
Abnormally Normal.

>>>Her PoV

Sigh. It is really happening? Those mythical creature's and all was really exist? All I've reed in novels and watched in movies are all real and they do exist and I saw it in my own eyes!?

"Why are you here?"

I flinched when I heard his voice and I about to turn my head when I felt his arms around my stomach and still I can't help but to be surprised everytime he does it.

"I... I'm not sleepy yet." I said as I look down at the wide garden.

"Are you afraid?"

I knitted my brows when he said that and even I didn't seeing his face but based on his tone I know he was anxious.

"Afraid of what?" I calmly answered while I fixed my eyes on the garden that only moonlight shine below.

"On everything you learnt about this world, about m-me." he sounded down and scared.

I sighed for what I hearing from him and look up just to see how the moon shine in the dark sky while surrounded by the millions of stars.

It's beautifully yet cold like the man who hugging me tight at my back.

I held his hands and lightly loosen on me and turn to face him just to see how gloomy he is. I scoffed lightly to caught his eyes but I failed.

"Hey?" I called him but he remain shoulder down.

"Mr. Ranchester." I said in low yet sweet as I could but stilled he isn't moving.

Sigh. Alright, I don't have any choice but to use some brute force.

But on a second thought I wouldn't try it for knew him as vampire is he, maybe, it might be, I'm the one who been getting a brute force here. Psh!

"Zachary, look at me." I said as I held his face and lifted up for me to seeing him.

He shifted his eyes across mine to kept not looking at me. Geez! What a pain this vampy-dally.

"Zachary." I said in warning tone this time and I don't care for what is he. It pissing me off anyway, I didn't know he has this side, side of dramatic person. Psh!

"Sigh. Fine, if you don't look at me within ten seconds I'll beat you into pulp. One..."

I counting now if he does or doesn't look at me I'll punch him hard as I can just to get his damn eyes. Seriously.

"Seven, eight..." I heard him sighed before his pupil moving slowly towards mine.

I held his face and look at him intently to assure him that I'm nit feared at him.

"Why should I afraid of to the man who help me and care for me?" I told sincerely and smile genuinely and that's the truth,

Why would I scared for the man who help me, care for me and loving me, right?


"Good morning, Luna. " the maid said in chorus and bow as soon as I out of my room.

W-what's with them all of a sudden?

"Luna, master was waiting for you downstair." Mr. George show up in nowhere that made me almost jump in surprise.

What the-what's happening today?

"Ah, ye-yeah." I said awkwardly before he led the way down the stair.

"Hey, Luna! Morning!" a man half-naked in high energy greeted me and I just nod at him.

"Zach is waiting for you at the garden." he said before disappear in my eyes.

What the—can't just be them act normally sometimes?

Hi, readers! I'd wanna to apologize for not updating this novel and I want you to be notified that I'll my this novel for a while but don't worry I'll be back to continuing my novel. Thanks for reading.^_^

xrazer_dean13xcreators' thoughts