
Big Horde II

Puch Rip Puch


I appeared in front of the Beastman and quickly killed more than half of the monsters surrounding him, before moving away to the next crisis point.


It hadn't even been five minutes since the horde attacked and conditions were dangerous.


There are too many monsters.


We had faced huge hordes before, but this was one of the biggest, and this time, there was no Prime to handle things; we needed to do it on our own.


I am glad, they have a method like the net. There are shining dots everywhere with a thin silvery line connecting all. There are two types of dots; one is green and one red. The red ones need help.


If I concentrated on the dot, I could see the danger they were going through.


Puch Puch Rip!


I killed the monsters, while a hundred lances materialized over me and went toward the monster. Killing over 95% of the targets.