
Moon Dust

Meet Alex she is a cold hearted Street racer from a broken home. She started racing to cope with the pain of her broken home. She didn't expect to become the all time champion of street racing. No one messes with her because the people that do are never seen again. Oh and she's a werewolf. Now meet Raven or that what he goes by. Not many people know his real name but the people that do would die if thay called him by his real name. He is just as cold hearted as Alex maybe more. He has trust issues sence he cot his girlfriend cheating on him with the head warrior. Let's not forget he's the beta of red stone pack. Warning this book contains * Verbal abuse * physical abuse IF YOU ARE IN A SIMILAR SITUATION PLEASE GET HELP THESE THING ARE NOT OK

Red_Raven_2886 · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

chapter 9 ~finding answers

Alex pov

It's been a week since Isaac woke up from his coma after being released from the mind control of my father. It's been hard on me and Hope trying to forgive him. I recently have been thinking about my other brother Ace he was strong-willed and would have most definitely made a good alpha. I hope I one day see him again. Who knows he may have actually be an alpha he had the willpower to be.

It is also been a week since hope shifted and the strange thing is she started growing up at a paranormal speed regular werewolves don't grow up this fast. Where will usually look about 10 when 7 but hope looks 12 at 4. I've been doing more research on early shifters to see if it's normal. But so far nothing. I did find something interesting though during my research. It's about true Alphas. So as you imagine me being one made me curious.

Apparently a true alpha is blessed with a child that is considered the moon goddess gift. It also says that they don't have to carry the child it could be a child found in the woods a sibling or a niece or nephew. And apparently they would be the same color of wolf as the true alpha. But it doesn't mention anything about them growing extremely fast I'm going to the library to find more research. Just to be sure if hope is really my goddess blessing.

It is also said that the goddess gift holds great power not as strong as the power of a true alpha but it said that they're supposed to be their guardian or something. This all makes me a lot more curious. It's not that I'm curious if hope is my gift from the Moon goddess but I also want to know what's wrong with my little sister where else don't grow up this fast and it's scaring me.

I head off to the library research and bump into Brittany. Me and Britney never got along not in school nowhere. Once she stole my boyfriend in high school. It's pretty obvious we don't get along. Since I became alpha she's been showing me how much disrespect. I'm getting sick of the disrespect and as you probably know Alphas don't take well to disrespect.

Oh look it's the disgrace of the pack. Britney says with a giggle. I'm getting sick of her one more disrespectful word coming out of her mouth and she'll be in the dungeon or doing laundry for the rest of her life. She's lucky I haven't done anything yet. Britney that is not a way you talk to your alpha. I tell her as calm as I can it does sound a little rude though. What can I say lace is trying to come out.

I'm going to rip her throat out when I get out and you will not stop me. Lace says in my head. Lace we can't do this we are the alpha now we've got to look out for all our pack members. But if she just respects us one more time she will be doing laundry for the rest of the year. I tell lace with a confidence smile she just rolled her eyes.

What were you talking to you little wolfy I don't care if you're my alpha or not you don't belong here. Britney says with all might and confidence. By now I'm having even harder time holding lace down. I've had enough Brittany you are now assigned to laundry duty for the rest of the year actually let's make it where you have all the omega's jobs for the rest of the year. Scram and go tell them that they're off duty. I yell at her alpha tone she has no choice but to put her head down and run and scurry off to what I told her to do.

You may think I'm harsh but just the other day she was yelling at hope. I was nice to let her off the hook then but she disrespected her alpha Which could get her in the dongen. But since I'm a kind alpha I will give her a few more chances if it was my dad or anyone else that is an alpha she would have been put in the dungeons the first time. Alphas don't take disrespect and frankly I don't either but I am more level-headed than other alphas it could be because I'm a true alpha but the point is you don't disrespect your alpha.

Well back to the topic on hand I'm now at the library. I walk in and see the librarian which is Chris's mother. She Bowser had respect and asks me what she could do for me. Elda do you have any books on true Alphas? I asked her with a smile on my face. Yes alpha they would be with the goddess books bookshelf 5.. she tells me . Thank you elda. I thank her and then off to bookshelf 5 I go.

When I get there I see a whole bunch of books about the goddess but one specifically catches my eyes. The title was called the goddesses chosen. I picked it up and skimmed through it to find what I was looking for there it was in big bold letters true alpha. I skimmed through it to find something interesting apparently a true alpha is not just any alpha but the moon goddesses child. Which is strange because I specifically remember the pictures of me as a baby and the pictures and the videos of my mom giving birth.

Isaac was so excited to have another little sibling so he recorded everything so this got me interested. I kept reading to find that it wasn't literal being the moon goddesses child. What they meant by that was the moon goddess saw herself that the child had great potential or a great future sometimes the moon goddess can see the future. So the moon goddesse take that child in and watches over and make sure it's safe and help it out when she can.

It also says the moon guys will eventually train the true alpha to be the next moon goddess or Moon God. It is also said that the moon goddess can't have children of her own because of a curse by her own sister the goddess of the Sun. The true alpha will live longer than any other werewolf. Which is kind of scary because wolves are immortals so they live forever unless they are killed. It says that they will take over the pack that are chosen for them to train to be a good leader to be a good god or goddess of the moon.

You're being told that they are a true alpha they will start developing powers. Okay I haven't been developing Powers but okay. it also says that their companion will be found at least a week after them being announced as the true outfit to the world. Of course their companion being the gift from the Moon goddess. It also said that the gift of the goddess that the true alpha receives the goddesses protector mark on their right wrist has a true alpha will get the goddess mark on their left wrist.

Okay I finally found it the one about the goddesses gift. It is said that they will grow abnormally fast like say if they were born on a Monday every Monday would be their birthday until they turn 16 to 18 at the oldest there has been cases where they turn 15 at the youngest. Which is strange because no one grows that fast not even a werewolf. But that does explain why hope is growing so much her birthday is a Friday so every Friday until she turns at least 15 16 or 18.

As much this makes sense as much as it doesn't I'm a little worried for hope she's probably so confused. It also says that the growing process is to help them be able to protect the true alpha but also so they can meet their mate. I'm not ready for hope to meet her mate she was only four before I became the true alpha. But does they have to find mates to reach their full potential.

At the end of the book it says there hasn't been a true alpha for a while over 5 billion years. It says that every true alpha has been killed off before they could even become the goddess or God by power hungry people. It also says there was a prophecy that came after the last true alpha died that the next one would be stronger and braver and would be able to defeat the greedy people and evil and bring peace to the werewolf and supernatural world.

Since I am the last true alpha I guess I'm the one of the prophecies about but I'm kind of scared to tell you the truth. What if I'm no good at being a alpha or goddess at that.


Hey readers I'm sorry for the late of the day I haven't been very well I've been very sick I'm trying to update I'm feeling a little bit better but with all the extra time on my hand I thought I would update I hope you guys understand

Bye readers