
It's a pity

Such a waste, Maxixe thought after he pushed the weight of the dead snow leopard off of him. 

Maxixe got to his feet and stared down at the dead animal for a few minutes before he yanked the pickaxe out of its cracked skull.

He hadn't even realized where the snow leopard's right paw had been aiming for, it was his heart and the snow leopard's sharp claw had managed to shred his breast pocket.

Even as the fire in its yellow feline eyes died out it hadn't lost the will to fight that was something to be admired as a hunter himself.

It's a pity that he had to skill such a beautiful creature and then the thought occurred to him to take its fine pelt and give it to his son Jax.

It would make a fine bedtime story to tell his son someday, he reached into the sack until he found a dull pairing knife and got to work skinning the dead animal.

When he was done he buried the remains of the animal under a huge pile of snow.