
Morgan x Wall

For my friend Morgan Inspired by Morgan’s obsession with licking walls Criticism is very much appreciated

26mymyhorsey · LGBT+
6 Chs

Part 3

I hail a cab and arrive to my destination, my night job, The Nude Zoo Nightclub. It's just your typical strip club with tables, booths, a bar, a main, stage, a V.I.P room, lots of married men, and of course, the strippers.

      I go through the back entrance and greet my favorite bouncer, Juan.

A few months ago, before I started working at The Nude Zoo, I came to scope out the place to see if I would be able to work in the rough environment with creepy men and catty women, though I didn't really have a choice. I brought Dani along with me that day 'cause I planned on drinking and I've been told that I can be a little crazy when I'm drunk. In our shiny little dresses, we danced, got hit on, and drank.

"Morgan, maybe you should slow down a little." Dani warned me as I was downing my 5th shot. We were sitting at the bar together and I was being the lightweight I am while, Dani was looking around the club, the job that we original came to do.

I rolled my eyes and waved her off dismissively, "What are you even talking about, Girl. I'm fine."

"You won't be saying that when your passed out drunk." She mumbled and took a sip of her fruity drink.

I should have heeded her warning because the the only thing that I personally remember from that night is attempting to twerk on the beefy bouncer at the back entrance and Dani dragging me out of the club by my arm. When I woke up the morning after with a throbbing headache, my annoyed chaperone explained that I was so drunk I started calling the bouncer by the name of my celebrity crush, Emmy Raver-Lampman, tried to throw my "flatter than a board" ass back on him, all while, he was trying his hardest to ignore my drunk ass and not laugh in my face.

      After the mortification I had felt and the ringing in my ears wore off, I started to feel sorry about my drunk actions and decided to go back to the club to apologize, just in case I made the poor man feel uncomfortable. When I caught him at the back entrance of The Nude Zoo just before ending his shift I presume, I introduced myself, explained what I was supposed to be doing at the club, and apologized if I had made him feel uneasy.

      "It's fine....Morgan. I've been working here for a around year, I've seen a lot." He responds with a deep Spanish accent.

      He moves one of his meaty hands from the clasping position at his waist and stuck it out for me to shake, "Yeah, I remember you. You started calling me...Emmy?"

I laugh awkwardly, "Yeah. Again, sorry about that. I'm a pretty bad lightweight."

He gives a big, hearty laugh that makes his broad shoulders move up and down, "You know what, you're a really funny girl, Morgan and I can tell that your really nice too, with all of those apologies. I guess I'll see you around here if you decide to dance here."

And now that I permanently dance at The Zoo, I see Juan all the time and for old time's sake, I throw my itty bitty booty back on his waist every time I get to the club for my night shift.