
Moonlit Reckoning: A Tale of Love and Rejection

After four years of accidentally sleeping with a stranger on her engagement day, he finally came back to claim what was his. This time around, he came back as her mate! "You have two choices before you, get married to me or give me my son!" Skyler remarked, his eyes pressing down on her mercilessly... "I would rather die than part from my son!" Fira said to him with determination, her eyes burning with anger. Skyler smirked, his eyes lighting up, "Then what do you choose?" Will she give him her son? Or will she get married to him?

QuinnGee · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Chapter 17

"It's you". She finally broke the silence, pointing at the man.

"I'm not you. I'm Chris". He chuckled.

"No. You're the one that abducted me".

"Fira that's ridiculous". Skyler gave a small but confused laugh.

"You don't believe me?" Fira was getting upset.

"No babe. That's not it".

"Then tell me what it is!"

"Fira. That's my doctor and best friend, Chris".

Chris stretched out his hand with a smile on his face.

"Nice meeting you Fira. I've heard a lot about you". Fira looked skeptically at his outstretched hands and decided not to shake it. But, Chris had other plans. He grabbed her hand and placed a kiss on the back of her palm. She snatched her hand from his immediately.

"You almost had my friend here tearing down the whole city to find you. You must be a special woman". He stared at her, unblinking and unperturbed by her cold demeanor.

"I don't want you anywhere near me. Stay away from me". Fira responded.

"Babe. I think you're just overthinking things. It's probably the concussion and internal bleeding....." Fira cut him off before he could finish.

"Are you trying to say I'm insane?"

"No Fira. What I'm trying to say is that Chris here means no harm. He is my best friend. We've been best friends since diapers and he'll never lay a finger on whatever belongs to me or whoever I love. Hell! He was the one that attended to Miguel when he was sick. He flew in from Madagascar". Fira could not be convinced.

"I can't believe you don't believe me". Her voice was bitter.

"Fira it's not like t..."

"No. Save it. I accept that it's the concussion but what I know is that I'm uncomfortable around him. I refuse to be in the same room with him".

Skyler sighed but signaled Chris to leave nonetheless. He couldn't understand why Fira was acting this way.

The minute Chris left, Fira sighed and turned her attention to the children.

"Hey, baby. How do you feel now? I'm sorry I know I've offended you in a lot of ways. First, I missed your TV show and then I couldn't make it to the hospital to see you. I was in a..."

"I already explained to Miguel that you had to be away on an emergency business trip". Skyler cut in before she could say more and confused the poor boy.

Fira stared at Skyler speechlessly. He had gone to her son's aid and he had protected him from knowing the truth that his mother had been kidnapped. Because he didn't want the boy to feel scared or insecure.

"Thank you". She mouthed inaudibly and Skyler nodded.

"Alice honey. You look like you lost quite a few pounds. Miguel must have stressed the hell out of you. Were you even able to go home?" She hugged the girl.

"Erm...Alice has a bit of a situation. Lost some blood. I took her in and trust me. She's far from stressed. I have people who take care of both of them. So they're getting better". Skyler explained and Fira gasped, staring at the girl.

"What happened honey? Did you fall?" She looked the girl over and her eyes landed on the healing cut.

"She decided to help Claudia in the kitchen and mistakenly cut her hand".

There was Skyler again, saving the day again. Fira was unaware of Alice's depression and he felt this wasn't the right way for her to find out. Alice on the other hand had never been grateful in her life.

"Can you both excuse us. I'd love to have a conversation with your mother". Fira looked at him.

"Where are they going to stay? If it's with that best friend of yours, then no. We could always talk another time".

"Vincent is outside ". Alice cut in excitedly.

Fira turned to face Skyler, raising an eyebrow.

"The Vincent I know? Your driver?"

"Yes. The Vincent you know. But he's not my driver per se. He's my second in command and I prefer it if he drives me. Doesn't make him my driver". Skyler explained and Fira nodded.

"He should come to get them himself then".

Skyler's mind linked Vincent immediately and he appeared.

"It's good to see you're doing better Miss Blackstone". Vincent gave a smile which Fira returned.

"Thank you". 

He led the children away and Fira couldn't help but notice the chemistry between Vincent and Alice.

"What's up with them?" Fira asked immediately she knew they were out of earshot.


"Don't think of lying to me. You've done that already just now ". Skyler raised an eyebrow.

"Did you really think I believed the whole helping in the kitchen and getting the wounded story of Alice?" Skyler sighed. He never expected his mate to be a lie-detecting machine.

"Alice is one of the best cooks I know. And I do know she's going through depression. She thinks I don't know but I do and she wouldn't let me help her so the least I can do is double her pay sometimes so she can get drugs ". Skyler sighed.

"Well. I guess I'm busted".

Fira gave him a cocky grin and he chuckled.

"Well. Erm...you know what she's going through already so.... Well, she felt it was her fault that Miguel got sick so she hurt herself badly. And now, unto the main question. Well...erm.....Vincent and Alice are mates". Skyler dropped the bombshell.

"What? The girl is just 16 and she's human!"

"I know. I know". Skyler's face palmed himself.

"He's going to take it slow on her". Skyler promised.

"About us...Fira please..."

"Skyler not now please. I've barely recovered. We can talk about this later". Fira wasn't just ready to listen to his explanations right now. She was still hurting from the fact that he hid his identity from her.

"Fira I can't guarantee that you'll listen to me after now". She faces palmed herself.

"Fine. I'll give you a chance. Just explain yourself in two sentences. We'll talk later if your sentences are intriguing enough for me to want to know more". Skyler rolled his eyes at his dramatic mate but spoke nonetheless.

"I was drugged that night four years ago and I never even knew who you were neither did I know I had gotten you pregnant ".

Fira's jaw was hanging open.


"I've been searching for you all these years and when I found you, I wanted to take it slow cause I couldn't lose you again, especially after finding out you were my mate".