
Monster in a world of heroes and villains [temporary break]

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings,monsters from videogames,monsters from movies,comics,mangas and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

USB and hidden secrets

I was walking down the street at night, Jeff's card activated just in case. I also had a beautiful recently stolen laptop. I wanted to have something to play a couple of games. I also wanted to see what the USB that was at Midtown School had.

I got home quickly, went up the stairs of the building, and as always, I slowly entered through the window. I deactivated my card and sat on the bed with my new laptop. Obviously, I brought several things to make using the laptop more comfortable. I turned it on and configured it. I would also use this for hacking. After a while, I finished configuring everything.

"It's time to see what this has to offer... It's related to Kingpin... It's strange, well... This is an alternate universe, it's not the MCU. Let's see what this has to offer..." I murmured with intrigue while I looked at the USB. I put it in the laptop and saw a folder. I went in and examined it.

"ohh...this is...interesting," I murmured while looking at the files. There were videos and tests of experiments with spiders. It seemed like they wanted to make Spiderman soldiers...

"Shit... I think this is something quite serious... There is even DNA from how the spiders were made," I murmured in surprise. This thing seems serious. Plus, there were videos.

"Let's see..." I played a video out of curiosity. Obviously, I lowered the volume, maybe it's gore.

In the video, you could see a completely white room. There was a white bed and other basic things to live in. I saw a person lying on the bed. He looked like an old man. Do they experiment with old people...?

I watched more of the video, and the old man began to convulse, something I already saw several times. But something disturbed me a little. I already saw a lot of death and blood, but this made me a little uncomfortable, although I could get used to it.

Suddenly, the old man began to vomit something red. Suddenly, I saw how several lumps began to come out of his face. The skin exploded, and several eyes appeared on his face. The old man's mouth began to bleed, and he grew fangs like spiders.

The old man begins to scream in pain. It's good that he lowered the volume. Suddenly, he began to crash against the white walls, hitting the wall. I saw how the wall was filled with blood until the old man fell. Suddenly, I saw his stomach was inflamed.

"No... is it serious...?" I murmured in surprise. I saw how his stomach exploded, and small spiders came out. It seemed like hundreds or thousands. I fast forwarded the video a few hours. The video was really long. Suddenly, I saw how the spiders began to devour the old man.

"Well... it seems like they failed... or maybe not, Spider-Man is alive..." I murmured with a smile. It seems that Kingpin and Spider-Man are connected in some way.

"Peter died in that bathroom... no one knows why he died. Maybe because of something related to the spider...? Was he a spy or something...? It wouldn't make sense. He was my age... but maybe Peter is connected to Spider Woman..." I whispered several possibilities.

I began to rub my head in annoyance. It seems that these days are going to be complicated.

I used Jeff's card and started hacking the information, in case the USB had something hidden or not.

After a while, there was nothing strange. I deactivated the card, and it returned to normal.

"Nothing... Well, at least I have interesting information... I'll go to sleep for today. I've already caused chaos in the city..." I mumbled sleepily and put the laptop away where no one would find it.

Then I lay down in bed and saw a system window. It seems like I leveled up.

[You have leveled up!

Upgrades: Improved strength, Improved speed, Improved senses!

You have achieved: Virus improvement!

Nemesis: 3/15!]

I sighed. It seems that the virus improved. Maybe I can get more mutations. I think now the crimson heads are coming... I think. It's been a long time since I watched Resident Evil, and I remember the lore more or less.

I stretched a little and fell asleep.


I woke up like every day, ate, and started watching television. It seems that my chaos at the club was on the news. I smiled proudly at my little apocalypse. I got up from the chair and stretched a little. Now I don't know what to do. I already tried Nemesis, I made chaos.

"Hmmmmm... what do I do now...?" I mumbled boredly. I hated feeling this feeling of boredom. Suddenly, I remembered something.

"I'm going to see more about the USB." I got up and went to get my laptop. I put the USB back in and started to see more information. Today will be a quiet day, I think.

"Boring, boring, boring..." I said while going through several files. Suddenly, I entered an interesting file. It seems that they abandoned a place with failed experiments. That word calls me. I saw more information about the address, and I was surprised.

"Spider monsters, damn it. I want to try something. Will the Nemesis virus work on those beings...?" I murmured with an intrigued smile.

laboratory underground, and the place was abandoned, but the beings inside stayed there.

"Bingo, I'm going there. I'm very bored," I said with a smile.

"I want to try destroying things with Nemesis," I said as I got up, changed my clothes, and left the apartment.


When I arrived, it was an abandoned factory. It didn't look very impressive. Inside, the whole place was deserted, with things lying on the floor and the walls rusted. Normal things from abandoned factories.

I walked around the place for a while.

"How the hell do I go to the lab...?" I murmured as I continued investigating the place. Suddenly, I saw the ground. It seemed slightly more sunken in a specific part.

"Bingo," I smiled and walked towards the somewhat sunken part of the ground. I touched it and hit it a little. It seemed hard and solid.

"A hatch. It's very well hidden. I almost didn't notice it. Luckily, it's slightly sunken," I said with a smile.

"Jeff," I whispered, and the fog enveloped me. I grabbed the almost hidden hatch and squeezed it hard. I used so much force that it flew and crashed against the wall, going through the wall. I heard the loud noise that echoed throughout the factory.

"Shit..." I muttered with annoyance. I made too much noise. I looked at the abyss that had stairs going down. I couldn't see anything because of the immense darkness.

"Well, it's time for a Dora the Explorer moment," I jumped straight into the darkness. For 7 seconds, I felt like I was falling. I quickly grabbed the ladder, but I used so much force that the ladder broke, and I fell. "Ah."

I felt like I was falling on a hard floor. I groaned in pain. My back hurt. I slowly got up.

I looked around and smiled. I saw a white hallway with a dim light, and there were papers lying on the floor. I approached one and grabbed it. They were statistics. I looked further and saw words that said "failure." There were quite a few sheets with those words. It seems that failures were normal here.

I walked down the hallway with interest, looking around and seeing some doors. I approached one, but it didn't open. They looked like sliding doors, maybe they were broken. I hit it, and the door flew in. The loud noise echoed through the room and down the hall. I entered and saw abandoned tables, fallen chairs, and blood on the walls.

"Great, Umbrella 2.0?" I said with a sarcastic smile. I investigated the room, finding papers on the floor, a somewhat broken wall, and chairs scattered. Everything seemed the same. Suddenly, I heard a sound. I looked behind me and saw a shadow quickly running away. I smiled.

"Hehe..." I smiled. I deactivated my card and decided to go for something heavier. I activated the Nemesis card. The dense fog surrounded me, and I felt much taller. I walked and left through the door, although it was difficult. I had to bend down a little, but luckily the ceiling was high, and I could walk normally.

I walked through the place with heavy steps, the sound echoing through the place. Suddenly, I heard something running. I looked behind me and saw something like a zombie, but more like a spider. It jumped towards me, but I just slapped it, and it flew and crashed against a wall, exploding in blood.

"Ah... shit, I wanted to experiment," my hoarse and inhuman voice echoed through the place. I walked towards what was left of the strange spider monster. I grabbed its head, which was somewhat intact, and looked at it closely. It seemed that its face had several eyes, in addition to fangs like a spider. I also saw some cobwebs on its face.

"Hmmm... interesting," I murmured. I have to get used to speaking as Nemesis, although I like to say S.T.A.R.S. like the original Nemesis. It gives him his essence.

Suddenly, I heard several sounds around the place. I looked behind me and saw more than four people—spider zombie monsters, something like that—running towards me. I made my tentacle come out and started running towards them. I roared, feeling a comforting sensation in the midst of the fight. I quickly used the tentacle like a whip, observing the sonic waves as I whipped a strange spider zombie.

I felt liberated and at peace as I grabbed a spider monster and threw it against a wall, blood gushing out upon impact. Another attempted to attack me by biting, but another tentacle emerged from my other arm, grabbing it and squeezing with enormous force. The spider monster exploded in a gush of blood. The last one left was lying on the ground, dying as its legs were cut by my whip.

I approached the spider monster and attempted something unconventional. My tentacle wrapped around it and entered its mouth. Inside, I felt something slightly hot as I injected my virus into the creature. I let go, and the spider monster fell to the ground, convulsing as blood slowly seeped from its wounds. However, to my surprise, it exploded, splattering blood all over me. I observed the aftermath, seeing only pieces of flesh scattered on the ceiling and walls. "It didn't work...? Is the virus too powerful for them to withstand...?" I pondered with confusion.

As I observed the scene, disappointment crept in. "How disappointing. I wanted to create a spider zombie... They could've been useful," I muttered with a tinge of regret. Despite my failed experiment, I pressed forward through the facility, eventually arriving at a set of double doors. Pushing them open, I was met with a grim sight—dead bodies strewn across the floor. "Dead people...? I thought this place was abandoned," I murmured, puzzled by the discovery. Suddenly, a noise interrupted the silence—a dragging sound. Peering ahead, I spotted a towering figure dragging two monstrous spider creatures. With multiple eyes adorning his face and formidable fangs, he resembled a humanoid spider.

When the figure noticed me, he abandoned the creatures and began to advance. Excitement coursed through me as I sprinted toward him, delivering a powerful punch that sent him sprawling. Seizing the opportunity, I grabbed his leg and hoisted him into the air, slamming him forcefully onto the ground. His roar echoed through the chamber as I lifted him once more, hurling him into the distance. The impact shattered the double doors, sending debris flying in all directions.

Putting strategies aside for a moment, I embraced the raw thrill of combat. The primal satisfaction of using my fists and unleashing mighty roars was invigorating—it felt liberating.

Observing the monster struggle to rise, I noted the damaged arm hanging limply from its flesh, blood seeping from the wound.

With a monstrous roar, I charged towards the creature, seizing it in my arms and plowing through a concrete wall as if it were paper, only to collide with a sturdier barrier beyond. There was an explosive impact, and I released the remnants of the monster—little more than entrails and blood, with traces of pus. Wiping the blood from my face and hands, I turned away and ventured deeper into the laboratory.

Eventually, I found myself in a monitoring room filled with screens displaying static. It appeared the cameras were all malfunctioning or damaged beyond repair. Disappointed but unsurprised, I turned on my heel and exited the room.

Continuing my exploration, I entered a more open area that seemed to have once served as a dining space. Tables and chairs were scattered about haphazardly, suggesting the hurried departure of those who once inhabited this forsaken place.

I walked until I found something interesting: a corpse. I approached it and noticed that it hadn't died long ago.

"Well... it seems like this place wasn't completely abandoned. They wanted to get rid of them and let everyone die inside...?" I pondered that possibility.

"Well... this is very Resident Evil..." I murmured with an imaginary smile, unable to grin like Nemesis; something uncomfortable.

Suddenly, I heard a loud sound. I turned around and saw something being thrown at me. I quickly dodged it with little effort. I saw that it was a thick piece of metal, also sharp. I looked to see who threw it and saw something that made me smile. Although the Nemesis card did not allow me, a spider person, but different. Much more human. Although he had several eyes on his face, his body was the closest thing to a Spider-Man. Could he be a failed Spider-Man soldier...?

The guy ran towards me with superhuman speed. I easily dodged an incoming fist aimed at my face. When the fist hit the ground, I saw a crack appear. It seems that this guy is strong. Well, somewhat entertaining.

I quickly ran towards him and punched him, sending him flying several meters backwards. He collided with a metal table, spinning several times in the air. I saw him fall to the ground, but he quickly got up. Maybe I can try that now...

I dodged another of his fists and punched him in the chest. I felt the ribs of the "Spider-Man" soldier in front of me break. He staggered back while vomiting blood. It seems that I also destroyed some organs. Well, it doesn't matter.

When I was about to grab his head, I saw something shiny out of the corner of my eye. I quickly dodged it, seeing another thick piece of metal crash into the wall and break it, cracks appearing. I looked around and saw several "Spider-Man" soldiers. I sighed and hit the soldier next to me on the head, destroying it. It's time for a little massacre. There were more than seven of them. My tentacles came out of my arms as I prepared for the battle. Finally, I was going to have a decent fight in this world. I always won easily.

The "Spider-Man" soldiers ran towards me with screams, and I responded with a great roar. I quickly whipped one, sending him flying. I saw how his arm was destroyed, although I hadn't cut it off completely. Well, I wasn't using the maximized Nemesis's abilities. I sighed and made up my mind.

I was going to try something that I knew he could do, but it was going to be dangerous. I might lose consciousness, but it was also possible that it wouldn't happen. I was going to try to mutate.

I breathed quickly, trying to focus on annoying things, hoping it might help. The others quickly attacked me, and I felt my skin being cut. I roared in anger, and a sonic wave unexpectedly came out of my mouth when I screamed. I didn't know I could do that. The soldiers were sent flying away, but I felt my blood burning, like I was in lava, like I was in hell.

"AARRRRRGHHHH!!" I screamed in anger as my blood boiled like lava. I felt like my body was trying to do something. Suddenly, my vision turned red. I looked at my arms and saw tentacles coming out quickly. I couldn't help but roar again as my blood boiled and my mind was bothered.

I ran towards a soldier and grabbed him against the wall. The wall was filled with large cracks as I punched him with my other hand. The cracks grew even bigger, but I felt something releasing within me. I felt... good.

I quickly ran towards another soldier, grabbing his body and throwing him towards the wall. More cracks appeared, and I couldn't help myself. I ran and destroyed, crushing heads, legs, torsos, the floor, the walls. All I saw was red, only blood and more blood.

I roared like never before, my blood still boiling, feeling my mind caught in a spiral of slaughter. But suddenly, it stopped. I felt myself calming down. I looked at my arms, and the tentacles were slowly retracting back into my arms. The "clothes" of my body were fine, except for my arms. I noticed large veins protruding from them, my skin appearing horrendous, as if it were made of muscles themselves.

I looked around and saw the walls of the dining room full of cracks, the floor sporting a few craters, although not very large. The tables were destroyed. It seems I could mutate at will, but it was dangerous. I didn't want to transform into the final form of Nemesis; it seemed too useless to me. I desired a more skillful and faster mutation, something deadly and terrifying. I didn't want to become a huge lump of flesh that could barely move.

I sighed and noticed a small part of the dining room that I hadn't seen before. It appeared to be where they served the food, perhaps for the scientists and guards. I briefly considered investigating further but ultimately decided to continue on my way, ignoring it for the time being.