
Monster World - Pet Integration

In a world where monsters roam freely after an unknown power brought them from who knows where. After years of fighting the monsters, the humans in this world learn to integrate with monsters and turn them into their pets. The integration will take place in the final year of schooling after they reach the age of 16 and join the military for 4 years which is mandatory for anyone. MC is an orphan who is lives in an orphanage since childhood. He wants to grow strong so he can live his life better than how it was in the orphanage. He fights to become one of the strongest people on the planet. But fate has other plans for him as he gains friends along the way. New chapters every week. This is my first story. Please do share your comments and help me grow. Note: The cover art is not mine. It is created for me by one of my friends.

McCaulay · แฟนตาซี
68 Chs

Chapter 15: Military Operation

The archers started firing at the giant ants that came out of the ant hill. Since the ants are low-level, they used normal arrows without mana infusion.

They retrieved their arrows and Allen fired another explosion arrow to attract another set of faint ants out of the ant hill.

They did not collect anything from ants as it is not profitable. They just hunted them to gain experience.

They followed their plan another 3 times. When Allen was about to shoot another explosion arrow, he felt pressure on him. He was suppressed so much by the pressure and was about to fall from the tree he was on.

The pressure left after a few seconds and when he checked his teammates, he found that Kriti and Kumar fell from their trees.

"Sorry, we didn't know someone else will also be tasked to clear the ant hill" said a dark person in military uniform.

Allen came down from the tree to check on them. Sam and Abdul followed and came down.

Allen could see a group of 10 warriors, 9 were in the high-level Specialist stage while their leader was in the low-level Corporal stage. The pressure felt by them is due to being 2 stages below him.

Their leader suppressed his aura as soon as he saw the trainees near the ant hill.

"Hello, I'm Micheal. We are from the Tanip camp assigned to clear this ant hill." said the team leader.

The ant hills are a problem to the locals as once their number grows to a considerable size, they will attack the people in the area. Military squads will be sent to clear them as soon as it is reported.

"So, this is a military operation" said Sam in a daze.

"Yes. We are Squad 6 from 146th Battalion stationed here. And you are?" asked Michael.

"We are just trainees. We completed our training and were give a few days to relax before going to our assigned camp" said Allen.

"Trainees? You've taken out almost 1/10th of the monsters in the ant hill just being trainees? You don't even have your full squad with you!" exclaimed Michael.

"Our training squad was split into two teams by the end of our training" said Allen.

"They do that to the best team all the time kid." said one of the soldiers holding a shield and a spear.

"Why don't you help us clear the anthill?" asked Micheal. "It will be added to your military record and will be mentioned as your first mission" he added.

"We don't know if we can be of much help to you guys" said Abdul.

"You will be a great help to us. The scene in front of you is the proof." said another soldier pointing to the tens of ant corpses laying around.

"Okay. We'll be part of the extermination assignment" said Allen after discussing with the team.

The formation was set. 8 soldiers carrying swords/spears with shields stood in front of the ant hill including Michael. 2 soldiers with 2 handed swords stood with Allen's team if the formation breaks down.

Allen fired his explosion arrow directly at the ant hill this time. He only has 35% mana left in his storage now.

All the soldier's and trainees' pets were also present in the field to assist.

The giant ants started to pour out of the ant hill and started to rush madly at the soldiers.

"Shields up. Do not let them hurt you or break the formation" yelled Michael. "Yes sir!" the soldiers replied in unison.

"Keep firing. Concentrate you attack 9n the ants at the back, near the ant hill." Allen said to his team. Everyone nodded to it.

Thousands of giant ants came out of the ant hill and were swiftly dealt with by them.

The trainees emptied their quivers and took their swords and assisted the 2 soldiers in killing the ants that were able to break the formation of the soldiers.

Since Allen had 2 quivers, he was the last to take his sword out. He went directly to the front line as they were getting overwhelmed by the number of ants as the archers' support was stopped.

"Ahhhhh" he heard a soldier scream as his leg was bitten by a high-level ant.

Allen went to that soldier and killed the ants that were attacking him in a minute by infusing mana into his two-handed sword.

"Serina, take him back to safety" he said to his pet. She came back to Allen and bent a little so the soldier can hop on.

"Kamran. Get back to the camp and inform them we need reinforcements. This ant hill is bigger than we expected. We need an entire platoon to exterminate this." ordered Michael.

"You heard him, Serina. Take him to the camp and come back soon." Allen said to her. She growled in affirmation and left the battlefield.

All of the soldiers are exhausted, but the ant hill is still spitting out giant ants non-stop.

"It will take 4 hours for the reinforcements to get here. We need to hold them till then." Michael said to them.

"Everyone, form a small circle. Just as we practised. We can hold them off." Allen said to his team while drinking his last mana portion.

They formed the circle and drank the healing portion except for Allen as he is not injured yet.

"Allen, take your team and leave. This is too hard for trainees to handle " said Michael.