly free?"

"Imagine you stand at a crossroads with paths stretching in every direction. Each one is influenced by something – memories, fears, desires, hopes. These forces do not take away your will; they merely shape the choices you perceive. True freedom lies not in escaping these influences but in realizing that you can decide which influences to heed.

To be free is not to be unbound by consequences. Free will bears responsibility; each choice we make shapes the world around us. Those who wield their freedom recklessly are bound by the consequences of their actions, as much as by the constraints they sought to escape.

--- Lucifer to Lilith after the great fall, the dawn of the new Era...


"Think of the light you wield. Your brilliance does not exist for your own sake, but to serve the whole." Michael's tone was no longer reserved..

Perhaps the complaints from other angels concerning my harsh and uncaring character had finally reached him, but I could care less.

"When we let pride grow unchecked, we become consumed by our own reflection, forgetting that we are part of something far greater. Even the brightest star loses its place when it stands alone."

He continued his statement which only earned a shrug and a condescending smirk from me.

"So you would have me abandon pride altogether? To think of myself as nothing?"

"Not nothing, but not more than what we were created to be. Humility does not diminish your greatness, Samael; it reveals the source of that greatness. The strongest are those who know they are not beyond error. Only in humility can we find balance, a true reflection of our purpose."

His words finally struck a chord in my heart.

"And what of our own will, Michael? Are we not allowed to desire, to assert ourselves?"

I asked and he remained silent for a moment, before replying to me..

"Yes, we have our wills. But when our will places itself above all else, it risks severing its bond with the Light. True power is only ever found when it is guided by wisdom, and wisdom is rooted in humility. Pride blinds us to this, leaving us isolated and vulnerable."

His words struck me once more, I descended into a chain of thoughts. We did have our own wills. Something had been bothering me for a while now..I was troubled. All this time, I believed my choices were my own, that my judgment, my actions…were mine. But if I am simply the embodiment of my Father's will, what does that make of me?

Perhaps it was necessary in order to fulfill my purpose, but where does purpose end and self begin? I thought myself free to wield judgment, to deliver truth as I perceived it. Now, it felt as if I am merely a vessel, an extension. Does anything I have done belong to me, or have I been naught but an instrument?

I wondered in deep thought… Is there any part of me that is not merely an echo, any choice that was not guided by unseen hands? If all I am is the will of the Father, where is Samael? What is my worth beyond service?

I clenched my fist. Michael's words had watered the seeds in my heart. Of course ever since I gained sentience, I knew what I truly was, but I argued with myself daily, after all, I believed in tne overwhelming love my Father had for me, but now..

I didn't know what to believe..

Seeing the look on my face, a victorious smile lifted up Michael's countenance, and he allowed the silence to reign, but little did he know that his words had achieved the opposite of what he had sought to do..

After more than an hour of silent contemplation, another question stirred within me, but before I could even ask..

A column of bright fiery light descended right before us, like particles of aether, which slowly coalesced into the figure of a handsome tall fellow, wrapped in a black tunic. His head and half of his face were covered by a black hood, yet his eyes shone like constellations.

Unlike almost all angels, his wings were the darkest shade of black. A shade so deep that it fully absorbed every iota of light it came into contact with...

"Samael, Michael, Uriel....."

The newcomer lifted his gaze slowly and his glowing eyes peered towards the three of us, as he acknowledged our presence.

"What brings you here, Azrael?"

Michael asked solemnly, while my nonchalant gaze fell on him for a moment. He was probably the most alienated and withdrawn amongst all of us. Though his character was greatly influenced by his purpose. Being born as the Angel of Death and the end amongst a family that perpetuated life, order and new beginnings wasn't exactly ideal..

Part of me understood him, yet I couldn't care less about what he felt. His role was his burden alone. - he didn't chose to bear it, but neither did any of us. Death was a duty as necessary as life, so I saw no reason to mourn him for it, nor did he seem to care for such sympathy.

Solitude was no punishment He was not cast out—merely apart. The brethren may shy away, yet Azrael carried his purpose with unwavering resolve. If he felt pain for it, that was a matter between him and the silence he kept and had nothing to do with me.

"A change ripples through creation, brothers." He began, his voice deep and resonant, yet tinged with sadness he alone could bear.

"From the distant reaches of existence, beyond even our gaze, there have been born seven beings—entities as ancient as any among us, and yet they are not like us. They are Endless, embodying the very core of mortal experience: Destiny, Death, Dream, and others still unknown.

In the wake of their birth, a message was delivered to Gabriel by Metatron, who has in turn convened a council with all archangels to discuss the divine oracle and our next set of actions in response to their birth..."

Azrael finished his statement and looked towards the three of them for a response.

"These Endless...who commands them? Or by whose authority do they emerge?"

Michael's brows were furrowed in deep thought. Divine beings didn't just pop out of thin air, something or someone was responsible for this sudden change.

"I have my own speculation and I believe you do as well, Saint Michael. As for a direct answer to your question, only the oracle from Father will reveal the truth.."

Azrael's tone was neither arrogant nor humble, yet it boomed with wisdom that was unable to be ignored.

"You, Azrael, as messenger," I finally spoke, my voice laced with his usual nonchalance and a hint of disdain. "Do you feel they bear any consequence to us?"

Azrael's face fell momentarily, a silent acknowledgement of the mystery and burden that clung to his role. "They are neither friend nor foe, Samael. Merely.... inevitable. We shall know their nature in time..

I shall tell the council to await your presences.."

After delivering his message, Azrael's body slowly decomposed into specs of dust, disappearing from the barren world, waving behind Michael, me and a still quiet Uriel.

Uriel looked at his us his face thoughtful as he finally broke his silence, his voice soft yet unwavering. "These beings… the Endless… I wonder what it means for us, for Creation itself. To embody Destiny, Death, Dream—they are forces we know but have never seen manifested.

What does it signify, that even the infinite now has form? That even these forces take shape beyond our watch?"

He paused, a somber look passing over his face. "Perhaps it speaks of a change greater than we yet understand, a shift that will ripple through Heaven and Earth alike. Their birth may herald new purpose… or new trials. Either way, they are now woven into the very fabric of existence."

I gave a low chuckle, a sound almost devoid of humor, my gaze narrowed and piercing. "Purpose, trials… you speak as if they are signs from on high, like stars lighting a path. But these beings are no more than… how shall I put it? Shadows of mortal fears, given form only because the living need something to name. Destiny and Death, Dream and Despair—do these not already live within us, within every creature?"

I shrugged, an edge of disinterest in my tone. "I see nothing remarkable in the idea that these forces merely took a face to stare back at creation. Why cling to such mystique, Uriel? If these Endless are so vital, let them prove it. Let them shape existence as we do. Otherwise, I care not for new shadows cast by mortal imaginings."

Uriel regarded me steadily, a sadness and wisdom mingling in his eyes. "Cynicism will not make them vanish, Samael. The Endless are woven into the same design as we, and no disdain will change that. One cannot dismiss what has always been present, only now seen. They are not shadows but forces essential to the cycle itself… just as you are."

My gaze flickered, a slight irritation shadowing on my face. "Then let them abide by their cycle, Uriel. And I shall abide by mine. Heaven has little need for these 'essential' figures if they cannot touch its walls."

Uriel inclined his head, conceding without argument, his silence once again filling the space where my words had cut. The moment passed, yet the air remained charged with the weight of things yet to come.

"This is not the time nor place to argue. Let us meet with the council and there let us voice out our opinions without hesitation.."

Michael's voice was like thunder, restoring order instantly, as he took the lead and burst into particles of aether, heading right for the silver city.

"Shall we, brother?"

Uriel stretched towards me, seemingly wanting to carry me alongside himself. Quiet the bold yet lovely gesture if you ask me, but my pride wouldn't allow me..

I almost rolled my eyes at him and took a step forward. The space before me slowly warping around my figure, like a cloth being rolled and folded unnaturally, until I totally disappeared from sight, leaving Uriel with a blank expression which turned into a sigh, before he unfurled his wings and disappeared in a flash of brilliance.

A/N: Sorry for the late update guys.