
Monster in a world of heroes and villains [temporary break]

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings,monsters from videogames,monsters from movies,comics,mangas and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
63 Chs

chaos and new place

(POV: Noah)

As I staggered to my feet, a sense of calm washed over me, but it was short-lived. Suddenly, my blood began to boil like water, an infernal heat ran through my veins. I clutched my hands and watched in horror as they turned a deep shade of red and the blood inside seemed to reach a boiling point.

Unable to contain the agony any longer, I unleashed a roar that echoed through the air, causing the ground to shake beneath me. The building shook in response to the intensity of my roar, huge cracks forming cobwebs on its surface.

The pain became overwhelming and I collapsed to the floor; The impact shattered the earth beneath me as if it were made of brittle glass.

[The card is being upgraded by the system!


You have reached a green card!]

As I emerged from the shattered remains of the building, each step I took seemed to fracture the ground beneath me, like brittle ice that gave way with each step. In the distance, I saw Kingpin angrily throwing a police car into a nearby building.

Touching my neck, I recoiled from the searing heat emanating from inside me: it was hellish.

With a deep sigh, I advanced towards Kingpin, but to my surprise, I found myself in front of him at an unprecedented speed. My fist connected with his form, sending him careening towards a nearby building where he effortlessly passed through it.

Examining my hands, I found that they burned even more intensely. Had He moved faster than the speed of sound?

A smile spread across my face as I ran towards Kingpin. I felt an incredible surge of speed course through me, effortlessly covering a distance of 200 meters in the blink of an eye. Grabbing his head, I jumped into the air, propelling us both towards the top of the Fisk Building.

With a strong push, I threw it toward the ceiling with all my might, the structure groaning under the force as cracks splintered across its surface.

As I clung to the roof, with Kingpin in my grasp, I uttered a fierce curse that echoed throughout the roof. With a clenched fist, I delivered a powerful blow, unleashing a deafening sonic boom that shattered the ceiling beneath us. Kingpin plummeted, every floor of the building collapsing in his wake.

I quickly descended to the ground and delivered another strong blow to the Kingpin's chest. The impact resonated throughout the surroundings, causing the ground to shake even more as the cracks expanded relentlessly. Grabbing Kingpin by one leg, I threw him out of the building before leaving to inspect the scene. In the distance, a helicopter caught my attention. Maybe a news helicopter?

With a sigh of resignation, I resolved to intensify my efforts. Seeing Kingpin in the distance, I braced myself as he roared and charged towards me. Nothing bad.

I deftly dodged his attack and delivered a powerful blow to his ribs, sending him careening through a nearby building. The upper floors collapsed upon impact, causing pieces of the building to fall non-stop onto the street below and causing the ground to shake violently.

A satisfied smile appeared on my lips as I increased my pace, quickly reaching Kingpin's location. Grabbing it once more, I jumped to a nearby building and threw it against the roof, the force of our impact shattering all the floors beneath us. As chunks of concrete rained down, I paid little attention to the destruction below and focused on the substantial XP reward. In the midst of the dust and chaos, I tightened my grip on Kingpin and noticed the blood gushing from his wounds.

However, my attention was abruptly diverted when I felt a presence behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I saw her: Spiderwoman.

"Spider..." I muttered irritably. but considering the magnitude of the destruction, it was quite possible that she would appear.

I let out a sigh and tossed Kingpin aside, knowing that Spiderwoman represented a potential obstacle. Running towards her, I threw a punch, only to be taken aback when she dodged it with effort but was able to dodge it. The force behind that punch had broken the sound barrier, an impressive feat, probably aided by her spider sense. In the blink of an eye, she responded with a swift kick to my face, the impact similar to being hit by a car. She stung him, but not significantly. Was she holding back?

"Spider..." I muttered under my breath, sizing up the situation as Spiderwoman met my gaze with a serious expression. 

"Hey, big guy... I think you should stop now," she advised.

Interesting. She seemed genuinely concerned. I nodded slightly, acknowledging her warning.

Opting for a different approach, I seized a metal beam from the ground and hurled it towards her. With a swift movement, she dodged the projectile and retaliated by ensnaring the beam with her webs, redirecting it back towards me. Reacting quickly, I struck the beam, diverting its trajectory and causing it to embed itself into a nearby wall.

"This is serious, big guy...or else," she warned, her voice carrying a tone of gravity. 

With a resigned sigh, I charged towards her, delivering blows faster than the speed of sound. Despite my ferocity, she effortlessly evaded each strike with remarkable agility. Damn, she was quick—her ability to dodge was impressive.

Some Spidermen could "dodge" ray, likely thanks to their spider sense. Damn, that thing was seriously overpowered.

Suddenly, she scaled a wall and flung spiderwebs at me, but I swiftly caught them with my hand and tossed them aside. Her scream of surprise was cut short as I delivered a powerful blow. Yet, despite the force behind my strike, she dodged gracefully, resembling a skilled dancer, and retaliated with a punch to my face. The impact felt like being struck by something solid—it hurt. While she might lack immense destructive power, her blows packed a painful punch, which was quite impressive.

She walked away and I rasped, "Spider..."

With a smile, she replied, "Hey, my name is... well, I still need a good one. But someday I'll have it."

I sighed, resolving to deal with this mess. Quickly, I ran towards Kingpin, who was lying face down on the ground, and clenched my fist.

With a sickening crack, his head exploded, showering the area with black blood. The entire building shook violently, threatening to collapse. Spiderwoman approached and deftly dodged a blow aimed at me.

Exhaling deeply, I decided it was time to leave. I had dealt with this guy; Now I had no desire to stay in New York, which was too cliché for my taste.

Spinning around, I shot off at breakneck speed, breaking the sound barrier. Looking back, I saw Spiderwoman trying to keep up, but I left her in the dust. With a last sigh, I disappeared into the distance.


The power of the green card was immense, now it could easily destroy buildings. I was impressed, it seems that the original Nemesis was immensely upgraded to another level.

[You have leveled up!

Upgrades: Improved strength, Improved speed, Improved senses!

Nemesis the Ultimate Tyrant: 2 / 20!]

I looked at the system window while I was on a train, I decided to go to another place further away from New York, I didn't like this cliched place, I want to try to go to wooded places, plus I could have interesting fights there.

Suddenly, an unexpected system window appeared.

[Congratulations on getting your first green card!

As a reward for this achievement, you will receive an unknown blue card!

Do you want to claim it now?


I sighed, opting to press "YES" another time.


I found myself nestled within a forest, taking refuge in a rustic cabin. It had been my home for the past two days—a temporary sanctuary of sorts. I stumbled upon this abandoned structure and took it upon myself to make some modifications. Now, it resembled a decent dwelling.

Currently, I sat at a makeshift table, munching on some chocolate.

"Give me, give me, give me some time to think

I'm in the bathroom, looking at myself

Face in the mirror is all I need," I sang a little tune as I glanced at the 40-year-old man chained to the table. This guy had tried to murder me. He had the look of a murderer. What a bad luck for him to cross paths with someone. that killed thousands of people in New York.

"Well, well... you almost had me there... You really shouldn't have come into my home," I mumbled with a smile.

"Please let me go!" the man pleaded, his voice tinged with exhaustion as blood dripped from his arms and legs. It seemed like this individual had made headlines; It was rumored that he had claimed two lives in a store.

"Ha...hey! How about we play a super fun game?" I proposed with a smile, anticipation bubbling within me. The card had not yet been accepted and who knew what fun things awaited him. It had been a while since he had played a good game.

I rose from my chair, ready to indulge in some amusement. Grabbing a small knife, I approached the man bound to the table. Slowly, I began to trim his nails, eliciting grunts of pain from him. It seemed rather agonizing for him, but I couldn't help but smile. "Don't worry! This won't take long. Besides, we'll have loads of fun later—ever played 'Hunt the Rabbit'?"

The man started to sweat, clearly frightened. Can't blame him; I must seem like a psychopath,. I sighed and decided to make a small incision on his leg, watching as the blood trickled out and the man bit his lip in agony.

"Hey, it's not that bad! Just a little cut. Don't be such a crybaby," I chided with a grin.

As I observed the man biting down on the stick I'd given him, I couldn't help but notice the blood seeping from his legs and the lack of skin on most of his arm.

"Damn...I thought this would at least earn me some XP...oh well, tough luck," I remarked with a wry smile.

As I continued with my little experiment, I heard a noise in the distance. Looking out the window, I saw two figures. Drunk, perhaps?

With a sigh, I decided to end things. Grabbing the small knife, I approached the chained man. Before he could utter a word, I quickly slit his throat. The blood flowed incessantly, but there was a place to contain it. I didn't want my temporary abode to reek of blood. After a while, I disposed of the body by putting it in a large black bag that I had bought in a nearby town.

The city was a two-hour drive away, but I had arrived there just a few minutes earlier yesterday. I hid the bag in a secluded corner of the cabin.

I let out a sigh and opted to indulge in a bit more chocolate. Glancing out the window, I noticed the two drunken individuals drawing nearer to my cabin. Another sigh escaped me as I headed over to pour myself a glass of juice, taking a sip. It seemed like the perfect time to experiment with something fresh and entertaining.

I let out a sigh and decided to accept the offer without delay. I looked at the system window and tapped "YES," eager to discover the cool character I had acquired.

[You have obtained a character of the "Supernatural Assassin" category!]

Another window materialized before me.

[People have unsatisfied desires, sins, they even deserve punishment... but there is always an executioner for them... The fog will take them there and kill them...]

Suddenly, a blue card appeared showing a figure.

It depicted a pale, muscular man wrapped in a blood-stained cloak made of human skin. However, the most striking feature of him was a large triangular iron helmet that completely obscured his head.

[You have obtained "Pyramid Head"!]


here the author!!

I decided to put pyramid head as the new card, I think he's a great character to use, I hope you enjoy the new chapters!

By the way, this chapter is shorter than an average one because I had to go somewhere else and I just got home, but enjoy the terror that is to come!