
1032 Seeds

I had to grip the table hard, so I could not fall down take quite many deep breaths before I was able to stabilize my emotions.

"Is the intelligence true?" I asked after a few minutes, "80% chances that it is true, but even if it is not; your project will help us tremendously, might even help us win the war," Lady Angela replied

I nodded and remained quiet, making my avatar do a quick calculation, and a result I had got by it had stumped me for a moment.

"The resources that will require for one thousand participants will be tremendous; here is the rough estimate," I said, and a page made of energy materialized in my hand and moved toward the council and lady Angela as it made the copies of itself.

To my surprise, these people did not look shocked; there was a shock when I had presented my proposal earlier, but now there was none as if they had already expected it.