
Moonlight love: A black sun

Kassidy never knew he would find himself in such entanglement—one that happened to be love at first sight...the lovely Ebony won his heart but she's a girl who is already in a relationship. Turning her principle for him, they venture into secret love affairs that led them to fall in love with each other.

Eucharisthymn · สมัยใหม่
4 Chs

Things we love

"Do you like music?"

The interior of his car compared to how scrapped the outside slightly looked was very new and modern. His radio/bluetooth player had good bass which made the music he was playing now come out so cool and sound. While it was some thick jams, it was listenable. A balance between calm, cool, serene and bumping.

He increased the volume a bit.

"Who doesn't love music?" I replied him. "It's a universal—"

"—language that everyone speaks?" He interjected and looked at me while driving.

I laughed. "Yes."

He looked back to the road. He was driving so smoothly I felt like falling asleep. And that was also because the road was good. Funny enough, I knew he was still within areas I knew but I didn't know where was where.

"Who is your favorite artiste?" He asked.

"Hmmm..." I thought about it. "I don't have any. I just love good music. Doesn't matter who it is coming from."

He nodded. "And your genre of music?"

I shook my head. "All. As long as it's good music, I don't mind."

"You seem easy to please."

I laughed. "I wish."

"Who is your go to artist on a normal day?"

"That will be Whitney Houston."

He slanted his neck in a way to say "fair enough". He turned the car into another street. From the front view, the headlights lighted the way making me see familiar territories. The sideview was a lot darker because of the tinted glass.

"You do know this new artiste called Rogue boy right?" He asked.

"Rogue boy?" I replied. "Is Rogue boy a new artiste? I thought he came out in 2019?"

"Oh sorry!" He lamented. "Not Rogue boy." He snapped his fingers continuously trying to remember the artiste's name. "Damn! I can't recall his name. The artist that sang In Order..."

I rolled my eyes. "You mean ASA—?"

"Yes! Him!" He laughed. "That's the one. He is my new favorite artist. He is the one balling these days and his songs are worth listening to. He has what the audience needs right now."

I nodded in agreement. "His songs are good. He is everywhere."

"Our old boys that have been in the game are dulling too much. ASA is taking over."

"Naah. I disagree with that." I opposed. Of course, the old boys like DIZ and Larry O have been in the game for over ten years and have gone global, their names alone are their brands. But ASA? He is a local artisite and to think he was gonna take over was a far reach. "ASA is still thriving in his debut album which usually are always good. We can start making this conclusion when he drops hits back to back in the next five years."

Kassidy smiled. An approving smile. "You are intelligent. I like that."

We rode the remaining three minutes in silence only listening to the song he was playing on his bluetooth speaker.

We came to a halt in an unfamiliar street where the street lights were powered by solar energy. They stood about 30 feet from each other.

Kassidy didn't put off his ignition. Instead, he rolled up and put on the AC in the car and opened the door. "Wait here for me. Let me go get my Air conditioner. Alright?"

I nodded.

He bounced out of the car, pressing his keypad to lock the doors.

I looked back to make sure I was safe. He was retreating into a store at the far end. I turned back to the front. My senses felt safe and I didn't have that tickling feeling I always had when I felt unsafe.

I brought out my phone from my pocket and placed my fingerprint, opening it and going to my two favorite apps, Facebook and WhatsApp. I began scrolling through messages, ignoring the ones I didn't have the strength to reply and replying to those who I knew wouldn't reply till the next day. When I was done with WhatsApp and Facebook, I went to Instagram, watching reels and taking screenshots of things that captured my eyes.

Some minutes later, I heard the booth of Kassidy's car opening. He was loading something heavy in it, making scrap sound which lowered the vehicle. He then closed it and I saw him coming over. He unlocked the door and sat back in the driver's seat. He smiled at me. "Hope I didn't take too long?"

I shook my head. "Nope."

"Where do you want to go?" He asked, closing the door and putting on his seat belt.

"I prefer Krats."

"Wouldn't that place be crowded with people at this time?" It sounded like a rhetorical question. "I do have somewhere in mind though. I don't know if you've been there before but it's a very quiet and calm place. You will like it. I promise."

He waited for me to reply.

"Sure. As long as we are back on time." I said.

He smiled.

When we got to the place, I remembered it. I have been there before—once. I came on a friendly date with someone who wanted to just chill and got to know me.

"Do you know it?" He asked as he brought the car to a park in their parking lot.

"Yes. I have been here before."

He said nothing to that. He unlocked all the doors. "Babe, you can come out now." He said.

I opened the door and came out, the change of temperature hit me hard. It was cold in his car but outside was very warm which made me breathe in the air and smile.

I was grateful I wore a pullover hoodie. The lounge we were going into was a very cold place.

• • • • • • • • •

Because I had eaten that evening before coming out, I didn't feel like taking any drinks. I held on to the bottle water he got for me.

Inside the lounge was dimmed, with disco lights and about 60 inches television on opposite sides of the lounge. The place wasn't crowded at all. There were fewer people than when I came the first time. Infact, aside us, there were only two more people present there.

Kassidy selected a couch that was facing the television directly. It was at the very far end I started to suspect whether he was trying to hide ao he wouldn't be recognized. I had my suspicions and my mind kept playing around it.

The names of the places mentioned are imaginary but the times and artistes are real. This way, Anybody could picture this being in their city or town. It can't be placed in a box

Eucharisthymncreators' thoughts