
Strengthning II

Got it!

I thought I have been studying that glass for a past hour, finding a way to open it safely; only after referring to several ruin books will I able to find the 'Open' Ruin.

I once again checked it, as this Blood is not a simple thing if it exploded, then not only would take me, it would also take Rachelaand rest of the building, I dont want to die and neither want to kill before me. Hence, it's better if I am completly sure before pressing any rune.


Finally, I pressed the rune after spending half an hour making sure that I am right, and just as I pressed the button, all the runes on the Glass Orb started to light up one after another, and the glass orb blossomed.

Yes, blossomed.

It blossomed as a rare flower does in the moonlight; it is a breathtaking and enchanting scene. The Glass orb blossomed and revealed the Crimson Blood in its center.