
Star World

"You should not have attacked them, Tekr," said the Grand Commander, and to the shock of the Grimm Grand Lord, it saw five quasi-Grand Lords being frozen to the glass.

"You bitch!" It cursed and moved to save them but stopped three delicate silvery glass staff with a pointy edge appeared in front of it, stopping it from its tracks. "It is a price for breaking an agreement," she said, and the only thing the Grimm Grand Lord could do was glare at her.

I looked at the two bright moons and sighed; the reason elemental bodies are so desired and feared is that they give absolute dominion over their element. When they are in the presence of their element, everything becomes their domain.

The reason she was able to move so swiftly, avoiding the five Grand Lords, was moonlight which is everywhere, and under it, it is very hard to deal with her, and it is not her only element.