
Monstrous Ascension: Endless Monster Evolution

The entire solar system was destroyed before anyone could notice or even understand what had happened. A massive comet changed its course and ended up hitting the sun, causing a chain reaction that made our biggest star expand and then become a supernova. Five hundred seconds later, Earth started to get hotter, and in five seconds, all the life on the planet burned and died. That was supposed to be the end of the human race, but for some reason, all the humans began to reincarnate as monsters in another world. Those who wanted to struggle and live for a while longer could fight and evolve, even reincarnate in other forms if they tried hard... Kane was one of them, he wouldn’t let himself be hunted without reason, and he was determined to climb up the food chain of that new world that had many fantasy races and monsters, gods and demons, hunters and overlords.

Comedian0 · แฟนตาซี
230 Chs

The Society of the Crazy Goblins (4)

(Congratulations! You survived for one hour. You received one reincarnation point.") (x3)

In the end, Kane slept for three hours in the middle of the village because he didn't have anything better to do aside from the houses that were currently being used for passionate moments. He only found a couple of buckets filled with water and some monsters that were about to be dismantled.

Still, Kane decided to investigate a few things before taking a nap. First of all, it looked like all goblins were 1.3 meters tall. Although their strength and speed were relatively high, it wasn't that impressive, according to Carl, because the monsters of that forest were stronger and faster.

Kane found three types of monsters. The first one was a green snake that could disguise itself quite easily in the middle of the forest. Despite the fact that snakes didn't have legs, those green snakes were relatively fast and quick to bite the necks of their prey or suffocate them with their bodies. It seemed like the meat of the snakes was quite good, and with the hide, it was possible to create some protection, but the people in the village didn't manage to do that yet.

The second type of monster was a big-ass bee that was as big as Kane himself, but half of its body was the sting. Kane couldn't help but frown while looking at that deadly weapon, the pain caused by such a sting would be hellish, and it could quickly kill a goblin… to make matters worse, once the bee dies, the sting would slowly melt, so it couldn't be used as a weapon.

The last monster that Kane saw was a carnivorous plant, the creature wasn't that big, but it could attack from long distances using vines. It seemed like eating that monster was no different than eating veggies, so the people of the village would eat that alongside the snake's meat. Also, they were using the vines to strengthen their defenses.

"Well, this place isn't as bad as I thought it was, but… it could have improved a lot. Carl said that he had been here for a month, so how come he didn't manage to create some clothes or even protection using the snake's hide? Although it would be rustic, they could use the vines of the carnivorous plants to connect the parts… anything is better than this small piece of clothing on my waist."

While Kane was waiting for his time to hunt and see how things worked outside the village, he thought about that, and he also tried to talk with some of the people there. But no one looked at him for more than a minute… It couldn't be helped since he was just a newcomer, but that was undoubtedly sad to be treated like that when he finally found some humans.

Since he had nothing better to do, Kane decided to talk with Carl a little more. Asking some questions for the guy who seemed to be the leader of the village was the only and the best thing he could do, after all.

"How is the distribution of work here?" Kane asked.

"We divided ourselves into four groups of ten and one of eight," Carl replied. "A group has to work every day being hunting, protecting the village, or dismantling the monsters. The group that watches the village changes every six hours. Still, we only hunt during the day, so only two groups leave the village to hunt and only during the day. Dismantling monsters is the easiest job, so all the groups take turns in doing that and the other jobs."

Basically, Kane would have to do something for six hours, and he would have to do something else exactly twenty-four later… it wasn't a flawed system since it didn't let anyone get used and too relaxed doing the same thing over and over again. But it also wasn't that good since it didn't let people do what they were good at freely. Dismantling monsters was obviously easier than hunting them; to those who didn't want to risk themselves, it was the perfect work. Still, by doing only that, the goblins wouldn't be able to level up.

Kane had some suggestions; building some watchtowers and letting the archers work there would be a good idea. They also needed to clean the terrain a little bit to increase their vision of the surroundings by knocking down trees and eventually building more huts… but saying all of that when he just appeared seemed like a bad idea. For the time being, Kane would have to see how things would work out for at least the next few days. Somehow, Kane had the feeling that the people wouldn't listen to him. Given the things they had to endure to survive, it was only obvious that they wanted to relax while they could. Still, in Kane's eyes, that wouldn't be an option until they created a decent camp.

Suddenly, Kane began to hear the sound of laughers in the distance. It didn't take long for him to see a group of goblins coming carrying three snakes…

"I wonder why they are laughing… three snakes barely can be enough to feed a village of fifty monsters. That surely isn't the result of a good hunt…"

The leader of that group was another goblin armed with a bow, and he greeted Carl as soon as he crossed the gates of the village. While the archer was giving the report, the others were preparing to lay down the snakes' corpses on the tables made of wood.

"It seems we have another ally…" The archer said while he studied Kane. "Hey, my name is Owen; nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you. My name is Kane," Kane showed a small smile.

Although he didn't demonstrate, Kane couldn't help but wonder if there was any meaning in studying him like that. The goblins didn't have many physical differences. If anything, the only way to see if one could be useful in a battle was by looking at that someone in the eyes, and Kane could tell that both Owen and Carl had a lot of experience dealing with monsters. He could see that they were the types who wouldn't hesitate in fighting monsters… that was good in some sense, but in others, that was equally dangerous. In any case, at the very least, he didn't try to look down on him or treat him like a servant. So, Kane sighed in relief, knowing that he wouldn't have found trouble so quickly.