
Mooreville series

When Eveline becomes of age to transition her family decides to move back home from new York. What she didn't expect is the move to help her uncover all the secrets surrounding her biological parents murder. As Eveline goes through her new life, she meets Eden who is her birthright mate. Her new life isn't all roses as she gets powerful dark powers that threatens the friendship and bond she has created. When Eveline frees the long lost dark prince who was imprisoned in the underworld unknowingly, everything she knew falls apart. Which side will she choose at the end of it all? Who is her true love? **cover photo not mine, will take down under owner's request**  

142 Chs


The room is silent but you can feel it, the silence is saying a lot than words could ever say. 

We are all seated in a long table, i on one end of the table, her on the other. the rest on the right and left side of the table.

"I see you decided to join us, wise choice".

"We have the same interests as you, just different ethics", I say as I look around with a distasteful look.

"Don't look down upon us, not everyone is born with a silver spoon on the mouth".

"That doesn't mean you have to keep trophies of where and who you have conquered hanging", I reply. I spot a skull and other things which makes me shiver.

"They are my conquests after all" she smirks.

"Living like a cavewoman I see" I say.

He stands up, and extends her arm, "let me introduce myself formally, I am Brianna Kent, the leader and alpha of The Keep."

I stand up and shake her hand, "you seem to know me well, and there is no need for me to introduce myself".