
More than coincidence

Its been five years since Isabel left Bradhills city.. Five years since she last saw her biggest crush, Aiden. Five years since she chose to forget about all the memories that came with Bradhills middle school, Aiden included. But She couldn't. And just one day, after five years, she suddenly meets Aiden and those feelings she had tried to lock away resurfaces again. It had to be more than a coincidence right?

Spicelove8 · วัยรุ่น
3 Chs

Chapter three

Isabel's P. O. V

I opened the door to the coffee shop, the jingling sound welcoming me. I did a 270 degree scan with my eyes until they land on Aiden.

I walked slowly but confidently up to the table where he was but sadly, as soon as I reached, all my confidence flew out the window.

"Hi" his smile almost turned me into a puddle.

Isabel put yourself together!

"Hi" I smiled back and we both sat down. His eyes never leaving me, which was making me rather uncomfortable.

"You look amazing" a cold shiver ran down my whole body just from his compliment. No one had ever complimented me before. When I got into highschool, I was more like a ghost. I didnt want history repeat itself.

"Thank you" my cheeks were probably red.

We both ordered milk shakes, which only confirmed my earlier suspicion. I needed to know why he was here. A small part of me wished he came here for me but that seemed too impossible.

"What are you doing here in LA" I asked out of nowhere

"I came to visit my aunt, I told you"

"No, your real reason" he stared  confused "this is not just a coincidence" he looked down at the table. I knew it.

"No it isn't" he sighed and shifted in his seat. Suddenly it felt like the air in the room changed.

"I came here looking for you" that sent my heart racing. My body froze in my seat.

"Isabel" the way my name rolled off his tongue was perfect, my eyes dart to his lips and I looked away immediately.

"I like you" just like that, my breath was knocked out of my lungs. Oh God. My heart was pounding but I refuse to tear my eyes away from his.

"No" he shook his head "I love you" my lips parted and a gasp slipped past them. This is really  happening. It wasn't a dream right?


"Isabel" his hand reached out on the table to grab mine and immediately his touch felt like electricity surging through me. I didn't dare to move.

"I have loved you since seventh grade" my eyes widened.


What was he talking about?  He rejected me in seventh grade. Did he even know what he was saying.

Love was a very big word.

Quickly, I withdrew my hand from his.


"You rejected me in seventh grade" I fired, I guessed my once shy self wasn't that shy anymore.

Defeated, he opened his mouth to speak but then closed it without a word. His silence made tears well up in my eyes. How did I still feel like this after so long. It was rather frustrating.

"I was going to apologize the next day but you never showed up to school" he fixed his eyes on me "Ever since that day, I have never been myself, I promised myself that I would find you"

"I kept thinking about you, every single day.  I'm sorry it took me five years to find you but I am so happy to finally see you" unexpected tears rolled down my cheeks and I immediately wiped them with the back of my palm,  staring at anywhere else but his face.

"Then why?" My voice sort of cracked

"I was scared"

"Of what?"

"I don't know but I was scared, I was just twelve, the feelings were overwhelming. I was scared of what people would say, but that was my biggest mistake and I regret it. You are the type of girl I like Isabel, kind, quiet, beautiful"

"I realise now how much I love you, because this isn't a crush any more. Its been five years and I couldn't stop thinking about you.  I love you Isabel"

I didn't realise tears were rolling down my cheeks uncontrollably. Lost and short of words, I stood up and ran. As usual.

I pushed past the door and stood just outside the coffee shop, breathing deeply.

"Isabel wait" I heard him call behind me. One last intake of breath and I turned around and did the only thing i could think of at that moment.

I kissed him.

I turned around, cupped his cheeks and kissed him, shocking both him and myself. His body went rigid but in seconds, his hand found its way to the back of my head and he kissed me back. My whole body ignited, as our lips moved perfectly in sync. I felt one of his hand move from my head to my back and he pulled me impossibly close to himself.

When we pulled away, we were both out of breath.

"I love you too Aiden" I said it. What I had felt for the past few years. The reason I hadn't felt the need to find love. It was all because of my big crush on Aiden Miller.

I felt my whole world light up. The smile that appeared on his face brightened my world even more.

He cupped my cheek, his blue eyes piercing mine "we will make this work" he smiled wiping away a tear with his thumb.

"Yes.. yes" I said through happy tears. He pulled me into a tight hug and I had never felt more safe and happy.

I finally got what I wanted. Who I needed. My biggest middle school crush.

Nothing was impossible.

The end





I came up with the idea of this story and wrote it in one day.

I hope you love and enjoy it.

Love Ella ❤