
Sand Waves

"It seemed like, I am not the only one," I said to myself as I looked at people, I could sense.


I am only a few hours away from the Yiru city and I could sense a lot of people around me. I am a lot. It is not just Sovereigns and Earth Sovereigns, but I had also sensed a lot of Sky Sovereigns.


The spatial disturbance has made the teleportation formation useless. 


This is the first western city, whose teleportation gate is working. So, is obvious that people will throng in here; I hope, this large number of people won't delay my journey.




A few hours passed, and I saw the city. Standing in desert hills, made of red stone. Yiru means red in the local language; the city's name is red, which is apt considering all I could see is a different shade of red.


Soon, I reached the gate and revealed my faint aura, which had given me smoother access to the city.