
Morgan x Wall

For my friend Morgan Inspired by Morgan’s obsession with licking walls Criticism is very much appreciated

26mymyhorsey · LGBT+
6 Chs

Part 2

"Morgan, I don't think that it's a good idea for you to get another job." Dani says to me while handing me my delicious iced coffee.

"What, why not?" I ask.

Dani sighs and leans on the countertop where I'm sitting and dangling my feet.

"I mean look at you Morgan," she points to my face and looks at me with a pitying face "you have bags the size of plates under your eyes from lack of sleep."

I continue sipping my coffee and mumble, "I wish they were money bags."

Dani sighs again in defeat before she says, "Fine, I could ask Mrs. Karen if you could work here. I mean, she's always complaining about how we need more baristas here."

"Puh-lease, how do you think that old lady is gonna react when she finds out that my current night job is stripping."

I roll my eyes as we both share a loud laugh like we're both kids again, having a sleepover at my house, talking about which boys in our class we're gonna marry when we grow up.

We talk about more light-hearted subjects in the small cafe until, the alarm on my phone goes off, signaling the end of my friendly visit and the start of my shift at one of my jobs. We say our goodbyes and I head to the club.