
Moonlight Bond

SYNOPSIS : He is a beast who doesn't believe in the goddess nor fate. He believes that his life is in his hands and no being can determine his future, he brings heaven or hell to whoever he seems fit. He is a demon who only knows how to kill, how is he supposed live a life entangled with a weak omega who is the complete opposite of him. She is an angel and believes in fate, she is weak and the tiniest shewolf he had ever seen yet she sets up the biggest fire inside his heart. He fought the fire but lost, the king of swords and claws lost to a tiny wolf. He fought it multiple times but failed each single time. She possessed a different strength he has never seen before, one that has come to redeem him from the curse he has been bearing since childbirth. She was sent to save him from the doom lurking around especially the one caused by his most trusted people. Who thought that a tiny wolf could do that?

Endyspen · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs


The air stunk of blood and the sky red with dirty dust mixed with the fragments of thorn flesh. Growls and wails could be heard amongst the crowd, the stronger ones growling while the weaker ones howls to their gods.

It is at moments like this that I wonder if the moon goddess ever existed, imagine watching your own creations which are innocent getting slaughtered right under your care without doing anything. They would cry onto her, looking up to the sky while their bodies parts are thorn out of their sockets but yet nothing happens, she won't budge. It's pitiful watching those weak creatures living their life everyday for a supernatural being that can't even do anything for them in times like this.

The scene before me is what can be described as an eyesore but to me it's just a normal scene that happens often, I was born here and this is my yard. I stood at the hill preparing my mind to save, yes I'm a savior. I do the dawn job that the so called moon goddess can not do, saving the oppressed.

I'm a demon that saves and kills whom I deem fit, at least I saves if I want to and that makes me better than the so called moon goddess. I have my own life inside my hands and doesn't have to depend blindly on what does not exist. I don't quite give heaven but I send hell to whoever that deserves it, oh its feels nice having control of your own life.

" Alpha Maverick please do something, will you watch my innocent pack get wiped out just like that?" Alpha Axel pleads at my knee, his head bowed as low as possible.

Of course I don't help for nothing, he has met all my conditions and signed the necessary papers but I needed him to experience what it feels like to be near extinction before I step in. Only then can he know the true worth of my help.

" Please save my pack!" he cried kissing my foot.

" I think it's time for us to step in." Alexander whispered through the pack link, almost like he could read my thoughts. I nodded in response. Alex is my beta, my bestie and my right hand man. He knows everything about me including what I could be thinking next so I wasn't surprised that our thoughts corresponds most of the times.

Alex has been with me for as long as I can remember, he was my first friend despite that I was the outcast of the pack. After I met him in one of my father's refugee house we became brothers. He had lost his whole family in a war that happened in his pack and was all alone in the world just like me then. We had a lot in common and I guess that connected us the more. The only difference between us was that he believes in the moon goddess while I don't and sometimes I would wonder how he does that. The damn goddess sat and watched his whole family get murdered but he still believes that her wills are the best, it disgusts me seeing him do that.

He moved in with me in secret and we lived together throughout our childhood days though without the knowledge of my father. Because of him I ate in my room everytime so that I can share with him. My family didn't mind so it was a kind of win win for everyone, I gave them the space they need and I got to enjoy my time with my bestie.

Later in our lives, during our teenage years we left the house and started our own pack. He followed me and even when it was rough he never for once wavered and here we are today as almost the strongest pack in the whole world. We grew our pack with rogues and homeless wolves, I know that rogues pays loyalty to none but I didn't mind. I run my pack with compassion and tyranny, I give heaven or hell to those who deserves it and that way I was able to build an army of loyal wolves who pays respect only to me.

I looked back at my army standing at alert, waiting for the go ahead order, we do this everytime and that is how we build our pack wealth. Security is one of basic physiological needs of every creature and in a situation where the gods they so much depends on cannot give them that they will pay anything to get it elsewhere. We protect for a living and now I can boast of the wealth we built from it.

I took a deep breath, the stench of the blood filled air awakening my inner demon. The waves radiating from my body pushed him a few distance away from me, he was able to get hold of himself before sustaining much injuries. He stared with wide eyes.

I let out a loud growl transforming into my big midnight black wolf, probably the biggest you would see. Nature also endowed me with huge sizes apart from my hybrid power.

Alex transformed into his brown wolf too letting a loud howl.

I limb from the slope jumping right into the crowd of fighting beasts, Alex followed suit. My loud growl drove all attention to me as I landed in all four daring them all to make the first move, this is my speciality and I enjoy every bit of it, tearing skins and breaking bones apart. I bared my teeth and that was all it took to push them to make the first move, wolves hate being challenged especially when you bare your teeth at them when you are not their alpha. They all attacked at once probably thinking that they will suppress me that way, only if they knew who they are facing.

Blood splashed, skins and furs thorn into pieces and the cracking sound of bones breaking filled the noisy battle field complimenting the agonizing wails.

The rest of my men joined the battle and before long we were dominating the battle ground. I train beasts and I'm so proud of it, no man under my care can remain a weakling even if they were born as one.

I put them through the hardest trainings you could think of, for their own good and I also feed them with my strength. This is the secret truth every other pack has been sorting for, how I can build such an indestructible army and pack, though they should expect nothing less from a hybrid of demon and wolf.

The next strike at my back froze my whole being, the wolfbane traveled with the speed of light through my bloodstream immediately I felt the stroke of the blade. I stumbled a little steadying myself with my left paw as I try to shake off the inebriated feeling in my head, just when I thought I might go easy today one miserable creature has awoken the demon...