
The Troubles of Cooking

One week flew by. Genos taught Ena the sacred technique called cleaning. He did not miss out on any information. He taught everything he knew to the girl. When asked, he would say matter of factly, "Hmph. Cleaning Master Saitama's apartment should be my job. That child had made a mess but still dared to stay here. The first thought that came to mind was to capture and leave her ten cities away." He shook his robotic head and continued, "But Master wouldn't like such an idea. Therefore, I must impart all of my knowledge inside that empty brain of hers."

Nobody asked him, though. All of that was just thoughts inside his head. Genos held a toilet scrubber in one hand, and a detergent in the other. This was one of the most important parts of cleaning, absolute cleanliness. Not a single speck of dust shall be seen. It was his motto, and he was proud of it.

Genos flushed the toilet, placed both items on the ground, and picked up the shampoo bottle that fell. Almost comically, it slipped from his hand. Due to the tight space inside the bathroom, Genos didn't have enough room space to catch the bottle that fell. After failing to do so, he attempted to catch it with his foot, only to send it flying toward the toilet. With a resounding crash, the bottle shattered and fell into the toilet. "Well, at least the toilet's clean now," Genos said, trying to find the humor in the situation.

A few seconds later upon realizing his mistake, Genos immediately got rid of the evidence and flushed the toilet. His master surely wouldn't notice a shampoo bottle missing, right? He nervously chuckled, even though he had never seen his master angry. The spar they had before was more than enough to leave a huge impact on Genos.

Genos exited the bathroom, more than satisfied with his work. Immediately, he was greeted with a loud noise and the horrid scene in front of him. Ena, as his master says her name was, tried out cleaning. Even though Genos has diligently taught her everything he knew, she still couldn't handle such strenuous tasks.

With a sigh, Genos approached the little girl and patted her on the shoulders. "Ena, it seems that you are still not accustomed to cleaning. I shall teach you many techniques that could improve your efficiency and performance." He said with utmost seriousness and placed both hands on her tiny shoulders.

"En." Ena merely nodded her head. She still wasn't accustomed to speaking.

'To think that people would do such a thing to a girl... Total isolation since birth, it's unimaginable how that would affect her.' He thought silently, now that he thought about it, that hidden 'House of Evolution' hasn't made any movements since that incident. 'Hm. I shall depart at a later date and investigate this matter.'

Genos stared down at Ena. "Perhaps I should teach you how to speak. It would be very troublesome for Master to have a conversation with you." He considered it. She was still very young, he could also teach her other basic knowledge. He left the child to her own for the time being. Genos would teach her later.

He removed the apron he wore and stepped out. "Be prepared, I will be back in a few hours at most." He informed the little girl with his usual serious expression.


"Sensei, do you still remember that day a few weeks ago?" Genos questioned. Three boxes stacked on top of each other rested on his hand. "What day?" Saitama questioned back confused at his self-proclaimed disciple's words.

"A few weeks ago, we have been tasked to defeat a monster that has been terrorizing citizens. We have been led into a dense forestation not that far away from our current location and searched for the monster yet we found nothing but a child. Now, said child is currently living under your—"

"I get it okay! Stop giving me this crap." Saitama said irritatedly, he was getting more and more annoyed at his disciple's weird habits. Genos apologize briefly before getting interrupted.

"Oh? If it isn't the rising heroes. I heard they gave your hero names not that long ago." A voice from the side said, erupting recent memories in Genos's mind. 'It's that woman... She dared set foot into Master's house, and complained about the food that he graciously provided...'

"Oh, it's just you. You smell a lot better now." Saitama said without a care. He didn't notice her fume because of his remark. "Sigh... Come with me, I'll treat you guys to lunch." She didn't care anymore, she'd have time to talk about it later, anyways. Saitama glanced at Genos and shrugged, "Free food doesn't sound too bad." He said and followed.

They arrived at a restaurant, nothing too fancy. The duo sat down and Saitama took the initiative to order a meal. It's been a while since he last ate udon. On Saitama's side, Genos folded his hands. "So, what business does Blizzard of Hell have with my Master?" He questioned and stared at her fiercely.

Fubuki noticed and returned his stare with her own equally fierce eyes. "Hmph. It is none of your concerns. I'm here to talk to your 'Master'." She emphasized her words and smiled at him. "My Master has no reason to speak to a vile woman such as yourself, he has more important matters to attend to." Genos spat back. "You—" Fubuki slammed her palm against the table and was about to retort when the food Saitama ordered arrived.

Three bowls of udon were placed on the table and Saitama soon dug in. He stared at them, "Are ya gonna eat or what?" He questioned and continued chowing down on his food. With a snort, Fubuki picked up her chopsticks and ate with dignity. She has been humiliated enough this past week, she wouldn't allow such a humiliation to happen for a second time.

As they finished their meal, Saitama finished with a resounding burp. He patted his belly and sighed in satisfaction. "That was your fourth bowl..." Fubuki said in annoyance. She couldn't find the right chance to start a conversation with this 'dimwit' that kept ordering more bowls of udon. Genos waited patiently on the side, he took the chance to say what he wanted when his master finished eating.

"Sensei, we have no more business here. We shall take out leave." He said with the stillness of a rock. He didn't want his master to spend another second near 'that' woman that he has grown to dislike.

"What?! I was just about to—" Fubuki franticly said but was cut off. "Silence! As I said before, my master has more important matters to attend to!" Genos now had gained more reasons to dislike the hero.

On the side, Saitama watched as the two heroes bickered back and forth. After finally having enough, he stopped Genos. "Genos, leave her be. She bought us free meals so it wouldn't hurt to listen to what she wants." He calmly said to the fumed cyborg.

"...At once, Sensei." Genos understood and sat back down with his hands folded. "So, what do you want?" Saitama inquired. Fubuki inhaled sharply, "My sister has been acting weird lately, and it's clear to me that you are the reason behind this."

"That is absurd! Don't spout baseless claims on my master! He has not been in any relationships these past few months! Neither did I see him interact with the opposite sex." Genos fumed and abruptly stood up from his seat. Saitama winced, although he didn't care about that stuff, he have that bittersweet feeling lingering inside.

"Then why did she react like that when she saw you a week ago!" She retorted. Fubuki was heavily disheveled with her emotions. 'All of this doesn't seem right... Sister hasn't talked to me once after that day, and she has been ignoring my calls.' She bit her lip in frustration. "Man... I don't even know who your sister is."

Fubuki's figure deflated. "Oh. Is that so..?" She said weakly. Maybe, just maybe she had everything wrong. Her sister must have had one of those mood swings of hers. She inhaled deeply and said, "Then, I would trouble you no further. Sorry for wasting your time." She regained her bit of dignity and sat up. Before leaving, she stopped on her way and said, "Saitama, it would be best for you to show what you truly are capable of. The public's sentiment toward you doesn't seem too bright. Even I am doubtful." She left without another word.


The two walked in silence. Genos thought about the current situation at hand and found it quite troublesome. It would greatly affect his master if he doesn't get a debut. The public's opinion of his master will only worsen as time passes. "Sensei, shall I conduct a thorough investigation? There seems to be a bit of a problem regarding your reputation and the 'underhanded' means of reaching S-Class. Those ungrateful bunch. It is clear to me that they do not recognize the justice you've given to countless citizens and the innumerable amount of mysterious beings that have been slayed by your fists!"

"I shall file an official complaint regarding this matter and make them fix your ruined image!" Genos said firmly, he vexed at the thought of his master's ruined reputation. This could potentially affect his master's future as a hero. Therefore, he must find a way to turn the tables around. "...Genos. Stop whatever's going through your mind, I don't care what they think of me. All that matters is slaying monsters and finding that one being that could match me in strength."

Although his master sounded brutish, his words still touched him. "As expected of you, Master!" He said, rather happy. "I must write this down and analyze it at a later date, your words are truly a valuable lesson, Sensei!" Genos said in between his frantic writing.

Saitama just about had enough of his rants. It was annoying, yes. But it was also a great time killer in times like these. "Yeah, yeah. I know, so— what should we have for dinner?" He changed the subject. The cyborg didn't notice and answered with full honesty. "I suggest we have hotpot, Sensei."

"That decides it, then. Let's go buy some ingredients on our way." Saitama said and placed his hands inside the pockets of his hoodie.


"...King Orochi, I bring great news." Gyoro Gyoro said in delight. Though, not very noticeable. "Our plan is going smoothly, I have also planted multiple shapeshifters amongst the Hero Association. Most of them are official staff members. One has an especially high rank within the Association, which brings us valuable information." Gyoro Gyoro has been very satisfied with the recent news, but it wasn't enough. Information was scarce, so they had to get one of the shapeshifters to achieve a rank high enough to listen to classified meetings.

'Though, that would be an impossibility. Considering that many most of the S-Class heroes would immediately sense something amiss. Even that Child Emperor had technology that could scan immediate monsters in the vicinity.' He thought in silence. It was a hard thought. On one hand, success in that mission would bring many benefits and advantages to them. On the other, once one of the shapeshifters gets caught, it could possibly be traced back to their headquarters which would only lead to certain doom.

'But we still have many trumps cards and aces up our sleeves... Even the Hero Association doesn't know of it.' Gyoro Gyoro thought wickedly, it was a double-edged plan. If their initial goal fails, they would release these carnages that could potentially bring both the Hero Association and the Monster Association to ruins. It was undesirable, but on the slight chance they fall, they would bring down the Hero Association with them.

"...Lead the cadres. We move in a month." Monster King Orochi's voice boomed, echoing throughout the huge space. Gyoro Gyoro merely nodded and ordered the lesser monsters to spread the news. 'Although a month isn't enough time to prepare, it should still be manageable. With the addition of Fukegao, the self-proclaimed genius scientist, the development of his serum should boost our prowess.'

'It shouldn't take long before we make our first appearance...'


"Right, Sensei. We still need to deal with that 'House of Evolution'." Genos said and placed the four boxes stacked on top of each other on the ground of the apartment. "It would be wise to deal with them now, else they get the courage to attack us first."

"hmm... Eh, why not. Let's go kick their butts tomorrow." Saitama said with his deapan expression. He didn't want to do it now, they have been gone outside for a few hours and it was already five PM. Saitama did not want to cancel their hotpot and go out on this mission. Besides, they would probably end up searching all night long. "Genos, do you know where they're at?" He questioned.

"Yes, Sensei. I've received the information about their whereabouts because of that Armored Gorilla I fought a while ago." He informed his master, "Besides that, I have ordered him to announce our arrival at their 'House of Evolution'." Genos said uncaringly. He unpacked the bought goods out of the boxes and placed them on the counter. "I suggest we go, Sensei. It would alleviate their sentiment toward you, and perhaps this may be a chance for us to rise in the ranks."

"That doesn't sound too bad... But I want to eat my hotpot first. I'm starving." His primary goal right now was to eat. Although he had an indestructible body, it still required sustenance from time to time. Though, he hasn't tried not eating for a while. 'It'll be kind of interesting if I could survive without eating for a long time... Though, I refuse to do so.' It was an intriguing thought, but one that he doesn't want to do. It would require a great amount of willpower to resist the urge to eat a banana, udon, or cook some hotpot.

It was one of those things that he cannot live without. Saitama moved his attention to the girl that watched them listlessly. He pulled out something from his plastic bag and brought it near her. He didn't know what she likes, so he just bought some candy for her to snack on.

"Here." He gestured and gave it to her. Ena curiously looked at the candy and didn't know what to do with it. "That's uh, candy." Saitama scratched his head, he didn't know why she was acting like this. Usually, when he gives out candies to kids, they would accept it enthusiastically or call him weird names.

He looked at Genos who instinctively looked back. As if some kind of telepathic communication happened between them, Genos stopped what he was doing and went to assist his master. With his apron worn, the cyborg looked down. "Listen carefully. My master rarely gives anyone gifts; therefore, you must treasure this moment and do your best to repay him ten-folds in the future—"

A spoon strikes his head violently. "Dude, what are you teaching the kid?!" Saitama said, annoyed. "But, Master! A person learns best when they are still young! I am merely teaching her the act of repaying your invaluable kindness..."

Saitama deadpanned, he should have expected that... It's Genos, after all. "Setting that aside, come with me. I shall teach you how to cook." Genos declared and stood up, wasting no time to return to the kitchen. "This is where the battlefield begins... Only the absolute best is made here. For that much is deserving for someone great as master Saitama."

Genos pulled out a tiny stool and an apron that fitted Ena. "This shall be your first task. Slice the onions with the swiftness of a cat." He gave her a knife. Ena held it curiously. "This is a knife, it's used to cut things," Genos explained. "Knife..." She mumbled and held it terrifyingly. It looked similar to her spikes, though, not as sharp.

Swiftly, as if she was a seasoned pro at cutting vegetables, Ena sliced the onions. Genos stared, astonished. "Impressive. Now repeat after me." Genos uttered and moved with even more grace, cutting the vegetables in finesse. He finished and smirked. "Work hard. I've listed the ingredients and methods to prepare the dishes listed here. Pay special attention to the hotpot, it is master Saitama's favorite food. Let this be a valuable lesson." He concluded and went out of the kitchen. Ena stared in a daze, her brain overwhelmed with things she cannot understand...

In the living room, Genos sat next to his master on the small table. He tidied it a bit and fixed his sitting posture. "That's probably a terrible idea..." Saitama worded out. "Master, personal experience is recommended to learn things faster. Besides, I have listed out everything she needed to know, from how to open the stove, measure the temperature, and add flavors to the dishes." The cyborg said matter of factly. Saitama didn't continue and went back to reading his manga.

Genos heard incoherent noises coming from the kitchen, and soon enough, Ena came out with a tendril coming out of her hand that held the pot. She placed it on the table and Saitama watched eagerly as she opened the pot.

Silence filled the room... Genos did not know what to make of this. The hotpot... it wasn't a hotpot. It looked as if she mixed everything inside without a care. "It seems that she requires further training..."