
My God!

We stepped onto the 49th floor, and just as I did, I felt the change. The floor is different from all the other forty-eight floors I had been in.

The first thing that is most noticeable is the antral energy here; it is dense, so dense that I could literally taste it on my tongue. There had never been such dense astral energy in any place in the tower. If any herb hall had this much dense energy, then even the most common plant there would have made the fight to the death.

The hallway of the 49th floor is stark white with a huge redwood door that had the design of huge humanoids celebrating some festival. Whoever carved the design must be an exceptional artist; when one looked at the carving, a scene couldn't help but appear in one's mind.

If I had a lot of time, I would have really enjoyed it, but there are other, more important things I have to focus on.