
Vol. 6 - Chapter 59


Later that night, the soldiers had finished preparations for the day and were either heading inside the barracks to sleep or were walking around the city looking for a place where they could get some decent dinner. Keiko noticed that the Zayamas who came in today fell squarely in that last category, so, just to ensure that Asahi, in particular, didn't end up in a bad spot, she tagged along with them as they went with some regular soldiers into one of the few active taverns in Jade. 

"WOOOOOO!" Yua cried out loudly as she stood on one of the tables, raising two full mugs of ale into the air, moving them around, and accidentally spilling some onto the table. The other soldiers cheered her own then as she poured the contents of both mugs into her mouth simultaneously. 

Somehow, she'd turned this night into an impromptu party.