
Monsternomicon: The Library of Monsters

An encyclopedia detailing multiple kinds of mythical creatures and the like.

FallenSilence23 · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs



[Presence]: 63

Death, also called Lady Death, The Great Reaper, The End, among others..., is a primordial who predates creation alongside Ouroboros. It is unsure when she came to be, or perhaps she always was. While Death is normally a formless entity, she is usually depicted as a skeleton or walking void covered by a massive black hood, carrying a scythe on her back or hands.

To speak of Death is to speak of murder, homicide, suicide, fatal accidents, natural deceasing, and so on. Each and every one of those things are aspects that comprise Death's existence. She not only represents every possible form of Death, but she also is every single one of them.

All things that live die, and therefore everything would have to meet death, or in this case, Lady Death. The "natural order of things" is the fact that all things that live must die. Essentially, death is the natural order.

On a battlefield, Death is there. In every killing blow that is met with courage, Death is there. When the sword plunges into its target, it isn't the sword itself that causes the life to end, but rather Death. In short, even with murders that seem to have other causes, the real cause of their end is not the sword, axe, or spear, but rather Death's existence.

When it comes to the affairs that involve the living or other events that occur within different realms beyond that of the norm, Death is completely amoral to them and is only concerned with the task at hand, reaping any and all those who are on the brink of dying or currently dying as well.

To confront Death is to confront the very embodiment of your end. To fight against your very demise. She isn't physical and the forms that she takes are not visible to the denizens of the world. Her attacks aren't physical, as they aren't really "attacks" at all. She is death, and her "attacks" are the embrace of death itself.

One must think that this principle only applies to the living, but they are dangerously incorrect. Not only the living but the non-living are met all the same with The End at some point. Her attacks are finality itself, ending the physical, metaphysical, conceptual, and non-existential.

She can appear as she likes. Even when manifesting a form, she is capable of repeating this form and making herself appear numerous. Even her physical forms are not limited to one location. For as long as people have known death, she has stalked Mundus and the rest of creation. Even once "death" stops and there is nothing else that will die, she will still exist at the end of all things.

When Death finds you, there is no escape or coming back. Her embrace of nothingness is final and absolute. No afterlife. No hell. No heaven. Complete and utter oblivion.

Another interesting fact about Death is that she is the one who knows the most about the nature of the Ain Soph, but even that might still be far from recognizing what it actually truly is.

No one knows whether death, which people fear to be the greatest evil, may not be the greatest good. Death is a law, not a punishment. Unlike life which is a lie, it is the truth. But sometimes, there are things worse than death.


<<Abstract Embodiment>>: Death, as the name suggests, is the very embodiment of death across all of creation. Due to this, she stands as one of the most powerful beings on existence and nonexistence. Even if the concept of death is erased or if "death" stops with nothing else needing to die, she will still exist.

<<Immortality>>: Death is an ancient entity that has existed since before the beginning of creation itself. She is timeless, ageless, and eternal, with her going so far as to be one of the only things that will last forever at the end of all things. It is impossible to truly kill her as she is already death itself. When it comes to her avatars, they are also virtually incapable of being defeated as Death itself stripped their death from them and cannot truly die if Death doesn't allow it.

<<Avatar Production>>: Can produce avatars at will to interact with the world of the living from other points of view.

<<Necroscience>>: Death knows who will die, when they will die, where they will die, and how they will die.

<<Death Control>>: She is capable of manipulating all forms of death, be it natural or unnatural. Due to this, she has control over Fate itself. The fate of all beings that are about to die falls into her hands.

<<Absolute Final Death>>: Death is capable of reaping any kind of being, regardless if they are metaphysical, immortal, deathless, nonexistent, abstract, etc. All of their resistances, immortalities, physiologies, and traits are completely disregarded, meeting their final end.

<<Necromancy>>: As she has absolute control over death, she also can manipulate things that are related to the dead, allowing her to have limitless control over everyone and everything that is dead, such as zombies, skeletons, ghosts, and so on.

<<Entropy Inducement>>: As the one who represents death and the end of all things, entropy is no exception, bringing end and ruin not only to the living but to inanimate structures and objects as well.

<<All-Existing Presence>>: Death exists wherever and whenever there is death, a principle that permeates across all of creation.

----Modus Operandi----

Death is for the most part impartial and amoral to everything, only caring about reaping her targets from their life when it's the right time. She is an entity beyond comprehension and the abstract, so she usually doesn't need to care about any potential enemies that might affect her existence as a whole.