
Morgan x Wall

For my friend Morgan Inspired by Morgan’s obsession with licking walls Criticism is very much appreciated

26mymyhorsey · LGBT+
6 Chs

Part 5

     I turn my head to the left, captivated by the beautiful woman walking past me. She's at least 5'7 which is probably the result of her long brown legs peeking out from the slit on the side of her navy blue pencil skirt. The white dress shirt she has on is crisp and the blazer on top of it hugs her curvaceous body perfectly. Now, I drink my women respect juice every day but, I can't help but stare at her gorgeous figure and fantasize.

      She swiftly walks away and heads to the bar in front of the table I'm at. The movement knocks me out of my perverted fantasies and I start thinking about why a woman in such formal clothes is at a run down strip club and not at some fancy work gala.

"Hey lady, you promised us a private dance." Too deep in my thoughts to hear the words, I forget that I'm sitting at a table with 4 drunk men and I said that I would dance for 2 of them.

      "You said you would give my friends a dance, so get your ass up, Girl!" After no response from me, one of the men stands up slowly, as to not fall and grabs my wrist roughly.

      It all becomes a blur as the the drunk man digs his sweaty fingers into my wrist. His equally intoxicated friends encourage him by shouting things like "yeah, show her what's what," and "we're getting our dance one way or another!" Meanwhile, I'm thinking about these men's poor families who must have to put up with this type of crap every day.

I'm not surprised that no one notices my distress, with the loud music and dancing women distracting everyone. So, I try to fight him off myself by scratching his arm that's still latched onto my bony wrist before my knight in shining armor, Juan starts running over to save me. But, as fast as Juan is, the fancy lady in blue is faster.