

After he was through pouring buckets of hot water to fill the bathtub and then testing the water with his index finger to make sure that it was too hot.

Only then did he place Kaoma gently down into the bathtub.

Kaoma allowed the heat to soak through her skin and warm her insides. It felt so good and relaxing.

She loved the feel of Maxixe's hands against her skin, the contrast between soapy wet rag and his calloused hands made her arch her body to meet his hands wanting more.

When he simply flipped her over onto her belly in the water like she weighed nothing she was reminded how strong he was. 

Kaoma loved the feel of the wet rag moving up and down her back as he massaged and scrubbed away her dead skin.

The white rag started to change color as he removed the build up of dirt and perspiration from her wet skin.