
Moon Dust

Meet Alex she is a cold hearted Street racer from a broken home. She started racing to cope with the pain of her broken home. She didn't expect to become the all time champion of street racing. No one messes with her because the people that do are never seen again. Oh and she's a werewolf. Now meet Raven or that what he goes by. Not many people know his real name but the people that do would die if thay called him by his real name. He is just as cold hearted as Alex maybe more. He has trust issues sence he cot his girlfriend cheating on him with the head warrior. Let's not forget he's the beta of red stone pack. Warning this book contains * Verbal abuse * physical abuse IF YOU ARE IN A SIMILAR SITUATION PLEASE GET HELP THESE THING ARE NOT OK

Red_Raven_2886 · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

chapter 20 ~ mate~Ava

Ava pov

As I'm waiting for Alex to show back up with Lily I've noticed that my vampire and wolf has been very silent but restless.

What's with you two to day? I ask my vamp Stella and my wolf Alice. We don't know. We feel like something big is gonna happen today. Stella say. Is it bad or good? I ask knowing if they feel somethings up that they are almost always right.   Definitely good but we don't know what it is yet. Alice says.

It's strange having them be all restless and quiet. But I know their senses are very high because of them being royalty. Deciding that I'm bored and need to do something I go over to the cabinet that Alex has in her garage.

Open the cabinet to find a whole bunch of board games and cards and car stuff. I pick up a dick by cards and go sit down on the bean bag chair. It's funny how racers garages are like a lounge. There's the main garage which is where the race car is held. Then to the right is a door you open the door and you find this little lounge area.

Me and Raven is currently in the lounge area of the garage. I guess this is the best time to give him the best friend talk about hurting Alex. I fake cough to get his attention. He looks up at me with a curious look.

All right so I'm just going to make this call quick. Alex is a strong and independent woman. But she's been through a lot. I don't want to see her get hurt. You better treat her right or I'm going to kill you in the most brutal way possible. Do you understand? I say he looks Leary and just nods his head with a terrified look on his face.

I promise I'll take good care of her. I didn't mean to hurt her when I ran away the first time. I was scared and hurt. Raven tells me. I understand that he was scared but hurt I don't understand that part.

You better or else You will have every vamp in the world after you if you hurt her. I tell him. It's hard to believe that Alex was made to this man. He seemed like a scaredy cat to me. It was funny really I always imagined Alex's mate to be strong and undyingly protective. Not like this not someone who would run their first meeting.

It makes me curious on what would happen if I meet my mate. What they want me since I'm a hybrid. Half werewolf half vampire. Not to mention that I'm royalty. Would they be able to take the responsibility or would they leave me because they couldn't handle it.

Being royalty is one thing but being hybrid is another. Either one of those prospects could scare off my mate. I know for a fact my previous lovers as soon as they found out ran for the hills. Some were okay with me being a hybrid but not royalty. The others okay with me being royalty but not the hybrid part.

There's many possibilities of species might make be. She could be a werewolf, a vampire, a hybrid like me, human, a witch. Human mates are rare but are possible. If that's the case I would have to choose to let her go or change her. That's the thing about me being a hybrid. I can turn people into vampire, werewolf and a hybrid if I choose to.

But it does take a lot of strength out of me to change them into a hybrid. It still takes strength to change him into a vampire or a werewolf but not as much as a hybrid. There is also a rare chance that might make you be a mermaid. It's possible they do exist my mom is friends with the queen of mermaids. Well she's friends with all the queens of all the supernatural creatures that she is the queen of vampires.

I hope Alex gets back soon with her friend Lily all this thinking and free time is making my mind to go haywire. From what Alex tells me about Lily she's a fun spirit and that you enjoy being a vampire that she races for the thrill. Vampires are usually all about the thrill believe me I'm half vampire.

It's funny really vampires have an urge for thrill. They need to be doing something thrilling almost all the time. Because vampires get bored really easily. That's why the human heart is so fun for him. But thanks to my mom there's a new law about vampire hunting humans they cannot turn or kill a human without permission from the Royal family.

Fun fact about vampires we can also eat human food not just blood. Don't get me wrong we do need blood to survive because of strength. But we don't need it all the time it's not our name food source. Vampires only need blood usually once or twice a year. Some vampires just enjoy the taste of blood and drinks it all the time.

Those vampires are wake up vampires the bad name in the human culture. Me being half werewolf half vampire I only need blood once every 2 years. Don't get me wrong I like the taste of blood but I don't like hunting the humans cuz then you got to do all the hypnotizing get them to forget what happened and all that crap too much effort.

It does excite me a lot though what I do for the thrilling is skating. But I also have to help my mother run the kingdom because I am the princess and soon to be Queen of the vampires. I guess that gives me a little bit of a thrill but I do always need my wolf is too because she's got to run you know.

I was whipped out of my thoughts when I smell the apples and cinnamon sent again. I look up to find Alex but the smell is not coming from her so I look next to her to find a girl. She was about 5'11 she had the most beautiful tan skin. She also had the long blonde hair with pink highlights or streaks it's hard to tell from this far.

As I look into a golden brown eyes everything stops. It's almost as time slowed down they was just me and her. It's just then when I realize what my vampire and wolf is saying inside my head.

Mate!!! Stella and Alice yell in my head at the same time. I look at the incredible beauty in front of me again with a new realization. The beauty in front of me is my mate. I pry my eyes away from her golden browns to look at Alex who has a smug smirk on her face.

I get Alex a question and look. She just marks in mouths you're welcome. As much as I hate Alex for her smugness I can't say anything right now I'm just happy I had found my mate. Which I assume must be Lily. Because that's who Alex wants to go get so we can meet her.

Alex and my mate slowly walk up to me and Raven. Lily this is Ava my best friend. Ava this is Lily my rival in the racing world. Alex introduces us how she looks at me. Hi. I say with a little bit too much excitement. She just waves and looks at Raven. I couldn't help but I feel a twinge of jealousy.

Hi I'm Alex's boyfriend Raven. Raven told her sticking his hand out for a handshake. I could see Alex glaring at him for the introduction. I could help but chuckle. Lily was about to say something before Alex interrupted.

Lily this is Raven and he is not my boyfriend he likes to think he is. And Raven this is Lily my racing rival. I'll tell him I could see Raven slouch a little bit when Alex says he's not her boyfriend. Really just waves high before trying to talk to Alex about something racing involved.

I secretly watch her as she's talking to Alex. I watch how her chest goes up and down as she chuckles and giggles. I want to be the one to make her giggle like that. I couldn't help but feel jealous at her and Alex's relationship. Alex would never admit it but their friends.

I watched her eyes light up at something Alex says. And they both burst out into laughter. It would be a lot easier if she was supernatural she would feel the mate Bond too or at least know the meatballs there. Humans do feel the mate pond but not as strong as supernaturals.

I see Alex watching me watching her friend with a smug smirk on her face she bleeds Lily over my way. So Ava me and Lily was talking about going over to the cafe across the street. All the racers head over there after a race to re-energize before going home. Would you like to come? Alex asks me. I just now my head very excitedly.

I'm very excited to go and spend time with my mate and get to know her a little bit more. But that's not the only reason I'm excited I also get to see what my best friend does after a race.

Hey Raven can you check out my racing car make sure nothing got ruined in the race one me and the girls head over to the cafe.? Alex asks Raven I turn my head to see Raven nodding his head excitedly but there's also hinge of hurt in his eyes.

I don't know if it's from the fact that she didn't ask him to go to the cafe with us or the fact he still hurt about her not going along with him about him being her boyfriend. But at the moment I don't really care I just met my mate. And I don't care if she's human I care about is if I get to know her.

We walk over to Alex's pickup truck and hop in. Alex starts the car and the song just one kiss from descendants 3 comes on through the radio. We all sing along as we drive to the cafe across the street from the racing stadium. I could be more excited.

Just as the song ends we pull into the cafe. I look up to see that the cafes called the cafe Rogers. We all get out of the car and head inside. We walk over to the counter and look at the menu. I decide on getting a piece of chocolate cake with a glass of milk.

Alex tells us that she'll be paying as she orders the same thing as me great minds I think alike. Lily orders a glazed donut with sprinkles and a cup of hot chocolate. We all go sit down at a booth and chat but we wait for our food.

So how did you guys meet? Lily asked me and and Alex. Me and Alex thanks for a moment before Alex answers. It was I think kindergarten I was outside playing and I went a little too far into the woods behind my house. And we ran into each other after I ran into a wolf. Ava here threw rocks at the wolves and scared it off. Alex tells her in a way that wouldn't give any hint that we're supernaturals.

I remember the day clearly. My family was staying in the cabin that Alex lives in currently for the weekend and I was playing in the woods when I heard a girl crying. I ran off without telling my mother and father where I was going and found Alex up against a tree trying to get away from a rogue. Alex had wanted a little too far off her pack lands into the woods. Being royalty I had shifted early and I had shifted into my vampire and tackled the rogue.

Stella to control and has startled the rogue off. I had taken Alex back to the cabin and my mom treated her wounds. From that day on we would meet in the woods secretly away from her parents and we became best friends.

That's cool so have you been friends ever since? Lily asked this time I answered. Yeah pretty much we've been through it thick and thin. She's like the sister I never had. I say as I wink at Alex. It's true really my family adopted Alex after we found out everything that happened between her and her parents.

We continue to chit chat until our food gets here then we eat and head back to the racing grounds and head out separate way I can wait to see my mate again.