
Mooreville series

When Eveline becomes of age to transition her family decides to move back home from new York. What she didn't expect is the move to help her uncover all the secrets surrounding her biological parents murder. As Eveline goes through her new life, she meets Eden who is her birthright mate. Her new life isn't all roses as she gets powerful dark powers that threatens the friendship and bond she has created. When Eveline frees the long lost dark prince who was imprisoned in the underworld unknowingly, everything she knew falls apart. Which side will she choose at the end of it all? Who is her true love? **cover photo not mine, will take down under owner's request**  

142 Chs


When I hear his voice, I freeze.

My heart is thumping against my chest so hard I am fearing these two might hear it; vampire hearing senses and all.

Then it dawns on me what he just said.

"Did you just say sister?"

Zane smirks in that sensual way of his, I almost forget my question. "Hello, Eveline."

Masha gives me a devilish glare and all the pieces fall into place together. She doesn't like me, and it has to do with his brother, Zane.

"Yes. Masha is my dear sister. I am sorry if you had to put up with all of her; she can be too much," he answers whilst looking at Masha.

"I wasn't expecting you, what are you doing here?" Masha asks him, crossing her arms.

"I came to say hi, and probably stop you from harassing the poor girl to death," he refers to me and I have a sinking on my stomach. "I didn't expect you to be reliving our childhood to her," he goes on, this time with a hard tone.