
All hell broke loose

While the party was in full swing the coachman had only taken his eyes off the Fairhurst carriage for just a moment.

He had felt the urge to urinate while waiting on Master Sayid and company. 

The place was very crowded so it took him a while to locate a private corner where he could relieve his bladder.

When he returned to his spot the coachman saw a man in a dark cloak hovering around the large horse drawn curricle. 

The coachman yelled, "what the hell are you doing, get away from that carriage."

He couldn't see the man's face because of the hood but it looked like the coachman caught him by surprise so he was startled before the man took off running.

 At the time the coachman didn't think much of it, thinking it was just a man down on his luck searching for something to eat or sell. 

The coachman climbed back up in his seat to wait patiently on the master and guests until they were ready to go home.