
Moremi Ajasoro

Some vows are never meant to be made if the sacrifice for it, is losing something greater. Queen Moremi was the definition of a strong African queen and Mother who would do anything in her power to save her people from a situation that threatens everything they hold dear. Her spiritual journey that would make her a legend many years after her deed into the modern age. The saviour of the yoruba people of Nigeria, without her the ancestral home of the yorubas would have gone into extinction. But she did all these with an unbearable price...

OloladeMabel · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs


The journey from Offa where Moremi was from, to Ile Ife was smooth and peaceful eventhough the heart of Moremi was in turmoil. She was scared, alone except for the her maids, she was not familiar with any other person. Her father has also sent some of his guard to escort her to the Great Ooni's palace. She was not disturbed just only when her food is to be delivered. She has not seen her husband obviously he was not here just elders of the kingdom were sent to receive her from her home. She guessed she should be happy after all offa is but a town in the Great Land of Ife. Her parents too will be on their way over but she was to be sent there first. She heaved trying to calm her erratic heart, this is the second time she is leaving the province of her home town. The first time was when she was about 12 and they were summoned by the Great Ooni and she pleaded with her mother to tag along. Her memories of Ife was not that clear after all she spent just two days and was never allowed to roam as freely as she wanted.

The Great land of Ife was founded by Ooni Oduduwa and she is getting married to his heir apparent to the throne.

She will miss her homeland but this is her fate now destined to be the next Olori of the great land of Ife

Not too bad of a fate right? she smiled.

Akande... she sighed after all we were never meant to be. She saw him last when her wedding date was announced, the shock and resignation on his face

      He could not even put up a fight

Who is he?? She thought, just a small fry compared to the great Lion.

Her mother had told her as a baby the ifa priest had said that her journey was still far ahead and that she will become someone great. It was customary for her people to seek the divination of their children to know what Olodumare has designate for them.

Maybe this is the beginning of her journey as at what lays ahead she will discover them by the will of Olodumare.

The carriage halted and was dropped, she could hear the whispers, the excitement, definitely a crowd has gathered. Maybe all of the people of the great land, she could hear the beating of drums.

My princess its time ' her maid whispered

A sharp and clear voice pierced the air, the person was singing her oriki ( eulogy/praise poetry) . It was a beautiful voice she must say , then suddenly it became silent as a horn was blasted signifying the presence of the Royal family, she came out with a veil concealing her face the crowd all protrasted as custom and sign of respect. The voice started to praise the king, she was kneeling and her head bowed in respect as this was the first time she was face to face with the Ooni.

His horse tail touched her shoulders signifying that she could rise

Rise up my child , his deep baritone voice said. Her jaw almost hit the floor when she saw him. If she thinks her father was majestic he pales before this man wow!!! no wonder he was called the mouthpiece of the gods and a diety himself. His royal apparel was majestic, the aura he exudes was like that of a god, yes a white majestic being she blinked nervously when she saw he was regarding her with interest.

Your name my child?? He asked as he gestured for her to come closer to him. She raised her head elegantly as she replied

 " Princess Moremi of the house of the Lukugba your royal highness' she curtsied respectfully. She knows even if she is a princess she can not afford to annoy the Ooni. One word from him her family will be destroyed after all they are under his rule.

Beautiful girl " an elegantly dressed woman said obviously the Olori of Ife. She knelt in respect as the woman helped her to rise

You are now like a daughter to me eh" she gestured for someone to take me to my seat which was beside that of a handsome youth whose gaze did not rest on her for more than a minute.  It was as if he was trying to conceal his irritation.

Moremi sighed in her heart definitely the crown prince his aura exudes Royal air and he regards everything as they are beneath him, another young man whispered something in his ears as his frown deepened. She can not speak except she was spoken to so her mother said.

"Urgghh! he is just an arrogant bastard is he the only one that don't want to get married eh".

she cursed silently. Just then her parents entourage walked in, they all bowed even her father in front of the Ooni. After exchanging pleasantries, the ceremony officially begun. It was interesting and very entertaining but Moremi was not fully into it as she stole glances of her so called husband.

He avoided her, not speaking to her once as if she does not exist, his eyes only lit up when it rested on a beautiful maiden whom Moremi recognised as Princess Orisatuwo of another town under their sovereign. The princess also smiled at him exchanging coy glances; Really?? Moremi felt anger and another emotion rise in her. She is a princess and no one! not even the king can treat her as trash. She regarded the princess as she paid homage to them

Your highness " she greeted in the most cutesy way.

"What is all this??" Moremi thought irritatingly.

"Moremi". The princess greeted her in an overly familiar way

"When did we result to first name basis" She thought.

Time to put this one in her place.

Orese tu... what is your name again?? Moremi asked innocently

Orisatuwo" the young princess raised her eye brows at her, they were definitely familiar with each other even if they were not friends. The crown prince regarded them with an interesting look in his eyes

"Oh... my bad Orisatuwo I can't keep track the wedding is making me nervous you understand",

Moremi replied smiling innocently.

Orisatuwo only hid her hateful glare as she returned to her seat.

"Good one!" someone said.

She turned to the person and found herself looking at one of the most prettiest girls she has ever seen.

'Princess Adeola', the maiden replied

"Ohh your beauty is just as rumoured". Moremi complimented, as the lady rolled her eyes jokingly, obviously used to compliments.

Princess Adeola was the younger sister of her husband, tho they are of different mothers.

Adeola was regarded as one of the most beautiful ladies in the land and even the rumours do no justice. She was not very tall but very curvy like her mother, Olive skin and beautiful eyes yes they were beautiful. No wonder men were crazy enough to compose a song in her name.

They became fast friends as Moremi forgot about her husband who was sitted beside her, until it was time for the couple to dance. Her husband, prince Oranmiyan led her gently to the dance floor.

Hmm.... he is quite tall, giving her a full head gap as she could be considered quite tall too.

Moremi ignored him since he was full of himself she will just enjoy the music. One of her weakness was good music, she could dance still sunset. She noticed now that her husband was staring at her as the crowd went crazy with excitement. The ceremony finally came to an end even though the festive mood will be carried through out the week even month as visitors will keep trooping in with gifts. By now, Moremi could no longer keep track of all the gifts.

So you enjoy dancing' a deep voice inquired beside her

Moremi was surprised as she blurted out  "so you can talk".

He only raised his eye brow at her in surprise

"Yes I do", She answered raising her head up.

Good then you will be dancing for me tonight came the cocky reply.

I am not your personal dancer" she replied infuriated

His voice was full with laughter as he replied

"Oh you are".

She snorted proudly as she paid him no attention, this 'so called husband' of hers somehow managed to infuriate her just at the beginning of their married life.

"One way or the other you will be dancing in my hands tonight and many nights to come " he whispered very close to her ears.

She shivered as she understood what he meant. She had tried not to think of the after math but he had managed to drag her mind back to it with his filthy mouth, she now prefer the silent him.

He was clearly enjoying himself as he laughed causing others to look at them.

She avoided their glance and pretended the words do not affect her. Ajoke one of her maid had taught her some weird things that she claimed would please her husband.

she turned her gaze to look at him and found him staring at her, she frowned as she turned back. She and Akande never went pass the kissing stage and it was just light pecks on her cheeks or her lips. She can just pretend to sleep urgghh this is quite impossible because they have to show the proof that she was a Virgin and if no proof the circumstances was not what one wishes for, even against their enemies.

The shame, humiliation, there must be a proof but what if there was no blood or do they always bleed out when it happens Moremi had asked her maid these questions and the answer was that there must be blood.

She sighed after all she is a virgin there should be nothing to be scared of.