
Moors and the Pillars of Salt

Many great sacrifices were made to bring these two beings into existence. Souls destroyed, and the very laws of the universe were broken. But that's just how desperate and humiliated they were. Witches created Vampires. Druids created Werewolves and Buddhist Summoned Dragons. What about the Voodoist? (Witch Doctors). On the brink of Extinction, they’ve finally created supernatural beings to protect them. What will the rest of the Supernatural community do in response? Adonis and Natasha Garvey were the definitions of a future power couple. Adonis became a well-known lawyer at the age of 23, and Natasha became a famous surgeon at 24. On their honeymoon to New Orleans, they would get kidnapped, which would change their life forever.

A_lucid_Dreamer · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

Chapter 12: The Strength of a Alpha

"Amina?!" Adonis and May speak at the same time.

Before Adonis could even acknowledge what his "wife" just said he hears a roar behind him.

As Adonis turns around he sees West has transformed into his true self. West was now 6'5 and had the head of a wolf and the body of a beast-like man, with grey fur covering his entire body.

"Werewolf?! … Now that is cool." Adonis says with slight fear and excitement in his voice.

As Adonis focuses his sight on West. West disappears as a blur in front of Adonis and reappears directly in front of his face.

Natasha (Amina) appears next to Adonis holding West's claw.

"You have to be careful, you could have damaged a King's face." Natasha (Amina)

West in his beast form roars at Natasha (Amina)

"Cute, but I wasn't talking to you young pup but the husband of this second mind of mine," Natasha (Amina) says as she turns around and looks at Adonis.

"You know the owner of this body?!" Adonis says in shock. More shocked than he almost died.

"She blocked my attack?! How!? Who are these people? They aren't vampires or dragons. They don't smell anything like them. Whoever they are, they cannot be allowed to leave this place." West thought as he roared again but it was cut short.

As West began to roar Natasha (Amina) thrust her palm into his jaw, crushing it instantly killing him.

"Wow, it really did kill him instantly, knowing medical knowledge does help when killing people." Natasha (Amina) says as West's body drops to the ground.

May puts her hands on her mouth in shock and the burly man unfolds his arms with a shocked expression as well.

West's body slams to the ground making a slight rumble on the ground.

"She Killed him so easily, That should only be possible for an Alpha wolf or a True-Blood Vampire. What have these disgusting Voodooists created?

May turns in the burly man's direction. "They must be captured."

"Agreed," Nelson replied as his eyes glowed yellow and changed to that of an animal.

"Pay attention child, you may just see something interesting" Natasha (Amina) says facing the same direction as Nelson preparing herself.

"Before I take you both in I must know what are you exactly?" Nelson said.

"If I can remember correctly we've become beings even older than my ancestors. If the year in this woman's mind is true then it has been a VERY long time since they walked the earth.

Nelson made a confused face

"So are you saying you were turn into these beings" Nelson asks

"If that's the case they could definitely be a problem, even vampires don't get that strong after being turned." Nelson throught.

Nelson Blitz Natasha (Amina) completely disappearing from his original position Natasha (Amina) does the same.

"There too fast, I can't tell what's going on at all." Adonis thought as he saw blurs clashing and felt the ground shaking.

May hears Adonis' words and internally agrees.

"That the biggest advantage supernatural creatures have over mages. We cant cast fast enough to match their speed and power. Not at my level anyways. If Nelson doesn't win . . . I'm dead for sure."May thought.

A huge clash happens and a figure is thrown into a group of trees destroying everyone it comes across. When the smoke clears only one figure remains standing.

"These Voodooists have indeed created monsters" Nelson says while heavily breathing turning to May.

"If this goes on any longer I will have to transform. . . And I think we both know what that means. Nelson says.

May nods.

"He's winded and even says he might have to go as far as transforming as an Alpha!? Abominations! I should capture the man while he's still confused and hasn't realized his power yet" May says with a determined look in Adonis' direction.

"As a man I should never let another man put his hands on my wife. But all of my instincts are telling me if I make a move on this man. I will surely die." Adonis says as he look at Nelson back.

The direction that Natasha (Amina) was thrown in was completely silent, nothing could be heard.

"Is she . . ." Adonis says out loud.

Before Adonis could make a move towards the direction of Natasha (Amina) Small spore plants grow around him and release a gas,

"Nelson, quickly cover your mouth and nose! This could take down even you." May says.

Nelson quickly backs away.

"That Shaman had to use something so dangerous to subdue him? Given the power they displayed I shouldn't be too surprised. There is no way he is strong enough to resist that kind of toxin . . . It's the only leech they have for us. No wonder the Apex was so comfortable sending her on this mission with us. I can't believe she mastered this spell at the level she's at. It would be best not to underestimate her again." Nelson thought.

"What's happening? Every time I Breathe i feel like I'm going to pass out. I have to get to my wif-" Adonis says, passing out.

The last thing Adonis sees is May conjuring her green like magic and everything goes dark again.

"Don't tell me I'm getting Kidnapped again." Adonis says as he fades away.